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Double Disc Court: more detail |
1. WFDF Rules: Article II - Double Disc Court Provides a listing of rules in outline format. http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/ferguson/disc/wfdf/wfdf-ddc.html | |
2. Account Expired Overview of this twoon-two disc sport, with rules, strategies, tournament schedule, results, and pictures. http://www.stanford.edu/~damon/ddc | |
3. WFDF Rulebook Article II (DDC) ARTICLE II double disc court Comment double disc court is a game played by two teams of two players each. Each team is charged with defending a court from the attack of the opponents. http://www.wfdf.org/art2.htm | |
4. Disc Jam - A Showcase Of Flying Disc Sports London, England event comprised of competitions in disc golf, ultimate frisbee, goaltimate, double disc court and freestyle. http://www.discjam.com/ | |
5. WFDF-WOC 1999 In Kalmar Located in Kalmar, Sweden with freestyle, accuracy, double disc court, disc golf and distance events. http://www.kfk.org/wfdf-99/ | |
6. Double Disc Court - Www.doubledisccourt.co.uk double disc court, commonly referred to as DDC, is a unique sport in that two flying discs are used in play at the same http://www.doubledisccourt.com/ | |
7. Double Disc Court Explanation of particular rules and references to the official rules of the sport.Category Sports Flying Discs double disc court......COME OUT PLAY OTHER DISC SPORTS. double disc court, freestyle,overall, guts, goaltimate, mountain bike ulti. double disc court (DDC). http://www.bcdss.bc.ca/other/ddc.html | |
8. FETE DU DISQUE 2000 Tournoi d'©preuves individuelles distance, pr©cision, double disc court, maximum time aloft, disc golf. Informations sur l'inscription, l'acc¨s et les commodit©s, r©sultats et photos de l'©dition 1999. Bilingue fr/en. http://fetedudisque.free.fr/ | |
9. Mountain Bike Ultimate COME OUT PLAY OTHER DISC SPORTS. double disc court, freestyle, overall,guts, goaltimate, mountain bike ulti. Mountain Bike Ultimate (MBU). http://www.bcdss.bc.ca/other/mbu.html | |
10. WFDF Rulebook. Indexpage. Official rules of guts, double disc court, discathon, ultimate frisbee, freestyle and disc golf in an outline form. http://www.wfdf.org/windex.htm | |
11. World.Disc.Games /+/ Events Events. WDG, double disc court, double disc court (DDC) is a disc sport which combinescatching and throwing ability with quickness, strategy, and communication. http://www.worlddiscgames.com/events_doubleDiscCourt.htm | |
12. World.Disc.Games /+/ Events He is an avid player of all Disc Sports, especially Guts, Disc Golf, Ultimate,double disc court, and Maximum Time Aloft, as well as a major international http://www.worlddiscgames.com/events_guts.htm | |
13. NFB: Overige Onderdelen Van De Frisbeesport Over het algemeen beperkt dit zich hier slechts tot een nationaal toernooi per jaar. double disc court (DDC). http://www.frisbeesport.nl/NFB/onderdln/overig.htm | |
14. Double Disc Court (DDC) double disc court. double disc court is a frisbee sport which combinesquickness, strategy, and throwing ability. It is one of seven http://www.pellucid.com/conrad/ddc/ | |
15. Double Disc Court Overview double disc court. double disc court, commonly referred to as DDC, isa unique sport in that two discs are used in play at the same time. http://www.pellucid.com/conrad/ddc/overview.html | |
16. Bongos Disc Sports Club - Disc Golf - Double Disc Court - Ultimate Frisbee double disc court, more commonly known as "DDC", is a fun filled game incorporating throwing, tipping, and catching http://bongos.discgolf.co.uk/ | |
17. Bongos Disc Sports Club - Disc Golf - Double Disc Court - Ultimate Frisbee Bongos are London's number one disc golf club. Our website contains all you need to know about disc Category Sports Flying Discs Disc Golf Associations......webBONGO Disc Golf Club, Search disc golf UK. Quick Links What is Disc Golf? Welcome.webBONGO was London's first Disc Golf web site back in 1997. http://www.bongos.discgolf.co.uk/ | |
18. Double Disc Court - Www.doubledisccourt.co.uk Home. double disc court, commonly referred to as DDC, is a unique sportin that two flying discs are used in play at the same time. http://doubledisccourt.co.uk/ | |
19. Double Disc Court - Www.doubledisccourt.co.uk Strategy A common strategy used to DOUBLE the opponent is to throw thefirst disc to the opponents court either very slowly or very high. http://doubledisccourt.co.uk/basic_rules.htm | |
20. Dansk Frisbee Sport Union double disc court. Spillet double disc court (DDC) er et spil som tester spillerenesgribe og kasteevne samt hurtighed, strategi og kommunikation. http://www.frisbee.dk/sw702.asp | |
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