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161. Centerline Academy Jacksonville, Florida area school teaching Wing Chun Gung fu, Tai Chi Chuan, and Chi kung. Judeo Christian values. http://www.letsgungfu.com/ |
162. Wing Chun Close Range Combat Se adreseazÄ iubitoriilor artei Wing Chun din Rom¢nia c¢t Åi tuturor celor ce sunt interesaÅ£i de promovarea kungfu-ului autentic. http://www.geocities.com/wc_close_range_combat/ |
163. Federación Española De Kung-Fu Wu-Shu Tai-Chi Qi-Gong FEKWTQ. Ideario, organizaci³n, clubes y eventos de la federaci³n; as como informaci³n y material gr¡fico de distintas artes marciales en su galera. http://www.fekwtq.com |
164. ASC 46 Göttingen, Fachbereich Asiatische Kampfkünste Im weitgef¤cherten Programm des ASC sind im FB 31/39 kungfu, Karate, Judo und Modern Arnis zusammengefasst. Trainingszeiten und -orte sind angegeben. Einige Sparten haben eine eigene Homepage, auf die verlinkt wird. Ein Link zur Hauptseite des Vereins ganz unten auf der Seite erschliesst weitere Informationen. http://www.asc46.de/fb31.html |
165. Phoenix Dragon Kung-Fu Academy Personal page with thoughts, events, and some links. http://www.geocities.com/phoenixdragonkfa/phoenixdragonkfahome.html |
166. Tlhkungfu.com Powered By Trafficz Arts Karate Asian Dragon Martial Wong Pao fu kung Drag. Still can't find what you're looking for? http://www.tlhkungfu.com/ |
167. Budohaie STV Voslapp Die Kampfsportabteilung des STV Voslapp e.V. in Wilhelmshaven bietet JiuJitsu, Judo, Tai Chi Chuan, Shaolin kung-fu und Kick Bo an. Man findet Infos zum Verein, der Abteilung, aktuelle Nachrichten und einen Terminplan. http://www.budohaie.de/ |
168. Mieir-King Services MieirKing Services, Products for the Martial Arts, Holistic Practitioners,Massage, Newsletter, kung-fu and Tai Chi Classes, and more! http://home.sprynet.com/~rmieir/ |
169. Pachi Tanglang Chuan Nederland De vereniging houdt zich bezig met het verspreiden en onderwijzen van de traditionele aspecten van de chinese cultuur waaronder filosofie en kungfu. http://www.pachitanglang-nederland.tmfweb.nl/ |
170. HealthWorld Online Qigong And Taiji In depth resource on qigong and taiji (chi kung and tai chi). Articles on guidelines for practice, choosing your path, practices, online forums. http://www.healthy.net/clinic/therapy/qigongandtaiji/ |
171. Skeptic's Dictionary Ch'i Kung (qi Gong) Article by Robert Todd Carroll. http://skepdic.com/chikung.html |
172. Kung Pow! Enter The Fist Official movie site. Includes trailer and a mock video game. Also allows users to dub their own short film. requires Flash. http://www.kungpowmovie.com/ |
173. Wingchun.com World Portal For Wing Chun Kuen This is a nexus for the Southern Chinese martial art known as Wing Chun Kuen Gung fu. Includes location Category Sports Martial Arts North America United States......This is a nexus for the Southern Chinese Martial Art of Wing Chun. Inmemory of Yip Man Leung Sheung. Wing Chun Camp 2002 coming soon. http://www.wingchun.com/ |
174. All-Reviews.com Kung Pow! Enter The Fist Reviews of the film by Dustin Putman and Steve Rhodes. http://www.all-reviews.com/videos-4/kung-pow-enter-fist.htm |
175. Chi Kung El Chi kung ha curado gran cantidad de enfermedades fsicas y psicosom¡ticas. En china es usaso en combinaci³n con la medicina. http://www.centrokaimen.com.ar/chikung.htm |
176. Sinar Agung Chi Kung Institute Jakarta, Indonesia. Founded by Yopit Liswardi. http://www.chikungworld.com/ |
177. IMDb Kung Pow Enter The Fist Production details, cast and crew, plot summary, reviews, multimedia, and related links. http://us.imdb.com/Title?0240468 |
178. Institut International De QI GONG Qi GongINSTITUTO INTERNACIONAL DE QI GONG-primera escuela occidental de formaci³n al Qi Gong-International Chi kung Institute http://www.iiqg.com/ |
179. Shaolin Wahnam Chi Kung And Kungfu Taught by Wong Kiew Kit. Shaolin kungfu, chi kung, taijiquan (tai chi chuan) and zen. Sungai Petani, Malaysia. http://www.shaolin-wahnam.org/ |
180. Metacritic.com Kung Pow - Enter The Fist Quotes from and links to reviews of the film, and an overall rating. http://www.metacritic.com/video/titles/kungpow |
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