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21. Dragon Kenpo Home Page Contains the philosophy, history, a family tree, links, and free email for practitioners is included. http://www.dragonkenpo.com/ | |
22. Untitled Document A traditional JKA club in the UK. Chief instructor, Mikio Yahara sensei. Club, and some Shotokan training information. http://www.scottishjkakarate.com/ | |
23. Karate BC The Governing Body for karate in British Columbia, Canada.Category Regional North America Recreation and Sports......© 2002 karate BC karate Links and Affiliated Organizations. http://www.karatebc.org/ | |
24. Melskenpo An information site dedicated to the Ed Parker system. Includes information on the style history, belt grading requirements, techniques, and terminology. http://homepage.eircom.net/~melskenpo/index.htm |
25. Denver Shorin Ryu Karate Club School teaching ShorinRyu (Matsubayashi) karate. Club information and schedule. http://www.shorinryu.com/Denver/denver.htm | |
26. ISKF - International Shotokan Karate Federation Headquarters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pages include world club listing, and events posting.Category Sports Martial Arts karate Shotokan Organizations...... The ISKF is headquartered at the Philadelphia Shotokan karate Club (PSKC) 222 South45 th Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA Phone 215 222 - 9382 Fax 215 http://www.iskf.com/ | |
27. Karate 1: Listings Of Dojo's In The US And World Wide And Largest Supply Of Mart karate Schools and Dojo's. in the United States and in the World!!!!! OpenBookGo to the Book Store on Martial Arts, karate and Weapons, Click here http://www.karate1.com/ | |
28. American Tang Soo Do - Welcome! A style of Korean martial art based on Moo Duk Kwan in Glenside, PA, just outside of Philadelphia. Video clips of selfdefense and sparring are available, as well as terminology and other materials. http://www.atsdkarate.com | |
29. KARATE: The Japanese Way karate in Japan, the training, the teachers, the experience. Content is continually updated. Pages Category Sports Martial Arts karate Shotokan...... about Japan; Sign Guestbook; Read Guestbook; KTJW on Tour; karate Publications;About this Site; About the Author; Admin Notes; The History http://karatethejapaneseway.com/ | |
30. --=Køge Karate Klub=-- Velkommen til K¸ge karate Klubs officielle webside! Vores side er stadig under konstruktion, men du har nu mulighed for at surfe p¥ siderne. http://www.karateklubben.dk/ |
31. Uechi-ryu Karate: Martial Arts Information Center, Wellness Localized (East Coast of the USA) information on the Okinawan karate style founded by Uechi Kanbun.Category Sports Martial Arts karate News and Media......Uechiryu karate, Martial Arts Forum, Chat Page, Conferences, Martial book and products,Healing and wellness. Steve Banchick's Okinawan karate Club, Stoughton. http://www.uechi-ryu.com/ | |
32. No-rightclick Club met foto's, agenda en karate Clip Arts http://members.chello.nl/~p.bouwens | |
33. Domovská Stránka Novinky a aktuality ze svazu, soutÄže a v½sledky reprezentace. Kluby, dokumenty a tren©rskometodick½ ºsek. http://jka.cstv.cz/ | |
34. Ashihara Karate International - Kaicho Hoosain Narker An organization headquartered in South Africa teaching a style based on Sabaki. Site features curriculum Category Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations......Ashihara karate is considered to be one of the most practicalkarate systemstoday. It is a system based on Sabaki .. Welcome to Ashihara karate. http://users.iafrica.com/a/as/ashihara/ | |
35. All Styles Karate Academy & Black Belt Academy This site shows our activities with pictures and events. Located in Stocktonon-Tees. http://www.geocities.com/askabba | |
36. OSI Karate karategruppa i Oslo studentenes idrettslag. Generelle opplysninger for medlemmer i klubben, treningstider, arrangementer, bilder, lenker og gjestebok. http://www.osi.uio.no/karate/ | |
37. Republika.pl Portal Spo³eczno¶ci Internetowych Co to jest karate, klub, nowoÅci, kalandarz imprez, zawodnicy. http://friko2.onet.pl/gd/gkkk/ | |
38. THE KARATE WORLD Head in Tokyo, Japan. Includes history, master's biographies, news, videos, and contact information.Category Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations...... http://www.jka.or.jp/english/e_index.htm |
39. Tae Kwon Do Karate Club Noncontact Tae Kwon Do. Features club information, classes, katas and links. Several locations in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. http://www.geocities.com/tkdkc/ |
40. Dillman Karate International Offering books and videos about Dillman's Kempo style and a list of affiliated schools in the USA Category Sports Martial Arts Kenpo Ryukyu......George A. Dillman's Dillman karate International pressure point karate and selfdefensebased on Ryukyu Kempo karate is world famous for it's martial arts http://www.dillman.com/ | |
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