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Kyudo: more books (30) | |||
41. Kyudo - The Way Of The Bow kyudo The Way Of The Bow. kyudo is japanese bowmanship. It is Bagge.The History of Heki Ryu . History of kyudo in Finland. Back http://www.kolumbus.fi/fikyfe/kyudo/ | |
42. Black Moon Zendo Open sittings Sunday. Rinzai/Soto practice led by Adam Genkaku Fisher, student of kyudo Nakagawa Roshi, abbot of Ryutakuji Monastery in Japan. http://www.rubberneck.net/blackmoonzendo/index.html | |
43. SV Blau-Weià Grevesmühlen, Abteilung Kyudo Bilder des zur Zeit in Waldeck entstehenden Dojos, emailKontaktadresse. http://kyudo.blau-weiss-gvm.de/ |
44. Chozen-Ji Betsuin/International Zen Dojo Of Wisconsin Provides a place of Rinzai Zen training through rigorous mind/body discipline. The Chozenji lineage of Zen emphasizes the integration of traditional Zen training with training in the martial and fine arts. Training in Chozen-ji kyudo is available. http://members.aol.com/wibetsuin/ | |
45. Omuta Kyudo Renmei The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.mutugoro.or.jp/~mutu0077/yumi/ |
46. Black Moon Zendo Open sittings on Sundays in Northampton, MA. Rinzai/Soto practice led by Adam Genkaku Fisher, student of kyudo Nakagawa Roshi, abbot of Ryutakuji Monastery in Japan. http://www.rubberneck.net/blackmoonzendo/ | |
47. Shung Do Kwan Club d'arts martiaux traditionnels Gen¨ve, avec 9 disciplines a¯kido, ¯aido, karat©, kendo, kyudo, jodo, judo, jujitsu, yoseikan budo. http://www.sdkbudo.ch | |
48. La Voie De L'arc Pr©sentation d'une ©cole de kyudo, Heki Ryu Insai Ha en France. http://www.multimania.com/kyudo |
49. FSKA / Föreningen Stockholms Kendo Allians / Träna Kendo Naginata Och Iaido I F¶reningsinformation med tr¤ningstider samt information om kendo, iaido, naginata och kyudo. http://stockholmkendo.com/ | |
50. Kyudo kyudo the Way of the Bow kyudo, as taught by Kanjuro Shibata XX, is not a competitivesport and marksmanship is regarded as relatively unimportant. http://www.zenko.org/kyudo.html | |
51. KYUDO Translate this page kyudo Klub Momiji Kai Wien. Der Schule Heki Ryu Insai Ha. Wir praktizierendas Bogenschiessen mit dem asymmetrischen Langbogen. http://www.kyudo.at/ |
52. Accueil Une pratiquante de cet art pr©sente, en texte et en images, la philosophie du tir l'arc, son stage au Japon, des livres sur le sujet et son doj´ qui fait face au Mont Blanc. http://asukado.free.fr/ | |
53. Shogun - Total War Clan members, respect and honor, and updates.Category Games Video Games Shogun Total War Clans...... We are the Clansman of kyudo The Archers To fight and conquer is not supreme excellence;supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance with http://underworld.fortunecity.com/cardgame/908/ | |
54. NING MUI - Lex Reinhart Wing Chun Chuan, Zhang Bei Shu, Qi Gong und Mental Training, Ta Cheng Chuan und Chan, kyudo, Kendo u.v.m. von SiFu Lex Reinhart in Z¼rich, Schweiz. http://www.ningmui.com |
55. Hamburger Judo-Verband E.V. Der Landesfachverband f¼r die Budosportarten Judo, JiuJitsu, Aikido, Kendo und kyudo stellt sich vor. Mit Organisation, Leistungen und Preisen. http://www.hamburg-judo.de | |
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·åä¼ å ¨å½ã®å¼éå ·åºãå çããåä¼ã®ãµã¤ããå¼éå ·ã®è§£èª¬ããæ°ååã®ç´¹ä»ã http://www.sun-inet.or.jp/~kyudo/ | |
57. The Shiseikan Kyudo Dojo Training schedules, contact information and test requirements. San Jose, CA http://www.netwizards.net/~eclay/shiseikn.htm | |
58. ALL NIPPON KYUDO FEDERATION A short english page with contact adressesCategory Sports Martial Arts kyudo...... kyudo is one of the Japanese martial arts, and is similar to archery. All Nipponkyudo Federation is the organization which manages the kyudo in Japan. http://www.kyudo.jp/english/ | |
59. La Falaise Verte Centre zen rinzai, proposant l'enseignement du kyudo, sous la direction de Ma®tre Taikan Jyoji. SaintLaurent-du-Pape, Ard¨che (07). http://perso.club-internet.fr/ilg/centre.htm |
60. The Asahi America Kyudogu Catalog The North American supplier for Asahi Archery, Tokyo offers the complete range of kyudo equipment. Clean design, downloadable catalog in pdf format. http://www.kyudo.com/asahiam.html | |
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