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1. Home Page LONDON kyudo SOCIETY The London kyudo Society is a private voluntary body established to promote the practice of kyudo the traditional art of the Japanese bow. http://www.kyudo.org.uk/ | |
2. Kyudo In Bavaria/Germany Deutscher kyudo Bund, japanisches Bogenschießen in Deutschland, Adressen, Termine, Trainingsmöglichkeiten http://home.t-online.de/home/dr.haubner/kyudoe.htm | |
3. Kyudo.Com - The Kyudo Host Site Welcome to. The kyudo.Com Host Site. kyudo.Com is dedicated to theadvancement of kyudo, the traditional art of Japanese archery. http://www.kyudo.com/ | |
4. Kyudo - Japanese Archery Learn about this ancient, traditional, Japanese sport, find a list of related upcoming events and follow related links. Looking for the oldest and most outdated kyudo page on the Web? http://www.negia.net/~pdarden | |
5. Kyudo: Japanese Archery kyudo FAQs with contributions from several authors.Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo...... Number of Accesses since Dec 18, 1995. Number of Accesses Today. The FAQs. Whatis kyudo? (psd) Back. kyudo and related subjects On the Internet. Email Contacts http://www.negia.net/~pdarden/kyudo/ | |
6. Deutscher Kyudo Bund Der nationale deutsche Fachverband (der EKF und ANKF angeschlossen). Die strukturierte Website bietet eine Einf¼hrung in kyudo und die Stilrichtungen (HekiRyu und Shomen-Stil), bundesweite Kontaktadressen und Veranstaltungen, B¼cher, Links und Neuigkeiten. http://www.kyudo.de | |
7. Omuta Kyudo Renmei Views of a dojo in Omuta in the Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Includes links. English/Japanese http://www.mutugoro.or.jp/~mutu0077/yumi/En_index.html |
8. Listing Of Directory: /kyudo Luberon/ Association, proposant la pratique de cet art martial dans la r©gion du Luberon et des Alpilles. Cucuron, Vaucluse (84), Eygui¨res, Bouchesdu-Rh´ne (13). http://members.aol.com/kyudo luberon/ | |
9. Suomen Kyudoliitto Ry - Finnish Kyudo Federation Home page of Finnish kyudo Federation http://www.kolumbus.fi/fikyfe | |
10. The Kyudo Project Incorporated, Japanese Archery Featuring active kyudoka outside Japan, dedicated to timely and accurate information . Worldwide contact addresses and links, lots of competent background information, articles, and translations of Japanese texts. http://www.netwizards.net/~eclay/ | |
11. Barberaz Pr©sentation de ce club et ses activit©s. Barberaz, Savoie (73). http://www.ifrance.com/kyudo/ | |
12. Kyudo Japanese Archery Contact addresses, links, dojos and pictures.Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......kyudo Renmei Nederland. The Nederlandse kyudo Renmei (Dutch kyudo Renmei) is the kyudo association of the Netherlands. Books on kyudo (English). http://wwwimp.leidenuniv.nl/~vvliet/kyudo.html | |
13. United Kingdom Kyudo Association The kyudo association of Great Britain (EKFaffiliated), very short information and an email addressCategory Sports Martial Arts kyudo......UNITED KINGDOM kyudo ASSOCIATION (UKKA). The United Kingdom kyudo Associationis recognised by the All Nippon kyudo Federation (ANKF http://www.kyudo.org.uk/ukka.html | |
14. Kyudo Kyokai Oslo Studiegruppe for tradisjonell japansk bueskyting, kontaktadresser, bakgrunnsinformasjon om historie og trening, litteraturliste og lenker. http://home.no.net/kyudo/ | |
15. Kyudo - Japanisches Bogenschießen - In Bayern http://home.t-online.de/home/dr.haubner/kyudo.htm | |
16. KyudoWeb@-|¹EFu- The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.kyudo-web.com/ | |
17. Nanka Kyudo Kai Federation of Southern California, AKRaffiliated. Practice times and email contact.Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......Nanka kyudo Kai. Click here for current class scheduleand special events. Contact Rick Beal http://www.kyudosocal.com/ | |
18. My Experience Of Kyudo In Japan Bob Ridge's quite personal account of his training.Category Sports Martial Arts kyudo......My experience of kyudo in Japan. Part one what got me going. Parttwo - practicing kyudo. Part Part two - practicing kyudo. Actually http://mac122.icu.ac.jp/kyudo/kyudo.html | |
19. Welcome At The KYUDO -homepage Presentation of the book kyudo Shooting the Japanese Bow - Japanese and English technical terms by Prof. Inagaki Genshiro Yoshimichi and Prof. Mori Toshio, translated by Hans Gundermann. Sample pages (some still missing) http://www.bekkoame.ne.jp/ha/hc16953/welcome.html | |
20. The Meishin Kyudojo Homepage - What Is Kyudo? What Is kyudo? kyudo, which literally means The Way of the Bow, isconsidered by many to be the purest of all the martial ways. http://www.kyudo.com/kyudo-k.html | |
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