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121. Sei Shin Kan Martial Arts Martial arts instruction and supplies. Illustrating a variety of techniques and providing overviews of weapons. Teaching Jujutsu, Aikido, iaido, Goshin Jutsu, Sogo Budo and Karate. Located in Rochester Hills. http://www.seishinkan.com |
122. Kallhälls Aikido-Iaido Index http://home.swipnet.se/~w-25481/ |
123. Iaido iaido Konsten att dra och hantera det japanska svärdet . Tillbaka tillINDEX. Nybörjarkurs i iaido. När? Tisdagar 20.3022.00, 10 ggr. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-19117/iaido.html |
124. Kendo World Magazine A quarterly magazine devoted to kendo, but also with sections dealing with koryu, iaido, jodo and naginata. Articles on history, philosophy, and techniques. Featuring articles translated from Kendo Jidai and Kendo Nippon, and original articles. http://www.kendo-world.com/ |
125. Iaido iaido. Nykyiaido on ulkoisesti hyvin muodollinen laji, kuten japanilainenjousiammunta (kyudo), jota se monessa suhteessa muistuttaa. http://www.saunalahti.fi/~iaido/Tampere/iaido.html |
126. Iaido - Historia Iaijutsusta (jutsu = taito, tekniikka) alkoi vähitellen kehittyä iaido (do =tie); tärkeäksi tuli liikesarjan puhtaus ja harjoittelijan henkinen asenne http://www.kolumbus.fi/tiia.jokinen/iaido/historia.html |
127. FightAuthority.com - Find Your Path! Fightauthority.com Martial Arts iaido. Martial Arts. iaido. Articles;Techniques; Videos; Pictures; Forum Topics; Books; VHS/DVD Videos; Events;Schools. http://www.fightauthority.com/index.php4?typeID=1&styleID=28 |
128. EnShiro Dojo Salzburg Das Dojo informiert ¼ber Aikido und iaido, sowie angebotenen Lehrg¤nge. http://www.aiki.at/ |
129. Tozando Web Shopping El iaido está considerado como el mejor ejemplo de las artes marcialesmodernas debido a sus movimientos refinados y su sencilla elegancia. http://www.tozando.com/esp/iaido/ |
130. Budoschool Yotosama Budoschool in Zoetermeer. Er wordt getraind in de disciplines judo, aikido, jiujitsu, iaido, jodo en hatha-yoga. Informatie over deze vechtkunsten en een agenda. Internet Explorer aanbevolen http://www.yotosama.com |
131. Iaido Book Search Books Dealing with iaido. iaido The Way of the Sword ~ Ships in 23 days MichaelFinn / Paperback / Published 1994 Our Price $14.36 ~ You Save $3.59 (20%). http://www.karate1.com/books/tiaido.htm |
132. United States Classical Kendo Federation A nonprofit organization, that maintains the memory and teachings of the Sakurai-ha (Kohgen) Itto-Ryu curriculum consisting of Shinai Kendo, kata, iaido, Tai-Yoho and spear. http://www.xmission.com/~mako/index.htm |
133. Bu Jin® Design - Iaito Bu Jin® Design Iaito Katana Case Haori Jinbaori iaido BeltNew! Bu Jin® Design Iaito. Iaito Group. Created exclusively for http://www.bujindesign.com/iaito.html |
134. Koei Budogu Company, Ltd. A Japanese supplier for Kendo, iaido, Judo and Karate. Pages in English and Japanese. http://www.koei-budogu.co.jp |
135. Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido Muso Shinden Ryu iaido. Like most modern iaido schools, Muso shinden ryu tracesback its roots to Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu (15461621). http://anime.jyu.fi/~saren/Docs/Iaido.html |
136. Blue Ridge Ki-Aikido Aikido, iaido, and Ki Development in Charlottesville, Virginia http://www.blueridgekiaikido.org/ |
137. OSU Kendo Club - Iaido iaido. iaido scabbard. While the name iaido is a twentieth centuryinvention, the art itself has been around for some 400 years. http://oregonstate.edu/groups/kendo/iaido.htm |
138. Shinsuikan Dojo Instruction in Aikido, Tae Kwon Do, and iaido. Located in Genoa, Ohio. Affiliated with USA Martial Arts Training Centers and Chudokai International Aikido Federation. http://shinsuikandojo.com |
139. Was Ist Iaido? - Aikido Dojo Shoshin, Nürnberg Translate this page Was iaido ist, und was es mit Aikido zu tun hat. Was ist iaido? Das iaido giltals die älteste Übungsform der japanischen Schwertkampftechniken. http://aikido.shoshin.de/iaido/ |
140. Asociación Cultural Española De Artes Marciales Takeda Ryu Takeda Ryu Nakamuraha Sobudo. Incluye Aikido, Jukempo, iaido, Jodo, Tachi kendo, Suggi jutsu y Shuriken jutsu. http://teleline.terra.es/personal/sobukai/pag1.htm |
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