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81. Kyudo kyudokurse im Haus St. Benedikt, W¼rzburg, einer Einrichtung der Abtei M¼nsterschwarzach. http://www.hsb-wuerzburg.de/kyudo.htm | |
82. Dit Is G O O G L E 's Cache Van Http//www.student.utwente.nl/~ kyudo (Japanese Archery) FAQ. Lastmodified December 12, 1997 Written by PatrickDarden (pdarden@fas.harvard.edu). I. Frequently Asked Questions about kyudo. http://www.student.utwente.nl/~sagi/artikel/faq/kyudo.shtml | |
83. Kyudo In Hannover Translate this page http://www.kyudo-hannover.de/ | |
84. Kyudo - Die Kunst Des Japanischen Bogenschießens Informationen zu Geschichte, Ger¤t und Schietechnik, Erl¤uterung der Schulen und Stile, eine kritische Betrachtung der g¤ngigen Vorstellungen zum sogenannten ZenBogenschieen , Links, Literaturliste, Kontaktformular mit Dojoadressen. http://www.kyudo-hessen.de/ | |
85. Kyudo: Kyudojo Nordrhein Köln E.V. http://www.kyudojo.de/ | |
86. Kyudo dos carateres que o formam é claro, a via ou caminho do arco . kyudo. http://www.budonet.hpg.ig.com.br/kyuart.htm | |
87. Kyudo Basisinfos, Trainingszeiten, Vereinsgeschichte, Anleitung zum Selbstbau von Pfeilen. http://www.kyudo-hasbergen.de/index.htm | |
88. Saturn.de.takuma-ct.ac.jp/~takagi/kyudo/kyudo.html SHODOKAN Dojo. Peter McDade. TOP. kyudo Links. kyudo Around The World. TOP. http://saturn.de.takuma-ct.ac.jp/~takagi/kyudo/kyudo.html |
89. ALL NIPPON KYUDO FEDERATION A short english page with contact adresses http://www.kyudo.jp/english/index.html | |
90. Kyudo Translate this page kyudo. Was ist kyudo. kyudo heisst ?Der Weg des Bogens und istdas traditionelle Bogenschiessen Japans. kyudo in der Schweiz. http://www.cybergreg.ch/deutsch/kyudo.htm | |
91. Akr.html The national governing body for all kyudo in the USA affiliated to the All Nippon kyudo Federation (ANKF). Contract addresses and home pages of the USA state organizations and dojos. http://www.kyudo.com/akr.html | |
92. D-1 Vad är kyudo? kyudo är konsten att skjuta med den japanska asymmetriska pilbågen. Hurtränar man kyudo? I kyudo strävar man efter att nå perfektion. http://www.budo.se/kendo/kyudo/ | |
93. Kyudo: Japanese Archery kyudo FAQs with contributions from several authors. http://www.negia.net/~pdarden/kyudo/index.html | |
94. What Is Kyudo? ABOUT kyudo, No acceptance. The essence of modern kyudo is said tobe synonymous with the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. http://www.asahi-archery.co.jp/wakyu/about.html | |
95. Suomen Kyudoliitto Ry - Finnish Kyudo Federation The Finnish kyudo Federation's web site (EKFaffiliated). Providing background information on the Heki-Ryu-Insai-Ha, contact addresses and links. Finnish/limited English http://www.kolumbus.fi/fikyfe/index.html | |
96. Kyudo In Muenchen Basisinfo, Trainingszeiten, Kosten, Kontaktinformationen.Category World Deutsch Japan und Okinawa kyudo...... http://isar-dojo.de/ | |
97. ¬}´¬|npç@ The oldest extant kyudo ryu, which also includes horsemanship / yabusame and sophisticated etiquette at court. The english part of this web site contains a very short overview of the school`s history, current events and a picture of yabusame http://www.ogasawara-ryu.gr.jp/ | |
98. KYUDO AT BROOKES kyudo CLASS AT OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITY. It is open to the public as wellas staff and students of the university. kyudo is not simply archery. http://www.brookes.ac.uk/schools/social/Kyudo/brookes/home.html | |
99. Kyudo What is kyudo? kyudo the way of the bow - is one of the oldest ofJapan's martial arts. It combines the Mind (attitude), the Body http://www.yutaka-machi.com/kyudo.htm | |
100. Judo Club Wiesbaden 1922 E.V. - Kyudo Translate this page Immer up-to-date mit dem JCW-Newsletter. http://www.jcw.de/index.php4?rub_id=7 |
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