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21. KENDO America - About Kendo Information about kendo, the way of the sword, the art of Japanese Samurai swordsmanship. Lookingfor the AUSKF? They've moved.Click here. About kendo. http://www.kendo-usa.org/abtken.htm | |
22. Bienvenido Al Sitio De La Asociación Chilena De Kendo - Nihon Kendo Chile Pagina principal de la Asociaci³n Nihon kendo Chile http://nikenchi.fateback.com/ | |
23. British Kendo Association (BKA) Organizational website with news, dojo addresses and forthcoming events.Category Sports Martial Arts kendo Organizations......*12th World kendo Championships*. Latest Newsletter, BKA News Online 5, February2003. Next kendo Event, National Refereeing Seminar, Ollerton, 12th April. http://www.kendo.org.uk/ | |
24. Bergen Kendo Klubb Klubben tilbyr kendo, Iaido og Jodo. Treningstider, kontaktinformasjon, bildegalleri og lenker http://home.hib.no/studenter/alu98kalun/ | |
25. What's Kendo? A concise and complete description of kendo.Category Sports Martial Arts kendo......kendo The way of the sword . kendo literally means the way of the swordin Japanese. Basics of kendo The equipment and the overview . http://www.cam.org/~hiro/skc/english/hypertext/kendo.html | |
26. Umeå Kendo Klubb Bilder, klubb info och forum. http://www.umeakendo.org | |
27. Comite National De Kendo: Page D'accueil Kendo Pr©sentation, de cet art martial au sein de la FFJDA, des activit©s, des clubs. http://www.ffjudo.com/Kendo/kendo.htm |
28. KENDO, IAIDO, AND JODO LINKS. Our site contains information about the club and the three traditional Japanese swordrelated martial arts, that are studied by our members and links to some other web sites http://home.vicnet.net.au/~kendo/ | |
29. THE CANADIAN KENDO FEDERATION Member of ZNKR overseeing kendo in Canada. Site provides news, announcements, and a dojo directoryCategory Sports Martial Arts kendo Organizations......WELCOME TO THE CANADIAN kendo FEDERATION WEBSITE. CKF Member Clubs/Organizations.kendo in Canada. Iaido Information Page. Jodo Information Page. http://kendo-canada.com/ | |
30. THE ONTARIO KENDO FEDERATION Provincial organization for kendo. Contacts and general information.Category Sports Martial Arts kendo Organizations......THE ONTARIO kendo FEDERATION. Contact Jim Woodhall, 357 Renford Dr. Hamilton, Ont.L8W 1W1 905356-2825. MEMBER DOJO. To the Canadian kendo Federation pages. http://kendo-canada.com/okfindex.htm | |
31. Kendo Iaido En Rhone-alpes Chambery Kendo Club - Art Martiaux, Escrime Japonaise Club d'art martiaux affili© au Comit© National de kendo. Chamb©ry, Savoie (73). http://www.kendo-chambery.com/ | |
32. Kendo Club St. Gallen Translate this page Nächstes St. Galler kendo Weekend wird am 26. April 2003 stattfinden. Als Gasttrainerkommt Tu Thai Mihn (5. Dan kendo) von Ten Do Kan Aarau. http://www.kendo.ch/stgallen/ | |
33. Welcome To Kendoshop.com kendo Equipment from Korea in English, Japanese, and Korean.Category Shopping Sports Martial Arts Japanese Sword Arts......1993~2003 by kendoSHOP.com. http://www.kendoshop.com/ | |
34. Kendo World Magazine A quarterly magazine devoted to kendo, but also with sections dealing with koryu, iaido, jodo and Category Sports Martial Arts kendo News and Media...... http://www.kendo-world.com/ |
35. Bellevue - Everett - Highline - Kent - Renton Kendo Clubs Class information and general kendo tradition details. http://www.kendo-pnw.org/ | |
36. DROPKICKIT.COM ::: >>> Information on popular martial arts and self defense systems. Features Taekwondo, kendo, Judo, Jujitsu, Capoeira, Karate and Kung Fu amongst others. Includes descriptions of the style and photographs. http://webhome.idirect.com/~alr/tkd/ |
37. OSI Kendo Treningstider, kontaktpersoner, Oslo Open Tournament, bakgrunnsinformasjon om historie og teknikk. http://www.osi.uio.no/kendo/ | |
38. Budokan Zürich - Offical Homepage F¼r die angebotenen Kampfk¼nste Judo, Karate, kendo, Iaido, Ju Jutsu, Tai Chi und Selbstverteidigung werden neben kurzen Beschreibungen Trainingspl¤ne und Nachrichten gelistet. http://www.kendo.ch/bkz/ |
39. About Kendo Basic information for starting out in this Japanese martial art.Category Sports Martial Arts kendo......kendo Art of the Samurai. kendo means way of the sword and is the traditionalmartial art of Japanese fencing. A Brief History of kendo. http://www.kendo-sask.com/about.html | |
40. The Singapore Kendo Club © 1996 2001, Singapore kendo Club. http://www.singaporekendo.org.sg/ | |
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