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Billiards: more books (100) |
141. Outdoor Billiards - OutdoorBilliards - Outdoorbilliards.com Information and resources for outdoor billiards outdoorbilliards outdoor billiardsoutdoor billiards billiard table billiards computer game fun game game game http://www.outdoorbilliards.com/ |
142. Victorian Billiards And Snooker Association This Australian association lists bylaws, tournament results, affiliated clubs, links, events, and background on the VBSA. http://www.vbsa.org.au/index.html |
143. Inside Pool Magazine Source for news from the world of pool and billiards. http://insidepool.com |
144. Peters Billiards Gameroom store featuring Peters customdesigned pool tables and cabinetry along with a collection of antique billiard tables. http://www.petersbilliards.com/ |
145. Pool, Billiards And Snooker Rules, Tips, Tutorials Links to a wide variety of howto guides covering topics from rules to form.Category Sports billiards Schools and Instruction......Pool, billiards Snooker Tips, Lessons Go to Knowledge Hound's main page.Subtopics on this page General/Mixed/Misc., billiards/Pool, Snooker. http://www.knowledgehound.com/topics/pool.htm |
146. Cue Man Billiards Makers of Cue Smith lathes, inlay machine, and hightower cues. http://www.cuesmith.com |
147. Hotshots Family Billiards Has pool tables, arcade games, snack bar, soft drinks and beer. Includes hours and tournament information. http://www.hotshotsbilliards.com |
148. Las Cruces Pool/Billiards Information OnLine directory of pool/billiard activities in the Las Cruces, NM/El Paso, TX area. Local tournament and league results updated weekly. http://www.borderbilliards.com |
149. Billiards Of Texas Retail store selling and repairing pool tables, bumper pool tables, game tables, air hockey, shuffleboard Category Regional North America Business and Economy Shopping......Welcome to billiards of Texas's Home Page. We have been in business Welcometo billiards of Texas' Home Page. We have been in business http://www.billiardsoftexas.com/ |
150. Rock Solid Pool And Billiards Complete line of Dufferin, Cuetec, Falcon, Viking, and Predator cues. Secure online ordering. http://www3.nt.sympatico.ca/rocksolid2000 |
151. HotShot Billiards Features new and used pool tables, cues and supplies. Tables recovered and moved. http://www.hotshotbilliards.com/ |
152. Playaholics - Addictive Stuff Playaholics is the place to come if you cant stop playing. Have fun withBlast billiards and other games. Whats more, you can win prizes too! http://www.mousebreaker.co.uk/html/billiards.html |
153. Live Billiards - Play 3D Billiards Game Virtual Online Pool Live billiards play 3D billiards game, Virtual Online Pool Club, free 3d billiardgame, free download, demo version, Straight Pool, 8ball, 9ball, 14.1, 3ball http://www.terragame.com/lbclub.shtml |
154. Cues Plus Billiards Retailer of pool cues and accessories offering a free case with every cue purchase. Includes custom and oneof-a-kind pool cues. In business since 1987. http://www.cuesplus.com/ |
155. Stadium Billiards Pool hall featuring 13 billiard tables, along with weekly tournaments. Location, specials and contact. http://www.geocities.com/faerygoddess1979@prodigy.net/Stadium_Billiard1.html |
156. Association Of Pocket Billiards Australia Association site with events, rankings, and rules. http://www.geocities.com/apbainc |
157. JSS Billiards Specialise in 'old cues', both for the discerning player and for the collector of billiards and snooker equipment. http://www.billiards-snooker.com |
158. Bullhead Billiards And Darts Commercial and home vendor of pool and dart equipment. http://www.ndadarts.com/bbd/ |
159. About -Sports You are here About Sports, Sports, The Lob Game A great game for410 intermediate or better tennis players. NPPL Huntington Beach http://www.about.com/sports/ |
160. About -Sports Search in this channel. Web Hosting. Sports. Male Pacesetters? Thedecision by the London marathon organizers to http://softball.about.com/ |
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