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Coursing: more books (102) | ||||
141. Coursing Für Windhunde Bei Windhunde.de Translate this page können. Was ist ein coursing? coursing soll eine natüliche Hetzjadgimitieren. Dazu vorgibt. Was hat coursing mit Zucht zu tun? Beim http://www.windhunde.de/wissenswertes/hunderennen/coursing.htm |
142. IcLiverpool Face To Face In Hate At Altcar David Charters, Daily Post. Long article about the Waterloo Cup, coursing's major event. Joining enthusiasts and hunt saboteurs alike, he sees no possibility of the differences between these two groups ever being reconciled except perhaps by the ECHR. http://icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/page.cfm?objectid=12677780&metho |
143. Image Gallery Hare Coursing Pictures Pictures of dogs chasing and attacking rabbits in a sport known as harecoursing. Read Hare coursing Factsheets and visit Hare coursing Links. http://www.animalsvoice.com/PAGES/archive/coursing.html |
144. Hieland Whippets a small hobby kennel of whippets for show and lure coursing in upstate New York. http://hielandwhippets.tripod.com |
145. Burnpark.com Burnpark Kennels, Coursing, Trial Stakes, All-Age, Us Home coursing. The Burnpark kennels have been represented inPowerstown Park, Clonmel by the following trialstake winners http://www.burnpark.com/coursing.html |
146. Sternhimmels Finnish kennel offers pedigrees and progeny of their dogs, along with awards won in lure coursing and conformation. http://www.geocities.com/sternhimmels/ |
147. Waterford County Council About Waterford. DEVELOPMENT BOARD. Waterford County Sports Directory 11. coursing, Previous Page Next Page . Community Games, 11. coursing, 12. Cricket, 13. http://www.waterfordcoco.ie/index.cgi?art_id=142&pagenum=11 |
148. Tâdj Mahâl This kennel from Belgium has both smooth and feathered salukis. They participate in conformation and lure coursing. This site features photos, accomplishments, litter and contact information. http://perso.infonie.fr/tadj.mahal/ |
149. Heartland Coursing Association days 'til the HCA/NCA Memorial day weekend 3 days of coursing in Lawrence, Kansas.Heartland coursing Association. coursing is a great sport for .. http://www.angelfire.com/in2/coursing/ |
150. Moreau-Sipiere International Sloughis Breeder of Sloughi for companion, show, and coursing. Ermine MoreauSipiere of Liberry, IA. http://www.sloughi.com/ |
151. Tepe Gawra Salukis Amira Basma In Action, Lure Coursing coursing in pursuit of the petroleum hare (lure coursing) (photo byShot on Site), Tepe Gawra Amira FCh. Tepe Gawra Durak ex Tepe Gawra La'aba, http://saluqi.home.netcom.com/coursing1.htm |
152. GreatPets.com. Lure Coursing It is fulfilling to watch breeds meant for speed and endurance run a lure coursingcompetition. You Are Here Dogs Training Activities Lure coursing. http://www.greatpets.com/home/dogs/training/activities/lure_coursing |
153. Observer Sport Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow Will Buckley. Attending a coursing trial in East Anglis, the author decides it is an acquired taste, not particularly for him, but that is no reason to outlaw it. http://sport.guardian.co.uk/columnists/theobserver/story/0,10541,864556,00.html |
154. Coursing Racing coursing and Racing. Click on photos for more info! Pyerun, 1 Lurecoursing Borzoi in 1978 and a six time Best in Field winner! http://www.wildhunthounds.net/WH/coursing___racing.html |
155. Summit Whippets Breeder located in Southern California presents pictures, information and pedigrees of their show and field coursing champions. http://www.summitwhippets.com |
156. Indiana Lure Coursing Club May Premium INDIANA LURE coursing CLUB. ALL BREED ASFA SANCTIONED LURE coursing FIELD TRIAL. TheASFA Magazine about Lure coursing. $30 per year bulk mail $42 first class. http://members.aol.com/nprnotra/ILCC.html |
157. Arendahl Breeders, owners, handlers and coursing enthusiasts. Located in Wisconsin. http://hometown.aol.com/larkspr999/ArendahlBasenjis.html |
158. Lure Coursing At The Dog's Camp This is the Lure coursing page of The Dog's Camp website, Harry Van Vliet, instructor.Javascript must be enabled for this page to be viewed properly. _. http://www.rfci.net/rnelson/thedog'scamp/lure_coursing.htm |
159. The Wonderful World Of Whippets Stories and photos of Becca and Macy and their adventures at home, in the show ring and lure coursing. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/6315/ |
160. Arizona Adopt A Greyhound, Inc. Lure coursing Fun For Your Dog and You! Ideal candidates to compete in lurecoursing are those greyhounds that have been retired six months or less. http://www.arizonaadoptagreyhound.org/newsletter/articles/lure.html |
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