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Double Disc Court: more detail |
81. Welcome To The NZFDA introduction to double disc court, double disc court is played by twoteams of two players each and two discs. There are two courts http://www.nzfda.org.nz/about/about_ddc.html | |
82. Linkliste double disc court DoubleDisc Court, USA, zurück zum Seitenanfang. Freestyle Freestyle http://www.slowhand.ultimate.ch/kontakt/52.htm | |
83. CVUT-AVTC - Výukové VHS - Sport X 003 Pohybové lekce III Strecink X 005 Friesbee - Létat je tak snadné X 006Grónsko - Ostrov ledovcu a hor X 007 Frisbee - Taktika a double disc court. http://web.cvut.cz/ph/avtc/avsport.html |
84. Directory :: Look.com Sites. double disc court (DDC) double disc court Questions and Answers Explanationof particular rules and references to the official rules of the sport. http://www.look.com/searchroute/directorysearch.asp?p=49877 |
85. Kalmar Frisbee Klubb Lista över tillgängliga Frisbeegrenar i Kalmar Frisbee Klubb · DDC (DoubleDisc Court) Information DDC, double disc court, är egentligen inte en http://www.kfk.org/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia |
86. Links California Channell. Discovering the World. double disc court. FreestylePlayers Association and http//www.frisbee.com/. Innova Champion Disc. http://www.goaltimate.com/links.htm | |
87. Personal Open Directory . disc Golf (187); double discCourt (2); Freestyle (6). Goaltimate (10); Shopping@ (71); Ultimate Frisbee (829)....... Top Sports Flying discs (1,045), http://www.ideas4you.net/cgi-bin/pod/hot.cgi/Sports/Flying_Discs/ | |
88. Directorio Sports Flying_Discs . disc Golf (187); double discCourt (2); Freestyle (6). Goaltimate (10); Shopping@ (71); Ultimate Frisbee (830).......Top Sports Flying discs (1,046), http://directorio.dirson.com/inter.net/Sports/Flying_Discs/ |
89. EmailPinoy Web Directory . disc Golf (187); double discCourt (2); Freestyle (6). Goaltimate (10); Shopping@ (71); Ultimate Frisbee (830)....... Top Sports Flying discs (1,046), http://search.emailpinoy.com/cgi-bin/webpod.cgi/Sports/Flying_Discs/ | |
90. WFDF Official Rules Of Flying Disc Sports WFDF Official Rules of Flying disc Sports. Copyright (c) 1994, WFDF. The WorldFlying disc Federation (WFDF) has full copyright to this rulebook. http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/ferguson/ultimate/wfdf/ | |
91. Casey's Las Vegas Disc Golf The Vegas disc Golf scene maps of the courses, club news Flying discs disc Golf Courses......Casey's disc Golf Page Las Vegas, Nevada. Bristol doghits@hotmail.comor 702.617.2526 Click here to find out what disc Golf is . http://www.lvdiscgolf.com/ |
92. Links Guts Frisbee. Home page of the Guts players. DDC. Home page for double DiscCourt. Ultimate Players Assoc. Home for Ultimate players. Stray Cone Sports. http://www.hfds.org/html/links.html | |
93. Document Moved "wwwleland" has been replaced by "www" The link you clicked on has "www-leland.stanford.edu" in the URL, instead of "www.stanford.edu". Please contact the person who made the link. Tell them to change it to "www.stanford.edu". http://www-leland.stanford.edu/~damon/ddc | |
94. Dynamic Directory - Sports - Flying Discs - Double Court Extra Path Info /Sports/Flying_Discs/Double_Court http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Sports/Flying_Discs/Double_Court | |
95. Winnipeg Alive! Tuesday, January 14, 2003 "Winnipeg" search on This category needs an editor Copyright © 19982003 Netscape Terms of Use http://www.winnipegalive.com/directory.cfm/Sports/Flying_Discs/Double_Court | |
96. MIT http://www.mitspieler.net/DDC.HTM | |
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