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41. Home Local ice skaters, both recreational and competitive, regardless of age or ability. The club offers the chance for members to meet and practise together, and organises competitions, galas and other events throughout the year. http://members.lycos.co.uk/mkisc/ | |
42. Ice Speed Skating Home-page Basic but complete; events, history, skaters and links.Category Sports Skating ice skating Speed Personal Pages......(since december 1993) Ice Speed Skating Homepage. This Winter 2002-2003All events. Big events. Calender by ISU. ice skating Pages in the world. http://www.dsdelft.nl/~skate/ | |
43. MKISC (Milton Keynes Ice Skating Club) This site is a resource for MKISC members and ice skaters generally, and promotes both recreational Category Sports Skating ice skating Skating Clubs and Rinks......Milton Keynes ice skating Club www.mkisc.org.uk, MKISC brings together local iceskaters, both recreational and competitive, regardless of age or ability. http://www.mkisc.org.uk/ | |
44. Ice Skating Online Game - Candystand On Ice Play the ice skating online game, Candystand On Ice. Free figure skating computergame, sports, arcade, card, and multiplayer games. ice skating Online Game, http://www.candystand.com/games/cs_shock_csis.htm | |
45. Scottish Ice Skating Association Official association for ice skating in Scotland. Provides membership details and benefits, competition details and their latest news. http://www.sisa.org.uk/ | |
46. Home Page pened to the public in the Fall of 1995, this stateof-the-art, world-classice skating facility features both NHL and Olympic size rinks. http://www.disneyice.com/ | |
47. Learn How To Ice Skate Using This Instructional Ice Skating Video: The Eazee Ska Instructional ice skating video by Donna AshtonGood, teaches the basics for beginners. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/goodskat/NewFiles/learning.html | |
48. Oxnard Ice Skating Center Tired of the usual dinner and a movie? Well here's an idea why not take theentire family out for a fun filled spin at the Oxnard ice skating Center! http://www.skateoxnard.com/ | |
49. PORTABLE ICE RINKS Portable rink equipment for rent or for sale; turnkey production of seasonal public ice skating events. http://www.icerinkevents.com/ |
50. Fitness And SpeedSkating Times Online Online version of print inline and ice skating magazine. News, articles, results and subscription information. http://www.speedsk8in.com/index.htm | |
51. The Ice Skating Suppliers FAQ Skating Suppliers. Many people have asked for a listing of Suppliers forice skating. Keats UK ice skating Wear seems to specialise in padding! http://www.achilles.net/~cmacd/sk-sou.html | |
52. Roseville Skating Center - 651-415-2160 A combination ice arena and speedskating oval. Site includes information on arena and oval rentals, Category Regional North America Roseville Recreation and Sports...... to 300 people. ice skating at the John Rose OVAL is now open! PublicSkating times differ daily, please check out our schedule! http://www.ci.roseville.mn.us/oval/ | |
53. Recreational Figure Skating FAQ A good starting point for those new to figure skating.Category Sports Skating ice skating...... This archive contains responses to frequently asked questions about ice skating,and contains outstanding contributions to the news group which have appeared http://www.achilles.net/~cmacd/skating/ | |
54. Custom Team Gymnastics Apparel For Girls & Boys Offers brand name gymnastics leotards, ice skating dresses, and twirling costumes. http://members.aol.com/gymthings/leolady.html | |
55. Portland Ice Skating Society New Zealand fan club site, with history of the Tonya/Nancy scandal, photos, and ongoing commentary.Category Sports Skating ice skating Skaters Harding, Tonya...... The Great Skating Swindle how you can help stop it and get Tonya backon the ice. Skating Achievements. 2003 Portland ice skating Society. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Stadium/1190/ | |
56. Aberdeen Linx Skating Club Aiming to promote ice skating to all ages and standards. Lists general information, constitution, associated links and contact details. http://www.aberdeenlinxskatingclub.org | |
57. Ice Skating Addicts Web Page Dedicated to Italian ice skatersCategory Sports Skating ice skating......Web Page created by ice skating Addicts, All images and clips found on thissite have been taken by ice skating Addicts unless otherwise noted. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Rink/9767/angelsof.html | |
58. Forward Page Official Australian figure skating association.Category Sports Skating ice skating Associations and Federations......ice skating Australia has moved. Please update your links and bookmarks.Click on the link below to go to the new website. CLICK HERE. http://www.powerup.com.au/~isainc/ | |
59. Ice Skating Blades Supplied By Skating World Ice skates, blades, overboot tights and clothing for the figure skater and ice dancer. Located in the UK.Category Shopping Sports Skating ice skating......Skating World Suppliers of quality ice skating equipmentincluding blades, ice skates and dresses. http://www.skating-world.com/ | |
60. This Web-site Is The Idea Fred And Joan Dean From The World Intended to help people understand the history of figure skating, with memorable moments from Ice Category Sports Skating ice skating Magazines......The Early Years History of ice skating by Fred and Joan Dean From the WorldFamous Ice Roller Skate Magazine of England. ice skating Collection. http://www.iceskate-magazine.com/ | |
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