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41. Bujinkan Koryu Aikidojo Bujinkan koryu Aikidojo. Welcome to Bujinkan koryu Aikidojo sfk@neworld.net.3 locations serving Sacramento and Sierra Foothills since http://members.fortunecity.com/jkilly/bujinkankoryuaikidojo/ | |
42. Koryu-no-kata koryuDai-Ichi. Suwari-waza (Kneeling Techniques Section A) Oshi-taoshi;Tentai-oshi-taoshi; Tebubi-osae; koryu-Dai-Go . koryu-Dai-Roku koryu-Dai-Ni. http://www.aikido-baa.org.uk/koryu.html | |
43. Koryu Books And Resources koryu Books and Resources Winter 2002, V.10.6. If it ain't in this book,it is very, very probable that it ain'ta real koryu. Simple as that. http://www.furyu.com/budores/koryubks.html | |
44. Koryu-karate koryuKARATE ja KOBUDO koryulla viitataan vanhaan tapaan harjoitellakaratea.1800 -luvun aikana karate tunnettiin nimellä Tode http://www.saunalahti.fi/jalamoil/koryu-karate.html | |
45. Kokusai Koryu Kikin News Kokusai koryu Kikin News. (in Japanese, published monthly). This bulletinintroduces the Foundation's major activities of the month. http://www.jpf.go.jp/e/media/publish/knews.html | |
46. Koryu.html http://www.hachinohe.ed.jp/hens/koryu.html |
47. Just Karate, Cambridge - Encyclopaedia - Koryu Budo Home About Us Diary Photo Gallery Equipment Book review Encyclopaedia Games,koryu Budo, Examples of koryu budo would be jujutsu or kenjutsu. http://www.ashley.arachsys.com/pedia-koryu.html | |
48. Japanese Navy Ship Types--Type D (Koryu Type) Midget Submarines This page features photographs and drawings of individual Japanese Type D(koryu type) midget submarines, and provides links additional views. http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-fornv/japan/japtp-ss/mdg-d.htm | |
49. Japanese Navy Ship Types--Type D (Koryu Type) Midget Submarines This page features group photographs of Japanese Type D (koryu type) midgetsubmarines. Type D ( koryu ) Midget Submarines Group Photographs. http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-fornv/japan/japtp-ss/mdg-d-2.htm | |
50. Compe KORYU ¦ koryu. ?. . KAN93, KARI, KAWACHI1,KAWACHI2, koryu, OYAM, TOHK, YAKU, YAMA, . Last Update 00.06.17. http://www.maelabo.com/compe/compekoryu.html | |
51. Australian Koryu Bujutsu Federation AUSTRALIAN koryu BUJUTSU FEDERATION. (Nihon koryu Bujutsu Renmei Australia). Welcometo the AKBF (Australian koryu Bujutsu Federation) website. http://au.geocities.com/koryunet/ | |
52. Sumo Game: Koryu Retired koryu 114-0 Basho, Rank, Result, Points, Average, Prizes. Nagoya 2001,W Juryo 9, 11 - 4, 95, 6.33, J. Y=Yusho J=Jun-Yusho G=Ginosho K=Kantosho S=Shukunsho. http://www.japan-guide.com/sumo/rikishi.html?147 |
53. I118 Hiden Koryu Jujutsu Goho i118 Hiden koryu Jujutsu Goho. $76.00 HIDEN koryu JUJUTSU GIHO. Tableof Contents Nihon Den koryu Jujutsu Gaisetsu / A General http://budogu.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/product348.html | |
54. YIDFF: Catalog: YIDFF 2001 Official Catalog koryu Southern Women, South Korea. A complex multilayered film about women ofvarious ages and backgrounds living in koryu, or temporary residence. http://www.city.yamagata.yamagata.jp/yidff/2001/cat043/01c065-e.html | |
55. R[
[ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://nagoyatv.com/koryu/ | |
56. PT: Why Koryu? Kim Taylor Why koryu? By chance, and by the great virtue of hanging around the dojo for acouple of decades I have managed to pick up a couple of koryu sword arts. http://ejmas.com/pt/ptart_taylor_0802.htm | |
57. The Iaido Newsletter: Koryu Then And Now The Iaido Newsletter April 2000 koryu Budo, Then and Now. by Peter Boylan The koryubudo or ancient schools of Japanese budo are much the same. http://ejmas.com/tin/tinart_boylan1_0400.htm | |
58. Okinawan Koryu Karate Aikido Journal Home Articles Okinawan koryu Karate. Okinawankoryu Karate by Kenji Ushiro Aiki News 98, 1994, 211. Aikido http://www.aikidojournal.com/articles/ajArticles/_KenjiUshiro.asp | |
59. You Want Koryu? Come To Japan! Aikido Journal Home Articles You want koryu? Come to Japan! YOUWANT koryu? COME TO JAPAN! by Diane Skoss Aikido Journal 107. http://www.aikidojournal.com/new/article.asp?ArticleID=19 |
60. OKCIZAjAð¬Z^[ The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.koryu.co.jp/ | |
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