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81. Shotokan Karate Centrum Amsterdam Over de sport, de lesgevers en het clubnieuws. http://www.xs4all.nl/~skca/ | |
82. KARATE FOR CHRIST karate FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL is a world wide outreach teaching Christian martialarts, karate, judo, jujitsu, aikido, kido, hapkido, shotokan, Yoshikai http://www.karateforchrist.com/ | |
83. Èeský Svaz Karate Goju Ryu V½sledky a svazov© informace, lektoÅi a komisaÅi, pohled do sportovnho kalend¡Åe. http://www.goju-ryu.cz/ | |
84. Hoenkai Informacje o szkole karate w Warszawie. http://www.karate.alpha.pl/ |
85. Home Page Information on history of Kenpo, schools, techniques, and other historical tid bits from his personal Category Sports Martial Arts Kenpo Tracy s...... 1 Fri Nov 1, 2002 700pm Tracys karate Studio - Mark Miller 6509 Pearl Rd- Parma Hts. The complete history of kenpo - K Kosho - karate - karate - 1. http://www.tracyskarate.com/ | |
86. Tae Kwon Do Karate Club Noncontact school in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Includes school information. http://www.tkdkc.org/ |
87. Skif\index (SKIF) Shotokan karate International Federation USA. All ours. karatetraining opens the doorway to building greater selfconfidence. http://www.csun.edu/~hbcsc302/ | |
88. Goju Ryu Karate Do Book about GojuRyu karate-Do. http://members.chello.at/friedrich.gsodam | |
89. Skif\index (SKIF) Shotokan karate InternationalFederation USA Headquarters. karatetraining opens the doorway to building greater selfconfidence. http://www.csun.edu/karate/ | |
90. Umeå Karateklubb - Tränar Stilen Kyokushin Tr¤nar i Ume¥. Stilen ¤r den utformad av Sosai Masutatsu Oyama. http://home.bip.net/umea.kyokushinkarate/ | |
91. Karate; The Knockout Band, With Biography - Discography - Real Audio - karate. site contains; .biography.pics.interviews. .contributions.realaudio. .discography.song tabs. .lyrics.live shows. .links. and more. http://home.hetnet.nl/~unsolved/ | |
92. Professional Karate Association Certifications for Martial Arts Schools, Instructors Students. Martial Arts Business Training Seminars, Clinics, Workshops and Camps. http://professionalkarateassociation.com | |
93. Karate Angels karate Angels a kidsonly web site with chats, art and creative writing contests,games, an adventure story room, writers heaven, kids hall of fame, teen http://www.karateangels.com/ | |
94. Kristiansand Karate Club Informasjon om klubben og treningstider, bilder, gjestebok og lenker. Det undervises i tradisjonell japansk karate. http://kristiansandkarate.com/ | |
95. Twin Dragon Karate School teaching Tracy's Traditional Kenpo and the Joe Lewis Fighting Systems. Site features history, active forum, links, and contact information. St.Paul,Minnesota http://www.mnkenpo.com | |
96. SKV - FSK http://www.karate.ch/ |
97. Enciclopedia Shotokai De Karate-do Y Artes Marciales Japonesas Entrevistas, filosofa, fotografas, historia, t©cnicas, videos y mas informaci³n sobre karatedo y Shotokai. http://www.shotokai.com/frames.html | |
98. Index4 http://www.fek-karate.com/ |
99. Allkampf Jiu-Jitsu Allkampf setzt sich aus Elementen von karate, Judo, Kung Fu, JiuJitsu und Taekwon-Do zusammen. Geboten werden Informationen zur Kampfkunst und zum Verband, Termine, eine Liste der angeschlossenen Vereine, verschiedene Berichte und eine Bildergalerie. http://www.allkampf.com | |
100. Karate Kid Martial Art Supplies. Adidas, Blitz, Cimac And Tsport Martial Arts Cl Offers brand name products. Also contains school listing, events calendar, FAQ, and related informationCategory Shopping Sports Martial Arts......karatekid martial art supplies, Adidas TKD 2000 shoes, Adidas Shoes, Adidas Trainers,Taekwondo Shoes, Blitz Uniforms, Kamikaze, Shureido, Training equipment http://www.karate-kid.co.uk/ | |
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