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1. Biathlon Antholz - Anterselva - Italy. Directory outlines the events and contacts for this event in German, English, and Italian. http://www.biathlon-antholz.it/ |
2. Die Ultimative Biathlon Infopage Aus Österreich Auf unserer biathlon Homepage finden Sie die aktuellsten Info zu dieser Sportart. (Bild) und OleEinar Björndalen heißen die Sieger des letzten Wettkampfs beim diesjährigen biathlon-Weltcup in Oslo. http://www.biathlon.at/ | |
3. The US Biathlon Association National governing body for biathlon in the United States. News, events, results, personal profiles, Category Sports Multi-Sports biathlon...... Support/join USBA. biathlon on OLN Friday at 2 PM EST Lahti Finland World Cup 6. biathlon on OLN TV in the USA Starts Friday, Feb 7 - don't miss the action! http://www.usbiathlon.org/ | |
4. Biathlon Canada Covers events in North America and around the world. Find calendars, race results, a newsletter and athlete biographies. Le sport du biathlon. ProgramS/. LES Programme http://www.biathloncanada.ca/ | |
5. Biathlon.de Translate this page biathlon Aktuelle Infos zu nationalen und internationalen Wettkämpfen, Sportler,Ausrüster und Partner im biathlon Sport. biathlon bis ins Detail! http://www.biathlon.de/ |
6. NEWS On Www.biathlonworld.com Official page of the sport's governing body offers athlete profiles, news articles, results and contact information. Gross has won the 12 5 sprint at the biathlon World Championships in KhantyMansiysk in the time of 3130.9 minutes http://www.ibu.at/ |
7. Allen's Biathlon Page biathlon tips and techniques, race schedules, race results, history,race formats, pictures, clubs and links. Allen's biathlon Page. http://www.biathlon.net/ | |
8. USBA: About Biathlon There are three race events in biathlon, each with different distances, rules, and penalties. There Category Recreation Guns Competition Shooting Smallbore...... About biathlon. About biathlon. About USBA. Equipment Ski gear, rifles, ammunition,and targets A Spectator's Guide Basic biathlon information and race formats. http://www.usbiathlon.org/about/ | |
9. German-Biathlon.com A fansite about the sport, especially the German team. Information about competitions and rules and personal facts about the German biathletes. http://www.german-biathlon.com/ |
10. Biathlon Allgäu Wettkampfergebnisse, Termine und Trainingsprogramm der Sportler. http://www.allgaeu.org/Biathlon/ | |
11. [ Intouch Sport ] ::::::::::: Ukrainian Biathlon Team ::::::::::: Information about Ukrainian national team, results from past competitions. http://www.biathlon.org.ua/eng_main.shtml | |
12. Olympic Biathlon Links Offers a directory to information about the biathlon event at the winter Olympic Games. http://www.sirlinksalot.net/biathlon.html | |
13. Northwest Territories Biathlon Association Includes a history of the sport, upcoming events and standings. http://www.mssltd.com/nwtbiathlon/ | |
14. Biathlon Ruhpolding http://www.biathlon-ruhpolding.de/ |
15. National Cadet Biathlon Championship 2003 The Army Cadet League of Canada is a civilian organization which acts in partnership with the Department of National Defence and individual Corps sponsors, to support the Royal Canadian Army Cadets in Canada. The League has branches in each of the ten provinces and three territories. http://www.cadets.net/biathlon/intro_e.asp | |
16. Smugglers Notch Primitive Biathlon Winter biathlon event using muzzleloaders and woodframed snowshoes the last weekend of January in Northern Vermont. http://www.sover.net/~medukie/ | |
17. Biathlon Hochfilzen http://www.biathlon-hochfilzen.at/ |
18. Biathlon Haute-Maurienne Vanoise La HauteMaurienne Vanoise a fait le choix du biathlon. Elle offre aux athl¨tes de tous pays un nouveau site de qualit©. http://www.biathlon-hautemaurienne.com/ | |
19. Welcome To Homepage Composition, fonctionnement, directives, documents, coupes et championnats, clubs r©gionaux. Photos, contacts et liens. http://www.biathlon-quebec.qc.ca/ | |
20. May Day Biathlon -- Morganton, NC The annual May Day biathlon held in Morganton, North Carolina. All ages (separate youth and adult courses) are welcome and prizes are awarded. The biathlon is a 5 km run, followed by 30 km bike ride (usually known as a duathlon). http://www.hci.net/~biathlon | |
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