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Home - Sports - Kayak Polo |
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1. - US Canoe/Kayak Polo Committee - Promotes and develops International Canoe Federation Canoe Polo in the United States and facilitates Category Sports Water Sports Canoe and Kayaking kayak polo...... http://www.kayakpolo.com/uscpc/ | |
2. UKC Kayak Polo Information about the West Lake Washington game played on Tuesdays at 545 PM at the Waterfront Activities Center at the University of Washington in Seattle. Includes rules, how to play, and photos. http://students.washington.edu/~ukc/polo/polo.html | |
3. Kayak-polo / Canoe Polo Breve explicacion y fotos de los fundamentos del Kayakpolo. http://www.geocities.com/jadriman/kayapolo.html | |
4. Salt Lake City Kayak Polo Salt Lake City kayak polo Club web site. Information about kayak polo in SLC, UT, USA. http://www.slckayakpolo.com |
5. Portugal Kayak Polo kayak polo is one of the fastest growing paddling sports in the United States. Much like water polo, kayak polo is played in a pool or other flatwater venue with five players per side. http://www.terravista.pt/guincho/2365 |
6. FFCK : Kayak Polo Discipline montante, le kayak polo est un véritable sport collectif où les pagayeurs doivent allier compétences http://www.ffck.org/eau_calme/kayak_polo |
7. Mountain Kayak Polo - Home Deanver polo Email us Located in Fort Collins, Colorado, the Mountain Shopis your Outdoor Gear Specialist. Mountain kayak polo Mountain kayak polo http://www.kayakpolo.com/ftcollins/ | |
8. Dynamic Directory - Sports - Water Sports - Canoe And Kayaking - Salt Lake City kayak polo Club Salt Lake City kayak polo Club web site. http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Sports/Water_Sports/Canoe_and_Kayak |
9. Kayak Polo Rules kayak polo Rules. Return to UKC Index Polo Page. Club Polo Rules. Hereare the official UKC polo rules, a modified version of the The http://students.washington.edu/~ukc/polo/polorules.html | |
10. Home Page Denver kayak polo. Denver kayak polo. League. Thanks to eskimologo.gif (2363 bytes)for the use of the Gecko Polo Boats. ball.jpg (1991 bytes) kayakpolo.com http://www.geocities.com/yakpolo/ | |
11. Dallas DownRiver Club Organizes trips, classes, kayak polo and other paddling activities. Information on membership, calendar of events, and extensive list of links. http://www.down-river.com/ | |
12. Kayakpolo.com: USA Kayak Polo Pages United States kayak polo. US kayak polo Community http://www.kayakpolo.com/ | |
13. C.N.C. - Kayak Polo Translate this page kayak polo. Equipa. Contactos. Rodeo. Kayak Surf. Browser Recomendado. Copyright© R.Barbosa 1997 Last update 23/09/1997. CNC kayak polo. Clube Nautico de Crestuma. http://www.terravista.pt/portosanto/2000/ | |
14. Kayak Polo Translate this page Al contrario que el resto de las modalidades de piragüismo, el kayak polo esun juego de equipo, parecido al waterpolo, el balonmano, o el baloncesto. http://perso.wanadoo.es/ilpena/folixa/kayak_polo.htm | |
15. EBay - The World's Online Marketplace Maker of kayak polo boats and accessories. Site features links to information on kayak polo. Located in Cheshire, UK with distribution in the USA. http://www.dbxclusive.com | |
16. TRRA - Kayak Polo- kayak polo Marathon. Three Rivers Rowing Association. All equipmentis included! Learn to kayak and play a fun sport. Learn a sport http://www.threeriversrowing.org/Programs/Kayak/Polo.html | |
17. Navbar News, calendar, programs, services, membership, gallery and kayak polo information. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/beardsley/1098/ |
18. Yukon Canoe And Kayak Club's Competitive Kayak Polo League This is where you will find all the latest news on the YukonCanoe and Kayak Club's Competitive kayak polo League. http://www.kayak.yk.ca/html/yckc/polo/kayakpolo.html | |
19. Kayak Yukon News - Kayak Polo 1999-2000 Season Info WHAT KAYAK ROLLING PRACTICE and kayak polo PICKUP GAME. WHEN March kayak poloLEAGUE. The kayak polo League will begin on Friday, November 19th at 800 pm. http://www.kayak.yk.ca/html/yckc/polo/1999-2000.html | |
20. FFCK : Eau Calme : Kayak Polo : Description Translate this page Comment ça marche ? Au carrefour du basket, du water polo et du footballaméricain, le kayak polo offre un cocktail assurément spectaculaire. http://www.ffck.org/eau_calme/kayak_polo/description.htm | |
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