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41. What Is Pankration What is pankration? pankration will be in the 2004 Greek Olympics (Using ShootfightingRules). pankration (pankray'shun) Greek Game of all powers . http://www.tracyskarate.com/FAQ'S/Pankration.htm | |
42. EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF PANKRATION Translate this page Désolé, votre navigateur ne prend pas les cadres en charge. Cliquezsur les liens suivants pour télécharger les versions actuelles http://www.pankration.freesurf.fr/ | |
43. EUROPEAN FEDERATION OF PANKRATION Translate this page http://www.pankration.freesurf.fr/home.htm | |
44. Pankration: Mixed Martial Arts, NHB, Pancrase pankration. pankration is the oldest sport and martial art in the world. Channel1.com pankration. pankration. Amateur. Links. The Olympic Volunteers Resource! http://www.cooldudesandhotbabes.com/pankration.html | |
45. Pankration Hellenic Federation of pankration Athlima, UpperLevel. © Undersecretariat of State for Sports, http://www.sport.gov.gr/7/70t/e70t1.html |
46. STREET PANKRATION AMERICAN STREET pankration. oklahoma44@clds.net United States. Welcometo the Homepage of American Street pankration. This http://members.tripod.com/~Kontaxes/ | |
47. Pankration pankration CHI 1 WILLPOWER 6 PUNCH Haymaker(1) Ear Pop(2) Ducking Fierce(1) FistSweep(2) Overhead Blow(1) Spinning Back Fist(1) KICK Stomach Kick(Shikan http://members.tripod.com/goutetsu/styles/pankrati.htm | |
48. Fight Finder - UP 1 - Ultimate Pankration 1 Mixed Martial Arts Event Statistics Click Here UP 1 Ultimate pankration 1 November 11, 2001 California PicturesAvailable Match, Winner, Loser, Method, Time, Round, Picture, Video. http://www.sherdog.com/fightfinder/eventinfo.cfm?eventid=625 |
49. Fight Finder - XP 2 - Xtreme Pankration 2 Mixed Martial Arts Event Statistics Click Here XP 2 Xtreme pankration 2 April 12, 2002 Los Angeles, CaliforniaPictures Available Match, Winner, Loser, Method, Time, Round, Picture, Video. http://www.sherdog.com/fightfinder/eventinfo.cfm?eventid=823 |
50. Pancration Olympic Games pankration. (a combination of wrestling and boxing). Origin The pankrationwas added in 648 BC in the 33rd Olympiad. Greeks believed http://www.hellenism.com/olympics/ancientgames/pankration.htm | |
51. WORLD PANKRATION ORGANIZATION http://www.worldpankration.org/ | |
52. Jugoslovenski Savez Pankration Atlima All contents Copyright © 2001 Jugoslovenski Savezpankration Atlima. All rights reserved. http://www.pankration.co.yu/ |
53. Jugoslovenski Savez Pankration Atlima Over 2000 years ago, the ancient Greeks had developed a brutal, allout combatform which they named pankration (pronounced pan/cray/shun or pan-crat-ee-on http://www.pankration.co.yu/history.htm | |
54. Pankration Martial Arts Styles. pankration PreChristian form of Greek fighting. In648 BC pankration was introduced to the Greek Olympic Games. http://www.mawn.net/his_pan.htm |
55. Pankration Translate this page pankration. Discurso do Sr. Vasilis Antzoulis. Vice-Presidente de Lamiae das Nações Unidas. O pankration é como Athlima. Com uma http://fppa.no.sapo.pt/pankration.htm | |
56. Pankration Related Literature Includes Spartan pankration,boxing,wrestling,culture,philosphy,mythologyand more. Ancient Greek pankration Related Literature. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Gym/2115/pankration.html | |
57. Pankration Pictures pankration and Wrestling Pictures. With UFC veterans DennisHallman and Lance Gibson. Fireball Challenge 1999, TOP. http://www3.telus.net/kevinotoole/pankrat.html | |
58. Brief History Of Pankration Home. A Brief History of pankration. pankration Pics. pankration bouts wereextremely brutal and sometimes lifethreatening to the competitors. http://www3.telus.net/kevinotoole/history.html | |
59. Ju-Jitsu / Kung-Fu / Pankration / Submission Wrestling pankration. pankration was established as an Olympic event at the 30thOlympiad (648) BC and the first victor was Lygdamis from Syacuse. http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/gocobra/ | |
60. Pancrace Translate this page Muay thai. Naguinata. Nihon tai jitsu. Ninjutsu. Okinawa-te. Pa kua chang. Pancrace(pankration). Pankido. Pentjak silat. Qwankido. Sambo. Sanda. Sapalki-do. Savate. http://www.budonet.hpg.ig.com.br/pancart.htm | |
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