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81. Nikko Shi Koryu Sokushin Center facilities(Training room etc.). ?INQUIRES? NIKKO SHI koryu SOKUSHINCENTER 3211421 2845-TOKORONO NIKKO City TOCHIGI Pref. TEL0288(54 http://www.city.nikko.tochigi.jp/nyh/e/ | |
82. Koryu Koen The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.kodo.or.jp/perfj/soloperfj/koryuj.html | |
83. PUBLIC EVENT : Japanese Traditional Performing Arts: Koryu Nishikawa Puppet Trou Last Updated Tuesday, Feb 4 2003 (45025 pm HST). Public Performance JapaneseTraditional Performing Arts koryu Nishikawa Puppet Troupe and Shinnai Music. http://www.outreach.hawaii.edu/programs/2002/EVENT-EV005446.htm | |
84. IKEBANA INTERNATIONAL: Koryu Shoohkai School koryu Shoohkai, Traditionally, this school emphasizes theseika styleof ikebana. Mr. Rihoh Semba is the ninth iemoto of koryu Shoohkai. http://www.ikebanahq.org/english/ikebana/school/koryu/ | |
85. Koryu Und Gendai Translate this page koryu und Gendai. Japanische Kriegskünste werden gemeinhin unterdem Oberbegriff BUDO zusammengefasst. Übersetzt koryu. Bajutsu http://home.t-online.de/home/meier-buehl/koryu.htm | |
86. KORYUÌ® The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www6.plala.or.jp/koryu/ |
87. Ikiiki Koryu Center 300 Over Forward Go back Ikiiki koryu Center. 513 MiyajimaOkabecho, Shida-gun Shizuoka 421-1102 TEL+81-54-668-0860 FAX+81 http://www.chabashira.co.jp/meetinshz/scbEng/3e/3002e.html | |
88. DCTKD Koryu Bujutsu: Classical Warrior Traditions Of Japan koryu Bujutsu Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan. (Editor/Translator Diane Skoss)Berkeley Heights, NJ koryu Books, 192 pages (1997) ISBN 1890536-04-0. http://www.dctkd.org/bibliography/readInfo.cfm?pubID=214 |
89. Introduction Au Koryu Translate this page Association ayant pour objet, la promotion des arts martiaux japonaisclassiques (Kobudo - koryu) en Belgique. koryu signifie http://users.swing.be/nihon.ryu.shinkokai/Koryu.intro.1.html | |
90. Nikko Koryu-Sokushin Center Nikko International Youth Guest House home page ADDRESS 2854 Tokorono, Nikkoshi,Tochigi321-14 Japan. Tel 0288 54 1013 E-MAIL nikkoshi@viola.ocn.ne.jp. http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/org/key-yh/nik.html | |
91. KORYU-JI TEMPLE No.1 The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/org/orion/jap/hstj/ukyo/koryuji.html | |
92. Welcome To KKKS's Page http://koryu.soken.ac.jp/ |
93. Museum 'de Arduin: Koryu 'Do Home Treasures, koryu 'DO (Way of the Dragon) by Dave Hargrave Thisis a matching set of Japanese blades. The long sword is called http://www.arduin.com/Treasures/Koryudo.html | |
94. Tozando Video Shop - The World Of Hiden Koryu Bujutsu Video Set Tozando Dot Com, Subscribe Tozando News! Join Tozan Club! The Worldof Hiden koryu Bujutsu Video Set. This video set introduces unknown http://www.tozando.com/eng/video/ryu.htm | |
95. Tozando Video Shop - The 39th Kyoto Koryu Bujutsu Competition Join Tozan Club! The 39th Kyoto koryu Bujutsu Competition Video Set. Featuresthe 39th Kyoto koryu Bujutsu competition at the Kyoto Butokuden. http://www.tozando.com/eng/video/kyo.htm | |
96. Koryu.html The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://ss.cc.affrc.go.jp/tbh/koryu/koryu.html | |
97. Mr. Satoh's Nagoya Koryu Kites Collectively the style of kite are known as traditional Nagoya koryu kites.These insect kites all have hummers attached to sound like the insect. http://www.bhc.com/tokaido/satoh.html | |
98. Koryu Uchinadi Seminar Mit Renshi Dirk Thesenvitz Translate this page koryu Uchinadi Seminar mit Renshi Dirk Thesenvitz in Darmstadt am 8./9.Juni2002. Was ist koryu Uchinadi? Karate basiert auf chinesischen http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~eweidenauer/tmp/dirkjuni2002.html | |
99. Eikoku Roshukai - Koryu Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido Traditional Iaido organisation in UK focused on the practice of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu. Organises Category Sports Martial Arts Iaido Organizations...... http://www.eikoku-roshukai.com/ | |
100. Beityukyoiku Koryu No Kiseki -- Kokusai Bunkakyoryoku No Rekisitekikyokun (A His Beityukyoiku koryu no Kiseki Kokusai Bunkakyoryoku no Rekisitekikyokun (A HistoricalPattern of US China International Exchange Historical Lessons of http://www.usc.edu/dept/education/globaled/ro/abstracts/abstract4.html | |
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