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21. Kyudo - The Meishin Kyudojo Homepage Illustrated FAQs with information drawn from the authors book plus further reading, addresses, and links. http://www.kyudo.com/kyudo.html | |
22. Kyudo In Mainz Ein kurzer Abriss von Geschichte und Ger¤t, Kontaktinformationen und Trainingszeiten, Bilder vom Training und Angebot von gebrauchter Ausr¼stung. http://home.t-online.de/home/Lindemaier/Kyudo.htm | |
23. The Kyudo Project Incorporated, Japanese Archery A nifty Japanese archery dojo in the South San Francisco bay area. A nifty kyudo dojo (mostly) located in San Jose, California, USA http://www.netwiz.net/~eclay | |
24. Zenko International Kyudo kyudo organization of Kanjuro Shibata XX, with information on history and lineage, a list of events Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......Zenko International, founded by kyudo Master Kanjuro Shibata XX, is dedicated tothe practice of kyudo, the Way of the Bow, and has over 25 affiliated kyudo http://www.zenko.org/ | |
25. Kyudo Kyudo At Indiana Kyudo Renmei Affiliated to ANKF/AKR, short information on background, the wadokan kyudojo, organization, news, Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......kyudo is Japanese Archery. kyudo is one of Japan's oldest martial arts. Welcometo kyudo in Indiana. This is the website of the Indiana kyudo Renmei. http://www.indianakyudorenmei.8k.com/ | |
26. Kojiki Enterprises - Custom-made Kyudo Arrows Japantrained arrow-smith based in Sacramento, CA offers kyudo arrows meeting ANKF standards. Additional tips, background stories and links. http://www.kojikiarrow.com/ |
27. JCAC - Seishinkan Kyudo kyudo THE WAY OF THE BOW kyudo, the Way of the Bow, is one of Japan's oldest and most honored martial traditions. http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~cdea/JCAC/Kyudo.html | |
28. Shogun - Total War Clan members, respect and honor, and updates. http://underworld.fortunecity.com/cardgame/908/index.htm | |
29. Deutscher Kyudo Bund Translate this page Die Website des Deutschen kyudo Bunds ist nach www.kyudobund.deumgezogen. Bitte korrigieren Sie Ihre Bookmarks und Links! http://members.aol.com/gbruchhaus/kyudo/ | |
30. Sei Kyu Kai - Kyudoföreningen Vid Etnografiska Museet Ut¶var kyudo, japanskt ceremoniellt b¥gskytte i enlighet med All Nippon kyudo Federation (ANKF). http://stp.ling.uu.se/~perweij/seikyukai/ |
31. Texas Kyudo Renmei Homepage Background information and links.Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......Welcome to the Homepage of the, TEXAS kyudo RENMEI. Dallas, Texas. The Texas kyudoRenmei is dedicated to the study and practice of. kyudo, Traditional. Japanese. http://www.geocities.com/texaskyudo/ | |
32. European Kyudo Federation The coordinating body for kyudo in Europe was established in 1980 and now has 14 member countries .Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......European kyudo Federation The European kyudo Federation was establishedin 1980 and now has 14 member countries within its affiliation. http://www.uib.no/people/pprms/ekf.htm | |
33. KS-LÜNEBURG Anders als der historische Name vermuten l¤sst, werden heute Judo, Boxen, JuJutsu Teakwondo, TaiJi kyudo und Tanzen angeboten. Neben der Historie der Sportarten werden die Trainer vorgestellt und die Trainingspl¤ne ver¶ffentlicht. Auch findet man Chronik und Satzung des Vereins. http://www.ks-lueneburg.de/ |
34. JCAC - Seishinkan Kyudo Contact information, translated texts of the Ogasawara Ryu and a longer text on the principles of Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo...... kyudo THE WAY OF THE BOW. kyudo, the Way of the Bow, is one of Japan'soldest and most honored martial traditions. kyudo LINKS (in English). http://ist-socrates.berkeley.edu/~cdea/JCAC/Kyudo.html | |
35. Kyudo - Meditation Archery A dojo in Washington DCCategory Sports Martial Arts kyudo......kyudo is traditional Japanese archery the 'Zen Art of Archery.' Miyakokyudojo in Washington, DC area. kyudo Meditation Archery. Miyako kyudojo. http://users.erols.com/kenrawie/kyudo.html | |
36. Alster Dojo E.v. - Homepage Trainingszeiten f¼r kyudo, Kendo und Iaido sowie die Kontaktadresse. http://www.alster-dojo.de |
37. Norwegian Kyudo Federation The kyudo association of Norway (EKFaffiliated). Contact information, dojos, events.Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......Front kyudo in Norway. kyudo, the art of shooting the Japanese bow, has beenpracticed in Norway since 1996. More about kyudo. Affiliated Clubs. Pictures. http://www.uib.no/people/pprms/nkf.htm | |
38. Kobukai Oslo, Forening For Klassiske Japanske Stridskunster Forening for klassiske japanske stridskunster, tilbyr kenjutsu, kyudo og aikido. Treningstider og adresse, e-post, lenker til avdelingene. http://home.no.net/kobukai/ | |
39. Kyudo Dojo Kiel Link Page Die kyudoabteilung des Vereins informiert über kyudogeschichte, Mitglieder, Trainingszeiten, Kontaktadre Category World Deutsch Japan und Okinawa kyudo...... kyudo Dojo Kiel kyudo Dojo Kiel. optimiert für 1024x768.Verantwortlich für die Homepage Stefan Baumann. http://mitglied.lycos.de/SBaumann/ | |
40. Homepage "home.arcor-online.de/kyudodetmold" Nicht Erreichbar Kontaktinformationen, Bildersequenzen, Links. http://home.arcor-online.de/kyudodetmold/ |
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