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81. Polish Kendo Federation Polish kendo Federation oficjalne strony Polskiego Zwiazku kendo - organizacjizrzeszj¹cej kluby i sekcje praktykujace sporty i sztuki walki kendo, iaido http://www.kendo.pl/ | |
82. KWON ::: ACTION WEAR, FITNESS WEAR & MARTIAL ARTS EQUIPMENT Das Sortiment umfasst Accessoires, Anz¼ge, B¼cher und Zubeh¶r f¼r Boxen, Judo, Wu Shu, Kung Fu, Karate, Kick Boxing, Taekwondo, Ju Jutsu, kendo und Aikido. http://www.kwon.de/ | |
83. Romanian Kendo Association Includes clubs, senseis, competitions, calendars, links and general information.Category Sports Martial Arts kendo Organizations......Romanian kendo Association homepage http://kendo.home.ro/ | |
84. Yamato Kendo Iaido Club Ce site traite du kendo, escrime japonaise, voie du sabre et du Iaido. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/yamato.kendo/ | |
85. Saskatoon Kendo Club Provide information pertaining to kendo in Saskatoon, Canadian dojo list, links to other sites world-wide.Category Regional North America Saskatoon Recreation and Sports......The web site of the Saskatoon kendo Club has moved to its new home www.kendosask.com.Please below The new Saskatoon kendo Club web site. http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/sports/kendo/ | |
86. Welcome To Cascade Kendo Kai 2002 A nonprofit dojo listing class times and general information. Seattle, WACategory Sports Martial Arts North America United States......Welcome to Cascade kendo Kai! Headquartered on Mercer Island, we representone of 19 kendo clubs that can be found in the Pacific Northwest. http://www.cascadekendo.org/ | |
87. UWA Kendo Club - Stuart Allie UWA kendo CLUB. The UWA kendo club was formed at the beginning of 1994. ContactSusan Bonar 9349 1546; Brian Brestovac 9440 3016. What IS kendo anyway? http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~allie/kendo.html | |
88. Asociación Kendo Concepcion - Chile Informaci³n de la pr¡ctica del kendo en la ciudad de Concepci³n Chile. http://www.kendoconcepcion.terra.cl |
89. # 1 Kendo Equipment Store - E-bogu.com Inc. - Call Toll Free 1-866-DO-KENDO (1-8 Online provider of kendo supplies and sponsor for kendo events.Category Shopping Sports Martial Arts Japanese Sword Arts......NEW VIDEO kendo Principles III ADVANCED (55 Min) This is the 3rd part of a seriesof kendo Instructional Video that Taro Ariga is making with the movie http://www.e-bogu.com/ | |
90. Tshiku Sei Kan ' Kendo Club Basel Aktivit¤ten des Dojo mit kurzer Erkl¤rung der Turnierregeln, Trainingzeiten, Forum und G¤stebuch. http://www.tshikuseikan.ch/ | |
91. OUKC Home Page a member club of the BKACategory Sports Martial Arts Europe United Kingdom...... University kendo Club is based in the historic city of Oxford, England. The clubis particularly keen to attract new members with no experience of kendo. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~kendo/ | |
92. FSKA / Föreningen Stockholms Kendo Allians / Träna Kendo Naginata Och Iaido I F¶reningsinformation med tr¤ningstider samt information om kendo, iaido, naginata och kyudo. http://stockholmkendo.com/ | |
93. Welcome To The Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation Welcome to the Pacific Northwest kendo Federation The Pacific Northwest kendo Federation(PNKF) is the official organization for kendo in the Northwest United http://www.kendo-pnkf.org/ | |
94. Kendo 28-78: Clubs De Montfort L'Amaury, Chartres Et Mainvilliers Pr©sentation de l'histoire de cet art martial, depuis sa cr©ation au Japon et aujourd'hui dans sa pratique en France. Informations sur les clubs de Chartres, Eureet-Loir (28) et Montfort, Yvelines (78). http://www.kendo-fr.com | |
95. UTKA - University Of Texas Kendo Association, Mk IV Origins of kendo, class times, armor, news, links and general information. Austin, TXCategory Sports Martial Arts North America United States...... http://www.utexas.edu/students/utkendo/ | |
96. Kendo Nagasaki : The Official Website Welcome to the Official kendo Nagasaki website - Please click here or the pictureabove to enter Portrait of kendo Nagasaki used by kind permission of Sir http://www.kendonagasaki.com/ | |
97. Jack's Martial Arts Cliparts Collection -index- cliparts van jiujitsu, judo, EboNo kata, Newaza kata, kendo, aikido, iaido, braziliaans jiu-jitsu, japan, kanji, afbeeldingen voor t-shirts, portretten, karate, kids. http://www.martialart.tmfweb.nl/ | |
98. Kendo Uniforms And Kendo Equipment From ALLBLACKBELT.com ! kendo, kendo Uniforms, kendo Equipment, kendo armor, hakama,men, do, kote, shinai, straw zori, kendo supplies. http://www.4martialartssupplies.com/kendo.html | |
99. Alster Dojo E.v. - Homepage Trainingszeiten f¼r Kyudo, kendo und Iaido, Kontaktadresse, Stadtplan. http://www.alster-dojo.de/ |
100. Willkommen Beim Kendoverein Düsseldorf http://www.kendo.de/ |
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