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Karate: more books (101) | |||||||||||||
121. Blanchard CHA 3 Kenpo Karate Kenpo karate Association that promotes Practical selfdefense for the whole family . Site also includes background information on the instructors, a photo gallery and a guestbook. http://www.geocities.com/blanchardcha3/ |
122. Bulgarian Federation Of Traditional Karate BFTK Home Page. http://www.bulgaria.com/bftk/ |
123. American Kempo-Karate Association - Learn Self Defense Through Provides Shorinji Toraken Ryu system of martial arts, and a photo gallery of techniques. Lists seminars, Category Sports Martial Arts Kenpo Shorinji......Shorinji Toraken Ryu is a form of martial arts that consist of Kempo,karate, Jujitsu and Kobudo. Excellent for street self defense. http://torakendo.com/ |
124. Israel Shotokan Karate-do Hebrew and English site listing affiliated schools, events, history, video clips, online back issues of Hebrew magazines, and links http://www.karate.org.il |
125. Shotokan Karate International Österreich · Shotokan · Karate http://www.karate.at/ |
126. Karate High School Official site of the fivepiece rock/hip-hop band. Includes news, gig schedule, biographies, MP3 files, pictures, wallpaper, merchandise, and a message board. http://www.karatehighschool.com/ |
127. Hapkido Karate School School under Grandmaster Tae W. Kwon located in Torrance, CA. Site is especially well organized with good graphics, a section on philosophy, a section on principles, and some excellent animated sequences. http://home.earthlink.net/~chasedane/hapkido/index.html |
128. American Kenpo Karate In The UK An organization in the United Kingdom promoting and teaching the Ed Parker system of American Kenpo Category Sports Martial Arts Kenpo American Organizations......American Kenpo karate in the UK. The American Kenpo Creed. I come toyou with only karate, Empty Hands, I have no weapons. But http://www.bkku.com/ |
129. Hrvatski Karate Savez Službene stranice sa informacijama o savezu, klubovima i natjecanjima. http://www.karate.hr/ |
130. The Karate Directory Variety of information on karate including message boards, chat, shop, articles, terminology and history. http://www.thekaratedirectory.com/ |
131. Girlsinkarate.com - Information, Resources, And Fun For Girls In This is a site for girls interested or active in karate. It provides resource links, information, Category Sports Martial Arts karate Women......Information and other resources for girls interested in karate or themartial arts. A place like. Where are the girls in karate? We http://www.girlsinkarate.com/ |
132. Arts Martiaux Rennes Pr©sentation de ce club et de ses activit©s de karate shito ryu, aikido, tai chi chuan. Rennes, Illeet-Vilaine (35). http://www.amrennes.com/ |
133. International Okinawan Shorin Ryu Seibukan Karate-do Association A Seibukan karateDo organization. Includes dojo list, gallery, history, links, news and store.Category Sports Martial Arts karate Shorin Ryu Organizations......Seibukan Shorin Ryu is a style of karate developed by Master Zenryo Shimabukuro,student of the great Master Chotoku Kyan. Seibukan karateDo Association. http://www.seibukan.org/ |
134. 1. Zehlendorfer Karate-Verein E. V. berblick ¼ber das Trainingsangebot f¼r Kinder und Erwachsene sowie Fotos. http://www.karate-zehlendorf.de |
135. Kyokushin Karate Canada - Kyokushin Is Kyokushin Information about Kyokushin karate around the world, discussion board, calendar of events and photographs Category Sports Martial Arts karate Kyokushin......Kyokushin karate Information from around the world. Kyokushin karate in Canadais growing. We have much infromation about Kyokushin karate world wide. http://www.kyokushincanada.com/ |
136. Bandung Karate Club (BKC) - Cabang Bogor Berisi peraturan pertandingan, kegiatan, profile, sejarah, info bkc, kejuaraan, tempat latihan dari Bandung karate Club Cabang Bogor. http://members.tripod.com/bkc_bogor |
137. KARATE JOE RECORDS http://www.karate-joe.at/ |
138. Founded By Grand Master Ansei Ueshiro Under The Direction Of Shorinryu Organization of Grand Master Ansei Ueshiro. Features articles, affiliate school directory, Category Sports Martial Arts karate Shorin Ryu Organizations...... Kata Guide 2000 On Sale Now Free Preview. Click To Buy karate Books. AncientMyths Mysteries answers questions about the history of karate. http://www.shorinryu.com/ |
139. KarateUSA-1 J. Pat Burleson's site providing seminar details, American karate system dojo locations in Texas and Category Sports Martial Arts North America United States Texas......NOW SHOWING !!! . . the J. Pat Burleson Seminar Home page is nowon line. Click on icon below for information on Pat's Safe http://www.karateusa.com/ |
140. Enfield Town Shotokan Karate Club Training for all the family for self defence, confidence, health and fitness. Times for beginners, adult and children classes, with location map for the gym inside the UGC cinema complex. http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/fitness |
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