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Cave Diving: more books (77) | ||||||||||
121. Volcano Diving Center Santorini cave, wreck, wall, boat, nitrox, technical and rebreather diving. http://www.scubagreece.com |
122. Narked Sharks Scuba Diving Club Group of recreational, wreck, cave and technical divers located in the Naperville area, in the suburbs west of Chicago. Member contact list, calendar, meeting minutes, and photos. http://www.geocities.com/narkedsharks/ |
123. Blue Lake Diving cave, technical, and commercial diving. diving equipment sales and hire including Air and Nitrox. Bunk style accommodation also available. http://www.bluelakediving.com/ |
124. The Descent Line Dive reports by Elissa and Jody Thompson from their travels to Maui, Freeport, West End and Bimini, Bahamas, Jamaica, Palau, Cozumel and the Dos Ojos and Murcielagos caverns of Akumal, Mexico. Travel, trip reports, vacation rentals, underwater photography, logbook, dive related links, hosts Drift, cavern, cave, nitrox and wreck diving in California, Palau, Bahamas, Cozumel, Akumal, Maldives. http://www.descentline.com |
125. Dive Tech Canadian manufacturer of commercial, technical, and custom scuba diving equipment, including lights, reels, pony bottle and dive light brackets, twin bands, and tank cages. Products will also support cave and wreck penetration divers. http://www.ncf.ca/~ep050 |
126. Popeye's Beach Resort Provides lodging, recreation, fishing, tours, cave exploration, snorkeling, scuba diving, and great family fun. http://www.popeyesbeachresort.com |
127. Lloyd Bailey's Scuba And Watersports Offers dive trips and instructional courses at all levels of recreational diving from Beginning Open Water to Full cave. Carries kayaks and sailboats. Sells scuba and diving equipment from a catalog list with prices and order form. Located in Gainesville, Florida. http://lloydbaileysscuba.com |
128. Akumal Dive Center Information on recreational, cave and cavern diving courses and dive trips. Online information request form. http://www.akumaldivecenter.com |
129. Cave Courses diving courses for various levels of skill and experience from this company based in Lake City, Florida, USA. http://cavediving.org/cave~courses/index.asp |
130. Cave Dwellers Well organized site describing diving courses and guided tours in Florida and Mexico. http://cave-dwellers.com |
131. Aktun Dive Center cave and cavern diving in Quintana Roo, Mexico. http://www.aktundive.com |
132. Florida Cave, Cavern, And Sinkhole Diving cave, cavern, and Sinkhole diving. Most of the technical information aboutthe springs has come from the Florida Geological Survey Bulletin 31. http://www.floridacaves.com/ |
133. TechnicalDiver.Com An online resource for technical diving. Wreck, cave, and mixed gas. http://www.technicaldiver.com |
134. Scandinavian Diving Centre Located in Protarus near Ayia Napa in the south east of Cyprus. Caters to divers from complete novices to fully qualified divers. Dives include shore dives, reef dives, cave dives, boat dives and wreck dives. http://www.humphrist.freeserve.co.uk/homepage3.html#Scuba Diving |
135. Dive The New Frontier cave/cavern diving at the Mexican resort hotel of Villa de Rosa. http://www.cenotes.com/history.html |
136. Yucatan Peninsula Cenote And Cavern Diving With Blue Peace Dive Cenote (cave) diving. The Yucatan Peninsula is world famous for it'sCenotes or sinkholes. Many of the Cenotes are connected and http://www.bluepeacediving.com/cavediving.htm |
137. Florida Cave, Cavern, And Sinkhole Diving This site has been moved to. www.floridacaves.com. Thank you for visitingmy website. As of April 2002, I have moved my web site from http://home.tampabay.rr.com/mblitch/cave/ |
138. Desert Caves Of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia's desert caves and other natural wonders. Photos and articles on caves, camels, dunes and Red Sea diving. http://www.saudicaves.com |
139. Woodville Karst Plain Project An organisations undertaking exploration of deep underwater caves in North Florida.Category Recreation Outdoors North America United States......diving Updates Image Gallery Exploration History Equipment Procedures Decompression Science. WOODVILLE KARST PLAIN PROJECT. http://www.wkpp.org/ |
140. Cavedive.com http://www.cavedive.com/cave.htm |
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