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121. ? ? ? The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.orgkendo.ru/ |
122. Karate-Verein Langenselbold E.V. Informationen ¼ber Shotokan Karate und kendo. Auerdem finden sich auf der Homepage ein Chat, Download und Linksbereich. http://www.karate-verein-langenselbold.de |
123. What Is Kendo? What is kendo? Send comments to jkodama@alumni.caltech.edu. I fellowship.The real answer kendo is all of these things, and more! Equipment. http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~jkodama/kendo/kendo.html |
124. Tom Bolling's Budo Links Information on kendo and related topics. http://faculty.washington.edu/kendo/budo.html |
125. Goshin Jutsu - Art Of Self Defence Utilises many styles including kendo to achieve its goals. Includes syllabus, history, events, and contact information. http://www.geocities.com/goshin_jutsu_uk |
126. Macau Kendo Association The Associacao de kendo de Macau (AKM) is the official kendo organization recognized by the Macau Category Sports Martial Arts kendo Organizations......Macau kendo Association's official URL is changed to www.macaukendo.org and thereare several important announcements in our news section, please check them out http://macaukendo.tripod.com/ |
127. 京é½ææ大å¦å£éåå¥½ä¼ æ´»åç´¹ä»ãé¨å¡ç´¹ä»ãæ²ç¤ºæ¿ãå£éçè«ããªã³ã¯éãªã©ã http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~kbu-kendo/ |
128. Renton Kendo Club Information about kendo, the way of the sword, the art of Japanese Samuraiswordsmanship. The armor). Renton kendo Club. Kent kendo Club. http://www.kendo-pnw.org/renton.htm |
129. Wäsby Kendo - Www.kendo.nu W%auml;sby kendo kendo.nu. om kendo Klubben växer - kendo passar allaHär är en bild från träningen lördagen den 1 mars. Det märks http://www.kendo.nu/ |
130. Asociacion Nihon Kendo Chile La Asociaci³n Nihon kendo Chile Nace el A±o 1989, como la inquietud de un grupo de tres practicantes de Karate http://www.kendochile.cl |
131. JCCC Kendo And Iaido In Toronto Canada The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre or Toronto offers training in kendo, Muso Jikiden Eishin ryu Category Sports Martial Arts Iaido Schools and Instruction Canada......JCCC kendo Iaido a premier kendo centre in Toronto, Canada.Offering instruction and practise to all levels. http://www.jccckendo.com/ |
132. Kendo Club Charleroi Translate this page kendo Club Charleroi! Les enfants sont aussi invités à découvrir la maîtrisedu Shinaï , le sabre en bambou utilisé pour pratiquer le kendo. http://users.skynet.be/kendo.club.charleroi/ |
133. Erste Deutsche Kendo Gesellschaft E.V. Dojo in Berlin. Trainingszeiten und Kontaktadressen. http://www.kendo-berlin.de/ |
134. De Nederlandse Kendo Homepage An informative site about all aspects of kendo in the Dutch language. Een informatievesite over kendo en Japanse krijgskunsten. uw software is verouderd. http://www.kendo.nl/ |
135. Union Sportive Et Culturelle De La Maison Blanche Pr©sentation de ce club de Paris 13¨me , dans le cadre de ces activit©s de ia¯do, kendo. Paris, Seine (75). http://www.chez.com/iaido13uscmb |
136. Miami Komei Jyuku MJER Iaijutsu as well as kendo, Ju Jutsu, Shito Ryu Karate, and Naginata training in Miami, FL. http://miami-komei-jyuku.org |
137. Edinburgh Kendo Club The only kendo dojo in Edinburgh, Scotland. Member in the British kendo Association, European kendo Category Sports Martial Arts Europe United Kingdom......Edinburgh kendo Club. http://www.edinburghkendo.co.uk/ |
138. Nine Circles Budo Gu Equipment for kendo, Iaido, Jodo imported from Japan to the UK. International sales welcome. http://www.ninecircles.demon.co.uk/ |
139. Taiseidokai Kendo Club Glasgow LOcated in Glasgow, ScotlandCategory Sports Martial Arts Europe United Kingdom......Taiseidokai kendo Club Glasgow, Practice times Tuesday/Thursday19302100, Sunday 1100-1300. Taiseidokai kendo Club, Glasgow. http://kendoglasgow.members.easyspace.com/ |
140. Bodu Sportvereniging Kiryoku Budo vereniging in Zoetermeer. Getraind wordt in Iaido (zwaardvechten), Jodo (stokvechten), kendo, Karate en kickboksen. Informatie over deze vechtkunsten en een groot aantal foto's. http://www21.brinkster.com/kiryoku |
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