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41. Joel's Homepage Personal site, covering his interests in acting, dancing, floorball and computers. http://pelu.jns.fi/~joelhak/ |
42. Unihockey/Floorball-Ausrüstung: Www.labelpark.de OnlineShop verschiedener Marken rund um den Sport floorball (Unihockey). Mit allgemeinen Informationen zum Thema und zu Spielern. http://www.labelpark.de/ |
43. Floorball-USA.com, Floorball... The Game Of The New Millennium AFA floorball Network 2003. floorball the new generation of FloorHockey. floorball is permitted. So why floorball? floorball http://www.floorballamerica.com/usa/usa_infonavabar/usa_general/usa_what_is.php4 | |
44. Wiener FloorballBund Verbandshomepage der Wiener floorballclubs, Kontakte in Wien, Allgemeine Infos ¼ber floorball und den Wiener Verband http://www.geocities.com/wienerfb/ |
45. KMTV - Der Sportverein Für Ganz Kiel! - Ballsport Als AdobeAcrobat-Dokumente stehen Informationen rund um die Teilnahme an den Sportarten Badminton, floorball, Fuball, Handball, Prellball, Volleyball und Tischtennis zum Abruf bereit. http://www.kmtv.de/Ballsport/ |
46. World Floorball Championships 2002 This is the second biggest floorball audience ever trailing Stockholm Globen's15,106 in 1996 final. 25.05.2002 Kokocha we had the better players. http://www.salibandy.net/wfc2002/ |
47. IBC LEOBEN Offizielle Seite des 1. ¶sterreichischen Innebandy und floorball Clubs. In deutsch und englisch. http://g4004u.unileoben.ac.at/ibc/ | |
48. Http://www.b-floorball.subnet.dk/ Nyheder, rangliste og adresseliste.Category World Dansk Sport floorball Klubber...... http://www.b-floorball.subnet.dk/ | |
49. F L O O R B A L L . R U http://www.floorball.ru/ |
50. Die Offizielle Website Von Bülach Floorball http://www.buelachfloorball.org/ | |
51. Hjørring Firma Sport Nyheder, tilmeldinger, resultater og stillinger fra foreningens idr¦tgrene, som er badminton, billard, bowling, cykell¸bet Tour de Pedal, dart, floorball, fodbold, petanque og sv¸mning. http://home13.inet.tele.dk/HFS/ | |
52. Innebandy.no - World Floorball Championships 2000 In Norway May 1421 / 2000Category Sports Hockey floorball Events......Optimal settings 1024x768 res, 32bit colors, preferrably MS Explorer4.x and higher or Netscape 4.x and higher. Any questions, comments http://www.innebandy.no/wfc2000/ | |
53. FC Grenaa - Velkommen Idr¦tsforening med Aerobic, badminton, floorball, fodbold, folkedans, h¥ndbold, oldboys, petanque og square dance. http://www.fcgrenaa.dk | |
54. Floorball Equipment - Certified Products All floorball Equipment - Testing and Certification at Swedish National Testing and Research InstituteCategory Sports Hockey floorball Federations......floorball Equipment Testing and Certification at Swedish National Testingand Research Institute. SP - floorball Homepage. New on the floorball Site. http://www.sp.se/km/en/tech_ser/kmp/floorball/certprod-all.htm | |
55. Welcome To Stuckert Floorball Club Øbro Her er det muligt at se udvalgte billeder fra Stuckerts billedbog, kampprogram, diverse lister og Category World Dansk Sport floorball Klubber...... http://www.stuckert.mobilixnet.dk/ | |
56. LFS - Latvijas Florbola Savienîba http://www.floorball.lv/ | |
57. UHC Wild Boars Varese Informazioni sulla societ e sul floorball; attivit , risultati, foto e link. http://utenti.lycos.it/uhc/ | |
58. Floorball Serwis-Unihokej Polish floorball . Polska Liga Unihokeja oraz wszelkie informacjedotyczace floorballa z kraju i ze swiata. http://www.floorball.pl/ | |
59. Floorball Klub InSport floorball je v Sloveniji zaživel z ustanovitvijo prvega floorball kluba InSport Žiri. http://www.geocities.com/insport1999/ |
60. Erik Fällgren Personal sports fan pages. Frisbee, golf, squash, floorball, music, links. http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/3222/ | |
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