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81. VL Of Sport - Korfball korfball World the international site about korfball worldwide, with backgroundinformation about this great sport, as well as actual news from various http://sportsvl.com/ball/korfball.htm | |
82. Korfball Translate this page Trainingszeiten Kinder von 6-12 Jahren Donnerstags 1530 1700Uhr in der Turnhalle der Weihbachschule Leitung Thorsten Siegert. http://www.werner-sc.de/Korfball/korfball.html | |
83. Korfball Translate this page Suche Wettkampfresultate / Turnspiele / korfball. Druckansichtkorfball Beimkorfball stehen sich zwei Mannschaften von je acht Spielern gegenüber. http://www.turnfest.de/LinkLevel2b/Korfball.html | |
84. NDKC - About Korfball About korfball korfball, invented in 1901 by an Amsterdam schoolmaster Nico Broekhuysen,is a game comparable to netball and basketball with one major http://ndkcuk.tripod.com/aboutkb.htm | |
85. Cambridgeshire Korfball Association Cambridgeshire korfball Association http://www.cambskorfball.co.uk/ | |
86. University Of Bristol Union : Korfball Advert Join the forum! Epigram Logo Burst. main / activities / sportsclubs/ korfball korfball It's Not A Cereal . Welcome! This http://www.ubu.org.uk/main/activities/sportsclubs/korfball | |
87. Vive-le-sport.ch Korfball Translate this page korfball. calendar, club, links, news. calendar. 0. club. 0. links. BE, berne, turnvereinlorraine breitenrain. BE, kernenried, fach gruppe korbball. BE, madiswil, tv madiswil. http://vive-le-sport.ch/e/korfball.htm | |
88. Korfball home korfball, site map, korfball. Club. Competitions. Photos. Videos. Extras.Links. korfball. What is korfball History. Email Club Webmaster. http://corfebol.no.sapo.pt/eng/corfebol.htm |
89. Stockholm Korfball stockholm korfball klubb, stockholm korfball club, stockholm korfball klub http://www.stockholmkorfball.org/ |
90. Korfball An Der Uni München Translate this page http://www.edi.muc.de/korfball |
91. Korfball Jelle Kok Sport Results korfball, 291 hits in February 2003. Publications.RoboCup. Teaching. Lyrics. Phanos. Skating. Snooker. Soccer. Tennis. Pictures. korfball. http://carol.wins.uva.nl/~jellekok/sports/korfball/index_en.html | |
92. Korfball Club - Korfball, Europe, Uk, England, Britain, Club, Biography, Player, korfball Club. The ultimate web resource for korfball clubs in Europe. Team biographiesand information on techniques, Match schedules, Submit Your Site! http://www.beckc.com/ | |
93. Sikopi Korfball Club Sikopi korfball Club Click to Enter http://www.sikopi.asn.au/ | |
94. CLUB KORFBAL BADALONA LA ROTLLANA Translate this page Promoción del korfbal, buscamos chicas y chicos para jugar http://www.webpersonal.net/korfball/ |
95. Korfball -THE 6TH WORLD GAMES korfball is a wellknown sport in Holland that Nico Broekhuysen, a schoolteacher living in Amsterdam, invented in 1902, basing it on netball. http://www.pref.akita.jp/tiiki/wg2001/eng/sports/korfball.html | |
96. Uniservity: Korfball Homepage korfball. Winner of Club of the Year 2001 korfball is a popular fast growingsport which is often described as a mixture of basketball and netball. http://www.uniservity.net/club_homepage.asp?clubid=2932 |
97. BBC - CBBC - Sport - Get A Sport - Korfball of a court. korfball is played by two teams of eight players, withfour girls and four boys on each. So no kissing! You move the http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/sport/getasport/ball/running/korfball.shtml | |
98. Korfball In The UK korfball in the. UK. This site has been integrated into korfball.comAny information on/for this site should appear there. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~hamerg/uk_korf/ | |
99. Korfball Reviews, Ratings, Guide - Advice And Online Shopping From Dooyoo.co.uk korfball, Be the first to rate this item! write your review. more. allreviews on korfball, Be the first to write an review on this item! http://www.dooyoo.co.uk/sports/sporting_equipment/korfball/ | |
100. Dover District Sports Directory - Korfball korfball National Contact British korfball Association Mr G Crafter Honorary General Secretary PO Box 179 Maidstone ME14 1LU http://www.dover.gov.uk/recreation/directory/korfball.asp | |
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