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21. Korfball Im TV Ensen-Westhoven 07 Informationen zur korfballAbteilung des TV Ensen-Westhoven (K¶ln) http://www.tv-ensen-westhoven.de/NeueSeiten/frame_korfball.html |
22. The Scottish Korfball Homepage Includes tables, results, squad list, and fixtures for the BKA InterArea League and the SKA Premier League. Also features calendar, club contacts, and related links. http://www.scottish-korfball.org.uk | |
23. Korfball Sites Links to korfballrelated Sites. AFM Sports (korfball results from around allof Europe). Australian korfball Association. British korfball Association. http://www.ikf.org/home/links.html | |
24. Cambridge Kites Korfball Club News, information, results, rules, and links. England.Category Sports korfball Clubs......skip intro http://www.cambridgekites.co.uk/ | |
25. Korfball An Der Uni München Informationen zum Studentenkorfball in M¼nchen. http://www.muc.de/~gerald/korfball/index.html |
26. The Official UNU Korfball Web Site The official korfball site from Nottingham University bringing you the MaD SkillZ of korfball to your screens Welcome to the official website of the Nottingham University korfball Club! http://www.unionconsult.co.uk/~korf |
27. Co Je To Korfball? StruÄn©, pÅehledn© informace pro ty, kteÅ netuÅ¡, co je korfbal a jak se hraje. http://mujweb.atlas.cz/sport/kc.havirov/A_korfbal.htm |
28. What Is Korfball British korfball Association What is korfball? Playing korfball. Action consistsalmost entirely of passing the ball by hand from person to person. http://www.british-korfball.org.uk/whatiskorfball.htm | |
29. Oxford University Korfball Club - Welcome To OUKoC! All about Oxford University korfball Club, including fixtures and results.Category Sports korfball Clubs......Oxford University korfball Club, Welcome to OU korfball Club! Welcome to the allnewOU korfball website! Copyright © 2002 Oxford University korfball Club. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~korfball/ | |
30. Club Sandwich Korfball Includes tournament diary, fixtures and results, photos, social events and contacts. http://www.clubsandwichkorfball.co.uk/ |
31. Koninklijk Nederlands Korfbalverbond korfball news on the main countries playing the game plus a chat room and the rules and regulations. http://www.knkv.nl/ | |
32. Korfball World - The International Site About Korfball, The Only True Mixed Team International information about korfball, the only mixed team sportin the world. Full story » Tenovis sponsor Belgian korfball. http://www.korfballworld.com/main.php | |
33. Oxford City Korfball Club Home Page Information, diary, directions, results, statistics, match reports, players, and photographs. England.Category Sports korfball Clubs......Welcome to Oxford City korfball Club Web Site! League Cup! LOCAL LEAGUECUP RESULTS 2003. Welcome to Oxford City korfball Club. We are http://www.oxfordcitykorfballclub.co.uk/ | |
34. So What Exactly Is Korfball ? So what exactly is korfball ? korfball is the exciting mixed team sport thatis increasing in popularity throughout the world. Not so in korfball. http://www.btinternet.com/~afm.sports/korfball/whatiskorfball.htm | |
35. Homepage - Martijn Onderwater His hobbies and studies korfball, hiking, mathematics and programming. Be sure to read the marquee. http://www.math.leidenuniv.nl/~monderwa/index.html |
36. Www.korfballnet.com/ http://www.korfballnet.com/ |
37. Home Pr¤sentation der Angebote des Sportclubs. Die Fachabteilungen sind korfball, Freizeit und Breitensport, Volleyball, Tischtennis und Fuball. http://www.werner-sc.de/ | |
38. .KorFeD.co.uk - Korfball Coaching. Includes player information, teams, calendar, tournaments, photos, and related links. Also features Category Sports korfball Clubs...... Nottingham City korfball Start Page. Please enter the NottinghamCity korfball site by clicking below. www.nottskorfball.co.uk. http://www.nottingham.freewebspace.com/ | |
39. SUKC - Sheffield University Korfball Club Club info, news, photos and fixtures.Category Sports korfball Clubs......Welcome Welcome to the new improved SUKC website. The site is stillunder construction but will hopefully be completed soon as more http://www.shef.ac.uk/korfball/ | |
40. A Magyar Korfball Szövetség Hivatalos Honlapja Belépés. http://www.korfball.hu/ |
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