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101. Ni Kawa Kai Karate Jutsu Based in Christchurch, Dorset. Teaching mainly Karate Jutsu but also Aikido, iaido, Jodo, Sai Jutsu and Nanchaku. http://www.nikawakai.co.uk |
102. The Japanese Sword Arts next Next The Japanese Sword Arts The Japanese SwordArts. Al Bowers bowers@wilbur.dfrf.nasa.gov. http://www.bl.physik.uni-muenchen.de/~k2/budo_english/iaido/ |
103. Tampereen Iaidoseura Seurasta ja iaidon historiasta. http://www.sci.fi/~iaido/Tampere/index.html |
104. The Japanese Sword Arts Kendo, Kenjutsu, And Iaido/Iaijutsu next up previous Next History Up The Japanese Sword Arts Previous The JapaneseSword Arts The Japanese Sword Arts Kendo, Kenjutsu, and iaido/Iaijutsu. http://www.bl.physik.uni-muenchen.de/~k2/budo_english/iaido/node1.html |
105. Sons Of The Dragon Combat Martial Arts Society Teaching Lung Tsu Do Kenpo, Ken Jutsu, iaido, street self defense and hand to hand combat. Features links, photographs, forum, instructional material and school listings. http://martialarts.mybravenet.com |
106. Iaido Click here to visit our sponsor iaido. iaido has strong philosophical and historicalties to Kenjutsu. It was practiced by Japanese warriors for centuries. http://www.martial-way.com/iaido.html |
107. MAGYAR KENDO SZÖVETSÉG - IAIDO - IAIDO http://www.iaido.hu/ |
108. Guelph School Of Japanese Sword Arts Annual event featuring martial arts instruction, academic presentations, and demonstrations. A crafts section includes many of the arts used to build Japanese swords. http://www.uoguelph.ca/~iaido/iai.gsjsa.htm |
109. Fédération Européenne De Iaïdo - European Iaido Federation Translate this page Cette page utilise des cadres, mais votrenavigateur ne les prend pas en charge. http://www.fei-iai.ch/ |
110. Thoughts On Iaido By Nakamura Taizaburo Thoughts on iaido by Nakamura Taizaburo with Guy H. Power Takako Funaya. Thisnew popularity tells me that iaido has naturally spread among the Japanese. http://www.dragon-tsunami.org/Dtimes/Pages/articled2.htm |
111. Aikido Union Wien Offizielle Vereinsseite f¼r die Sportarten Aikido, iaido und Jodo. Trainingsm¶glichkeiten, Veranstaltungskalender, Literatur und Links. http://www.aikido.or.at |
112. Iaido Uniform keikogi .hakama .naginata .iaido .aikido, .kendo video .kendo magazine .kendobooks, .kohdo, iaido Giiaido Gi Regular price $59.99 Sale price $49.99. http://www.e-bogu.com/iaidouniform.html |
113. Demonstratieteam YuYuKan Geeft demonstraties van de vechtsporten judo, aikido, karate, iaido, nunchakudo, judo en jiu-jitsu. Informatie over het team en een activiteiten agenda. http://www.demoteam.nl |
114. Preston Iaido Club Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu training in Preston, UK.Category Sports Martial Arts United Kingdom......Preston iaido Club. Training. Training is at 6 pm every Monday at StrettlesJudo and Martial Arts Centre, Fylde Road, Preston, United Kingdom. Contact. http://freespace.virgin.net/anth.ny/iaido.htm |
115. Dutch Kendo Renmei The NKR or Dutch Kendo Renmei is the official organization for Japanese Budo sports like Kendo, Jodo, and iaido in the Netherlands. Agenda, news, links and forum. English/Dutch http://www.nkr.nl/ |
116. Iaido Aikido. The Art. The art of drawing the Japanese sword, iaido (pronouncedeeeye-doh), is one of coordination, control, and timing. http://www.swdojo.com/iaido/ |
117. Sei Do Kai Online Catalog Providing videos, manuals, books and martial arts equipment with a focus on kendo and iaido. Special and exotic hardwoods are available for weapons. http://sdksupplies.netfirms.com/ |
118. The Vancouver Eishin-Ryu Iaido Club Muso Jikiden EishinRyu iaido. What is iaido? Who is Esaka Sensei? How canI learn? Canadian iaido Association Seminar in Victoria - March 29 th . http://www.ams.ubc.ca/clubs/iaido/ |
119. Sonoran Aikikai USAF Western Region dojo in Tucson, AZ. Classes provided in aikido, aikiweapons, iaido and zazen. http://home.earthlink.net/~sonoranaikikai/ |
120. Iaido Books April 1982. 2. The Art of Japanese Swordsmanship A Manual of EishinRyuiaido, The May 1995. 4. iaido The Way of the Sword, iaido http://www.ironcrane.com/html/iaidbk.html |
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