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1. World Karate FederationOfficial World Body Site Includes Competition Rules, Hist Range of chat forums and an ezine with news, results, a dojo directory, an event calendar and features. Pictures from Mike Murphy's Trny !st in the New England Junior Uechiryu karate Championship Series http://www.wkf.net/ | |
2. Homepage Des DKV . . . http://www.karate-dkv.de/ |
3. Karate-Online Homepage Die offizielle Homepage des Bayerischen karate Bundes e.V. karate Europameisterschaft der Senioren 2003 in Bremen Neu in K@rateOnline http://www.karate-online.de/ | |
4. Shotokai Encyclopedia Of Karate-do And Japanese Martial Arts/Enciclopedia Intern Goju Ryu karate Do has thrived in the World as a dominant school for most of the past century and will continue to http://www.shotokai.cl/ | |
5. International Traditional Karate Federation Traditional karate http://www.itkf.org/ | |
6. Welcome To The Karate Kid Movie WebSite Fan site discussing many aspects of the movie, the people who created, and starred in it. Multimedia, information, and other details. http://www.fast-rewind.com/kkid/ | |
7. Italian Karate Website - Sito Italiano Del Karate - Http://www.karate.it La storia del Giappone e del karate, vocabolario e bibliografia, riviste specializzate e articoli di tecnica. Rapporto tra arte, salute, meditazione e filosofia. Link utili e informazioni su corsi ed eventi. http://www.karate.it/ |
8. Theoretische Grundlagen Zum Shotokan Karate-Do Theoretische Grundlagen zum Shotokan karateDo http://www.karate-do.de/ | |
9. Martial Arts Supplies - Martial Arts Uniforms, Karate Equipment Offering brand name Martial Arts equipment, uniforms, weapons and accesories.Category Shopping Sports Martial Arts......Martial Arts Supplies including martial arts uniforms, karate equipment, sparringgear and more. Discounted prices $2.95 shipping. http://www.karatedepot.com/ | |
10. Shotokan Karate Of America Nonprofit organization headed by Tsutomu Ohshima. Pages include world wide SKA dojo directory, contact Category Sports Martial Arts karate Shotokan Organizations......SKA Home Ohshima Sensei What Is karate? karate History Master FunakoshiBeginning karate SKA Special Trainings SKA Info Contact http://www.ska.org/ | |
11. Karate-do Information Centre Portal to links, history, schools and other related resources. http://www.karatetrend.com | |
12. SOUTHERN Karate band. karate home biography discography tour dates contact catalog. someboots lp/cd, Read Gavin's karate European tour diary. http://www.southern.com/southern/band/KARAT/ |
13. Willkommen Zum JKA-Magazin Aktuelle OnlineVersion der Verbandszeitschrift mit Informationen ¼ber karate im Allgemeinen und allerlei Verbandsinformationen wie Lehrg¤nge, Pr¼fungen und Wettkampfberichte. http://www.jka-karate.com/ | |
14. KARATE NET HOME PAGE Kickboxing karate Martial Arts Aerobic Kickboxing http://karatenet.com/ | |
15. Kalsadapo.org Teaches an eclectic selfdefense system. http://www.kalsadapo.org |
16. USA Karate Home A nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting karate within the USA. Includes information on the Category Sports Martial Arts karate Organizations......* The USA karate Federation is a tax exempt nonprofit corporation. (501.c3). (PDF format). 8. The WORLD karate FEDERATION mirror pate. http://www.usakarate.org/ | |
17. "Academia Carmelo Marchese" Historia, filosofia, reglamentos de la WKO, enlaces, y mas sobre el estilo Shotokan. http://members.tripod.com/neto76/ | |
18. Shotokan Karate Magazine Magazine featuring the most senior and famous Shotokan Sensei in an apolitical manner.Category Sports Martial Arts karate Shotokan News and Media......If you are not being redirected please click here http://www.zee.com/skm/ | |
19. Acadiana Karate Located in Lafayette, Louisiana and offers additional street defense and cardio kickboxing classes. Includes contact information, class times and location details. http://www.acadianakarate.com | |
20. Karate On The Web - Websites And Books WWW karate directory contains an extensive list of karate and other martialartsrelated resources. Self-Defence products karate on the Web. http://www.lucifer.com/~sasha/karate.html | |
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