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81. Fergus Scottish Festival And Highland Games - We've Moved! Update Your Bookmar North America's Premier Festival the Fergus ScottishFestival and highland games. http://www.sentex.net/~scottish/ | |
82. Please Adjust Your Bookmarks A site with all the highland games held in Scotland, with results, contacts and useful information. http://members.aol.com/macmelrose/ | |
83. Portland Scottish Highland Games Welcome to this years Portland highland games. It has been our privilegeto bring you the Portland Games for 51 years. Each year http://www.phga.org/ | |
84. Welcome To Chatham-Kent An annual event which takes place in Chatham every July. It includes Scottish pipers, drummers, dancers and athletes who provide the eventgoer with an unforgettable day of entertainment. http://www.city.chatham-kent.on.ca/chatham/highgame.htm | |
85. Sarasota Highland Games And Festival http://www.sarasotagames.com/ | |
86. Halkirk Highland Games Welcome to the web site for the Halkirk highland games, the premiere sportingevent in the North of Scotland and the Scottish Highlands and Islands. http://www.halkirkgames.co.uk/ | |
87. Dufftown Highland Games - Welcome, Bienvenue, Wilkommen... Dufftown highland games, one of the best Gatherings in Scotland. Dufftownhighland games A Taste of Something Scottish for Everyone! http://www.dufftownhighlandgames.org/highland.html | |
88. New Page 1 Home of the highland games in Chatham, Ontario, Canada.Category Sports Strength Sports highland games Canada......July 1112. 2003. To Learn More. ENTER. http://www.tartansertoma.ca/ | |
89. Cambridge Highland Games - Churchill Park Cambridge North America's Premier Festival the Fergus Scottish Festival and HighlandGames. Welcome to the Cambridge highland games Web Site. http://www.cambridgehighlandgames.org/ | |
90. Celtic Highland Games Of The Quad-Cities Celebrates the sports, music, dance, heritage, and culture of the people Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany. http://www.celtichighlandgames.org | |
91. Untitled Document 0095 President's Greeting On behalf of the Caledonian Society of Arizona, it ismy pleasure to welcome you to the 2003 Scottish Gathering and highland games. http://www.arizonascots.com/games.htm | |
92. Kincardine Scottish Festival An annual Scottish Festival each July, featuring competing pipers and caber tossers. http://www.bmts.com/~kinscotfest/ |
93. Regina Highland Games 2003 Evening Ceilidh The evening ceilidh is always the highlight to finishoff a great weekend of fun at the highland games! This year http://www.reginahighlandgames.org/ | |
94. New Page 1 Home of the highland games in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. http://www.tartansertoma.ca/index.html | |
95. Drumtochty Highland Games Information about highland games in Scotland and in Auchenblaenear Drumtochty Glen in Aberdeen Shire Kincardine. http://www.drumtochtyhighlandgames.com/ | |
96. The San Antonio Highland Games Association The San Antonio highland games Association welcomes you! Our FifthAnnual highland games are scheduled for April 5 and 6, 2003. http://www.sahga.org/ | |
97. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA SCOTTISH HIGHLAND GAMES & CELTIC FESTIVAL Celebrating the Scottish and Celtic families who settled in and developed North Florida. Photos and Category Regional North America Society and Culture History......Photos by Nick Baldwin, Official Games Photographer 2002HonoredClan Donald and Tossing the Caber at the 2002 highland games. http://www.tallahasseescottishgames.com/ | |
98. Calgary Highland Games http://www.calgaryhighlandgames.org/ |
99. Cobourg Highland Games 40th Annual Cobourg highland games Saturday, June 28th, 2003 DoneganPark, D'Arcy St. South Cobourg, Ontario. The Cobourg Highland http://www.highlandgames.nu/ | |
100. Penticton Highland Games - Penticton, British Columbia, Canada - Home Page Thank you for visiting the Penticton highland games Website. The Pentictonhighland games Society is a registered nonprofit organization. http://www.pentictonhighlandgames.com/ | |
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