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Double Disc Court: more detail |
61. EBroadcast Internet Directories :: You'll Find It At The Internet Directories! Disc Jam Add to favorites London, England event comprised of competitions indisc golf, ultimate frisbee, goaltimate, double disc court and freestyle. http://www.ebroadcast.com.au/cgi-bin/etopic/index.cgi?base=/Sports/Flying_Discs/ |
62. The Wright Life - Frisbee And Disc Golf Products Kiss The Sky double disc court double disc court play will be on Friday, July 6th only.Play will begin by 11am so make your travel plans accordingly. http://www.wrightlife.com/kts.php | |
63. Golf Discs, Ultimate Frisbee And Promotional Discs For Sale Regular Pro 110 double disc court £6.50, Weights vary from 110g to 110g; StabilityRating 1. Lightweight official disc of the great game of double disc court http://discology.co.uk/shop/showdiscs.asp?disc_id=109 |
64. Fussball Live Europameisterschaft Translate this page Europa Meisterschaft Dog Racing Europa Meisterschaft Dog Sledding Europa MeisterschaftDogfighting Europa Meisterschaft double disc court Europa Meisterschaft http://www.europa-meisterschaft.com/2003/finale/live/brd/ |
65. Fairfield UFO Club double disc court. double disc court (DDC) is an intense team disc sportthat tests a players touch, power and precision to the limits. http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/lsteffen/fu-ufo/DDC.html | |
66. Untitled Het blijkt tot op het hoogste ultimateniveau te werken !! double disc court.Naast ultimate bestaat er nog een teamsport double disc court (DDC). http://www.wau.nl/waf/nieuw/uitleg.htm | |
67. Lost Tribe Disc- Disc Golf In The KIng Country Top. double disc court, double disc court is played by two teams of two playerseach, using tow discs. double disc court A web site dedicated to the sport. http://ngatai.orcon.net.nz/ltd/otherdiscsports.html |
68. Team Chill: UVM Ultimate Rules, Ultimate rules. Discshoppe, Buy discs online. double disc court, Rules ondouble disc court. Discraft, The only type of disc to use. Buy discs, Buy discs online. http://www.uvm.edu/~frisbee/links.html | |
69. Lycos Homepage > Sports > Other Sports > Disc Sports Freestyle. double disc court A good introduction to the world of doubledisc court; FAQ - rec.sport.disc ohio-state.edu -; Freestyle http://www.lycos.co.uk/dir/Sports/Other_Sports/Disc_Sports/ | |
70. MetaEUREKA Metasearch Site info Alexa info 2. Disc Jam London, England event comprised of competitionsin disc golf, ultimate frisbee, goaltimate, double disc court and freestyle. http://www.metaeureka.com/cgi-bin/odp2.pl?dir=Sports/Flying_Discs/ |
71. Frisbee many different games which can be played with frisbees however I will only mentionfour of these here, these are Freestyle, Ultimate, double disc court (DDC) http://www.smoothartist.com/frisbee/ | |
72. Ultimate Happenings - Issue 104 CONTENTS Watch Your Valuables In Your Cars When Playing At Riverside - Nationals'99 Stuff - double disc court Tournament - July 24th Sod Farm - Free Cleats http://www.ocua.ca/UH/uh104.html | |
73. Ultimate Happenings - Issue 100 CONTENTS Saturday Night Follies - June 12 - TOUR Articles Wanted - Disc GolfTourney - Charity double disc court Tournament - To All Shareholders In http://www.ocua.ca/UH/uh100.html | |
74. UK Ultimate - Events Diary 15 March 2003, Bongo's Doubles Matchplay Grand Final, Disc Golf, double disc court,Other Event. 16 March 2003, Northern Winter League IV, Outdoor Ultimate. http://www.ukultimate.com/events.asp | |
75. Hawaii Ultimate League Association - Welcome The purpose of HULA is to encourage and promote discrelated activities includingUltimate, Disc Golf, Freestyle, double disc court and Hacky Sack as well as http://www.hawaiiultimate.com/hula_about.asp | |
76. Untitled Document Las Positas College Intramural Webpage Fall 2001 double disc court Women's Champions ..Coed Division ..Men's Division Jacquie Martinez http://lpc1.clpccd.cc.ca.us/lpc/pohl/lpcim/2champions/aut2001/frisbeechamps.html | |
77. Untitled Document Las Positas College Intramural Webpage Fall 2002 double disc court Women'sDivision Champions . Christine Cunningham Vanessa Rodriquez http://lpc1.clpccd.cc.ca.us/lpc/pohl/lpcim/2champions/aut2002/frisbeechamps.html | |
78. Sports: Flying Discs - WorldSearch.com 3. Disc Jam London, England event comprised of competitions in disc golf,ultimate frisbee, goaltimate, double disc court and freestyle. http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Sports/Flying_Discs | |
80. SearchUK - Finds It Fast! WFDF Rules Article II double disc court - Article II - double disc courtdouble disc court (DDC) - double disc court. WEBSEARCH. POPULAR SEARCHES. http://www.searchuk.com/Top/Sports/Flying_Discs/Double_Court/ | |
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