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101. Christian Karate Association A martial arts school located in northern Idaho, USA offering karate classes combined with bible studies. Includes information on dojo location and contact details. http://www.angelfire.com/id2/ChristianKarate/ |
103. Long's Shotokan Karate Academy Offers class information, packages offered, and contact details. Independence, Missouri. http://www.lska.com/ |
104. PlaNet Srl Sistemi Informatici Translate this page http://www.planetweb.it/karateweb/ |
105. American Kenpo Karate International Headquarters based in Evanston, Wyoming of an organization teaching the Ed Parker system of American Kenpo. Includes membership details and locations of schools and clubs both in Europe and the USA. http://www.akki.com/ |
106. Okinawan Shorin-ryu Karate Homepage The home page of Okinawan Shorinryu karate teaching the traditionalOkinawan art of Shorin-ryu karate-Do. Shorin-ryu, karate, Shorin http://www.inch.com/~sritter/ |
107. US Open Martial Arts World karate tournament held in Orlando, Florida. Breaking, selfdefense, musical forms, weapon forms, traditional forms, open forms, point fighting, and continuous fighting. http://www.usopen-karate.com/ |
108. American Kenpo Karate Academy Homepage American Kenpo karate Academy. Copyright(C)1997 by Bill Packer. The Animal/Element/Color/BeltSystem of American Kenpo karate Academy. http://www.sky.net/~karate/welcome.html |
109. Ryukyu Kempo Karate Dojo located in Pensacola, Florida, teaching traditional Ryukyu Kempo. Site features articles, history, and contact information http://www.pestproducts.com/Kempo/pensacola_karate.htm |
110. Feminist Karate Union Women teaching traditional Shito Ryu and self-defense to women and children. Includes links, FAQs, Category Sports Martial Arts karate Women......Women teaching traditional karate and selfdefense to women and childrensince 1971. The Feminist karate Union began as a self-defense http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/5466/ |
111. AsociaÅ£ia Isshinryu Karate Kobudo PrezintÄ date despre karateul Okinawian ®n Rom¢nia, istoria sa, o galerie cu imagini, conceptele acestui sport precum Åi programa tehnicÄ pentru nivelele kyu. http://www.isshinryu.home.ro |
112. Freespirit Karate Club Located in Droylsden Greater Manchester. Community based class teaching a mixture of different martial arts. Includes instructor profile, newletter, and school related information. http://www.mymanchester.net/freespirit/ |
113. Women In Karate Dedicated to women studying Okinawan and Japanese traditional karate. Includes articles, links, profiles Category Sports Martial Arts karate Women......This site is dedicated to women studying Okinawan and Japanese traditional karate. Thepurpose of this site is to encourage women to participate in karate. http://pages.ivillage.com/angiemoshier/karate/ |
114. Harvey's Family Karate School A full service Shaolin Kempo and Cardio Kickboxing School located in the Capital Region of New York. http://karate.anycompanyname.com |
115. International Shotokai Karate Budo Encyclopedia Of Karate-do And http://www.shotokai.com/ |
116. Shotokn Karate Terminology, Karate Terminology, Martial Arts A noncommercial site, dedicated to the style's terminology.Category Sports Martial Arts karate Shotokan......karate terminology, a site dedicated to shotokan karate terminology, coveringstances, blocks, strikes, postures, katas, gradings, kicks and much more. http://freespace.virgin.net/david.kneafsey/termin.htm |
117. Toronto Academy Of Karate And Judo karate school and fitness workshops. Features instructor profile, history, schedule, background, upcoming events. Ontario, Canada http://www.torontoacademy.com |
118. American Amateur Karate Federation Includes history, news, events, and regional contact informationCategory Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations......They Did a great job! Check out their local site! Welcome to a karateOdyssey as we continue to train, grow, and challenge ourselves. http://www.aakf.org/ |
119. Kempo Ryu International Karate Organization Provides a brief Kempo history and sparring galleries including Tournament Champions. Features Kyu grade level information, dojo locations and philosophy of the art. Lists merchandise and links. http://www.kemporyu.com |
120. Isshinryu Karate Includes history, techniques, kata and belt requirements.Category Sports Martial Arts karate Isshin Ryu......Isshinryu karate Including History, Technique, Kata, Belt Requirementsand more. Isshinryu karate. Table of Contents http://w3.trib.com/~smammon/isshin.html |
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