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1. Kendo Punto It kendo and Iaido Italian Site Il sito Italiano su kendo e Iaido kendo, iaido, arti marziali, martial arts, scherma giapponese, giappone, japanese fencing, japan, aik, cik, fenike, fik http://www.kendo.it/ | |
2. Kendo General information including contact information for US AUSKF dojos, list of international organizations Category Sports Martial Arts kendo......kendo. The way of the Sword hajime! US Dojos. A directory of kendodojos in the US listed by state. International kendo Directory. http://www.rain.org/~galvan/kndohome.html | |
3. Postfach 6905 CH kendo IAIDO Postfach 6905 CH3001 Bern deutsch französisch italienisch englisch http://www.kendo.ch/ | |
4. Sú{¹A¿ Introduction to kendo, a guide to learning the discipline, membership details and organizational information. Dedicated to the promotion of kendo in the United States http://www.kendo.or.jp/ |
5. International Kendo Federation Rules Of Kendo kendo Match Regulations and Refereeing October 1994. Published by the Anthony Galvan of the Southern Category Sports Martial Arts kendo......kendo SHIAI (Match) REGULATIONS REFEREEING RULES Edited and compiled by AnthonyGalvan III, Southern California kendo Federation October, 1994 kendo Match http://www.rain.org/~galvan/rules.txt | |
6. All Belgium Kendo Federation Welcome to the All Belgium kendo Federation BKR En Francais ABKF In English VKIJF In het Nederlands http://www.abkf.be/ |
7. URL Changed Mr. Douglas T. Funamoto passed away on Saturday, February 17, 2001. In the Canadian kendo community, though he practiced kendo in Vancouver before world war two, he will be mostly remembered for helping to introduce kendo in Quebec and founding the http://www.cam.org/~hiro | |
8. Kendo, Jodo En Iaido In Nederland, Welkom Bij De Nederlandse Kendo Renmei kendo in Nederland, de Nederlandse kendo Renmei is het officiële orgaan voor kendo, Jodo en Iaido in Nederland. De NKR of Nederlandse kendo Renmei is de officieël erkende organisatie voor de Japanse Budo sporten kendo, Jodo en http://www.nkr.nl/ | |
9. European Kendo Federation The European kendo Federation is the overall organization for the Japanese sports kendo, Jodo and Iaido in Europe. http://www.ekf-eu.com/ |
10. Kendo Homepage of the NSW kendo Association and the University of Wollongong kendo Club http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/9431 |
11. Women's Kendo Association Support group formed by the women of the Southern California kendo Federation. Calendar, events, articles, books and links. http://www.eanet.com/jkodama/wka/ | |
12. Index Of Eguchi USA kendo equipment provider based in Eguchi, Japan with offices in California, USA. http://www.eguchi.net/ | |
13. Kendo Dojo Köln E. V. Hintergrundinformation zu Geschichte, Ger¤t und Regeln, Adresse und Trainingszeiten mit Karte, Lehrg¤nge. http://www.koelnkendo.de/ |
14. Austrian Kendô Association http://kendo.nwy.at/ | |
15. JAPANESE SWORD ARTS FAQ VERSION 2 One of the most copmrehensive sources of information on Japanese Sword arts available on the Internet. Faq is copyrighted by Neil Gendzwill. (v2.9, 15 August 2001) http://www.kendo-sask.com/swordfaq.htm | |
16. ASOCIACIÓN DE KENDO DEL ESTADO DE VERACRUZ P¡gina oficial de la Asociaci³n de kendo, Iaido y Jodo del Estado de Veracruz A.C., con multitud de iinformaci³n sobre la misma. http://olympia.fortunecity.com/boardman/474/ | |
17. English-top-page Welcome to English Page. What's new, Concept of kendo, What is AJKF, AJKF EventSchedule. kendoGu Presentation, Books Videos, IKF Pages, kendo Summer Seminar. http://www.kendo.or.jp/english-page/english-top-page.htm | |
18. KFUK-KFUM Uppsala Kendo Information om klubben och dess tr¤ningstider samt medlemmar inklusive ett bildgalleri. http://uppsalakendo.tripod.com/ | |
19. KENDO America Information about kendo, the way of the sword, the art of Japanese Samuraiswordsmanship. Dedicated to the promotion of kendo in the United States. http://www.kendo-usa.org/ | |
20. Kendo - Der Weg Des Schwertes 5 Fotos Iaido und 4 Fotos kendo. http://www.schwarzaufweiss.de/Japan/kendo.htm | |
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