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41. Academy Of Karate - Martial Arts Supply Inc. Features top brands, large inventory and a huge selection at low prices. http://www.martialartssupermarket.com | |
42. English Karate Governing Body EKGB The governing body for karate in England recognized and supported by the national sports council, Category Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations......English karate Governing Body http://www.ekgb.org.uk/ | |
43. Oyama Karate Kai Nyb¶rjare, chat och klubb information. http://www.budocenter.com/karate/ | |
44. Nakmas National governing body for both karate, Jujitsu and a variety of other martial arts. Lists profile, publications, membership guide, events, journal, founder biographies, styles covered and general information. Located in Herne Bay, Kent. http://www.nakmas.org.uk/ | |
45. 剛柔流 Homepage A comprehensive reference for history, articles, interviews, lineage, books, discussion forum, links Category Sports Martial Arts karate Goju Ryu...... exchange and networking. This portal primarily caters to and will honestlyserve all legitimate Goju Ryu karateka world wide. We are http://gojuryu.net/ | |
46. Kamikaze Karate: Martial Arts Supplies And Human Weapon Products. Martial arts supplies and human weapon products. http://www.kamikazekarate.com | |
47. Karate Union Of Great Britain's Homepage KUGB Shotokan karate. http://www.kugb.org |
48. Martial Arts Supplies, Karate Equipment, Martial Arts Supplies & Ninja Gear Arts Supplies. karate Equipment, Boxing Equipment, Ninja Gear, PunchingBags, Weapons, Sparring Gear, and Martial Arts Supplies. http://www.karate-mart.com/ | |
49. USA National Karate-do Federation A representative body governing national competitions and operating as a member of the US Olympic Category Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations......The National Governing Body for karate in the United States,under the auspices of the US Olympic Committee. http://www.usankf.org/ |
50. Georgia Kenpo Karate Of Austell Georgia Teaching The Tracy's Kenpo Karate System A school in Austell, Georgia teaching Tracy's Traditional Kenpo karate, and the Joe Lewis Fighting System. Site features a forum, articles, history, and contact information. http://www.georgiakenpo.net | |
51. Untitled Document The official body representing karate in Europe. A member of the World karate Federation. Includes Category Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations......European karate Federation karate Man copyright © 1999 ScandNet AB. http://www.eku.com/ |
52. Marcialarte.com - El Portal De Las Artes Marciales Portal de las artes marciales. Informaci³n sobre judo, taekwondo, karate, aikido, jiu jitsu, tai chi, kung fu, capoeira, kick boxing, eventos y publicaciones. http://www.marcialarte.com/ |
53. THE KARATE WORLD Access Count. http://www.karatedo.co.jp/ |
54. Karate Dojo Fischbach karate und Capoeira werden gelehrt und kurz vorgestellt. Man findet Angaben zum Verein und den Trainern, einen Trainingsplan, aktuelle Nachrichten, Artikel und Berichte von Wettk¤mpfen. http://www.karate-fischbach.de/ |
55. THE KARATE WORLD When you want to learn real karate, or want to find what karate is, thisis the right page to visit. Result of 16TH WORLD karate CHAMPIONSHIPS. http://www.karatedo.co.jp/index3.htm | |
56. The CyberDojo - An Online Karate Reference Discussion group concentrating on traditional Japanese and Okinawan styles of martial arts with a focus on karate. Site has FAQs, style and dojo directories, kata and weapons lists. http://www.cyberdojo.org/ | |
57. Audio Karate Official home page of the band Audio karate http://www.audiokarate.com/ | |
58. Karate Events - Von Bianca Pues Termine rund um das Thema karate f¼r den Groraum K¶ln/Bonn und Umgebung. http://www.karate-events.de/ | |
59. Japan Karate-Do Ryobu-Kai A traditional Japanese karate organization, dedicated to the style called Shindo Jinen ryu, founded Category Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations......Japan karateDo Ryobu-Kai is an international traditional Japanesemartial arts organization. The Kai. JAPAN karate-DO RYOBU-KAI. http://www.jkr.com/ | |
60. Grandmaster Gary Bennett, Founder Of The Tejitsu Systems Teaching Tejitsu Aikido which is based on Aikido, Judo, karate, JuJitsu and pressure point manipulation. Features FAQs, instructors, video, acupressure and hypnotherapy information. Offers a destance learning program. http://www.tejitsu.com | |
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