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121. Http//www.arnis.subnet.dk/ http://www.arnis.subnet.dk/ |
122. Arni's Fitness Food Der InternetDiscounter f¼r Sportern¤hrung bietet Produkte zum Muskel- und Masseaufbau, Fettabbau, Di¤t und verschiedenes Trainingszubeh¶r. Dazu gibt es Informationen zur Ern¤hrung und zum Training. http://www.arnis-fitnessfood.de/ |
123. Kali, Escrima, Arnis Click here to visit our sponsor Kali, Escrima, arnis. Kali, Escrima,and arnis are the terms for the fighting arts of the Philippines. http://www.martial-way.com/kali.html |
124. Kicks And Sticks Martial Arts Studio Personal page providing details on school in Easthampton, Massachusetts teaching Modern arnis and Filipino arts. Provides ranking system, class information and gallery. http://kicksandsticks.00go.com/ |
125. Cebuano Arnis Cebuano arnis. Cebuanos are noted for a native form of martial arts the art of stick-fighting called olilisi or arnis. Olilisi http://www.esprint.com.ph/pointcebu/sports/arnis.htm |
126. Datu Kely Worden's Natural Spirit International Curriculum covers single stick Modern arnis, closequarter Kali, double stick Escrima and Kuntao. Seminars and events and links to other relevant sites of interest. http://www.kellyworden.com |
127. MeineStadt Arnis Stadtführer Und Marktplatz Translate this page Aktuelles zum Leben, Arbeiten, Ausgehen, Einkaufen und Urlauben in arnis Veranstaltungen,Fotos, Bilder, Webcams, freie Stellen, Branchen, Wetter, Kontakte http://www.meinestadt.de/arnis/home |
128. Old Greenwich Isshinryu Karate Teaching Isshinryu Karate, Veearnis Jitsu, Filipino Stick and Knife Fighting, and combat self defense. General information, programs, location and schedule. http://bestkarate.org |
129. History Of History Of Modern arnis. The Origins of of stick fencing. In additionto arnis, Presas became proficient in judo, jujitsu and karate. http://www.blueridgekungfu.com/Arnis History.htm |
130. International Philippino Martial Arts Academy Modern arnis using Jeet Kwon Do concepts including Kung Fu, Wing Chun, Mano Mano, wrestling and weapons. http://www.geocities.com/ipmaatas/ |
131. Ferienland Schleswig-Holstein - Reiseziele - Bad Arnis/Schlei Translate this page Bad arnis - die Bezeichnung wurde 1988 gewählt, als Hinweis auf eine alte Badeanstalt. arnislebt auch heute noch vom Wasser vom Schiffbau und der Fischerei. http://www.sh-tourist.de/ziele/angeln/feriorte/badarnis.htm |
132. Kombatan North West Chapter Provides information about Modern arnis training and the school in Clackamas, Oregon. Includes history of arnis, information about the instructor, contact information, and related links. http://kombatan.tripod.com |
133. Arnis - Wernigerode Translate this page Der Verein Philippinischer Kampfkünste Wernigerode eV stelltsich und das Modern arnis - Mano Mano - Training vor. http://www.arnis-wernigerode.de/ |
134. International Martial Arts And Boxing Teaching Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do, Kali, Eskrima, arnis, Muay Thai, Jiu Jitsu, wresting, weight training and general fitness classes. Includes requirements and curriculum, courses and class schedule. Located in Torrance. http://www.imbacademy.com |
135. About Our School-Modern Arnis Kenpo Karate, arnis, Cardio Classes, Kickboxing, Workout, Mind, Body, Spirit.Parker Kenpo. Cromwell Martial Arts. MODERN arnis. What is Modern arnis? http://www.cromwellmartialarts.com/modernarnis.html |
136. Remy Presas - The Legend Lives Dedicated to the memory of Remy Presas. Instruction, training camps and seminars on Modernarnis and related styles. School located in Media, Pennsylvania. http://www.remypresas.net |
137. Arnis/Escrima/Kali arnis/Escrima/Kali Guide picks. arnis/Escrima/Kali General Sites Generalsites about the Filipino Martial Arts of arnis, escrima, and kali. http://martialarts.about.com/cs/arnisescrimakali1/ |
138. Visayan Martial Arts Offers arnisEscrima-Kali training at a school in Cebu City, the Central Philippines. Includes articles, definition of the various names of the Filipino defenses, instructor profiles, seminar information, and information about Doce Pares, Balintawak, and Tat Kun Tao which are part of the curriculum. http://www.visayanmartialarts.com/ |
139. Arnis Intro arnis. Introduction arnis usable. Sometimes arnis is thought of as juststickfighting , but there's more to it than that. Historically http://www.kicksandstix.com/arnis.htm |
140. Thunder Center Martial Arts Selfdefense, Eskrima-Kali-arnis, Karate and Jujitsu training in Fountain Valley. Features schedule, style information, instructor biography and links. http://thundercenter.tripod.com |
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