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101. Cromwell Martial Arts Training in Modern arnis, Kenpo Karate, Ju Jitsu and Okinawan weapons. Lists class schedule, style backgrounds, news and events, seminars, photographs and links. Located in Middletown. http://www.cromwellmartialarts.com |
102. Arnis Escrima Kali arnis escrima kali. arnis ESCRIMA KALI (The Philippines). arnis andEscrima are basically the same martial art as Kali, the different http://www.martialarm.co.uk/martialarts/arnis.html |
103. Modern Arnis In Frankfurt Vorf¼hrung der Modern arnis Abteilung der Turngemeinde Bornheim zum Tage der offenen T¼r in Frankfurt. http://www.8ung.at/eiser/arnis20020609/index.html |
104. Infofighter » Arnis Top » arnis. Infofighter » arnis. Links arnis Balite FilipinoArt of Hand, Foot Stick Fighting (Modified 22-Sep-2000 Hits 52 http://infofighter.hypermart.net/links/Arnis/ |
105. Modern Arnis In Frankfurt - Home Translate this page http://www.digitized.de/arnis/ |
106. Bellevue Martial Arts Academy Provides instruction in Modern arnis and Tae Kwon Do in Bellevue, Washington. Provides information about each form, schedules, and information about arnis seminars. http://www.arnisador.com/ |
107. El Bastonero - Die Neue Modern Arnis / Mano Mano Homepage Translate this page http://www.arnis-online.de/ |
108. Archangel Martial Arts School teaching Mati arnis. Includes a members area, articles, biography, and related school information. http://www.archangelmartialarts.com |
109. Arnado's Arnis De Mano Welcome to arnisdemano.com, the online home of Arnado's arnis de Mano! Picsof Classes and Events. Friends of Arnado's arnis de Mano. C'mon back!! http://www.arnisdemano.com/ |
110. East Coast Martial Arts Center Teaching Taekwondo, Hapkido, arnis and Nunchaku. Features calendar, upcoming events and gallery. Located in Groton. http://www.eastcoastmartialarts.net |
111. Allblackbelt.com Resources - Arnis arnis Home Page All Categories arnis. Other important links. BahalaNa Systems International The Giron System of arnis Escrima http://www.allblackbelt.com/links/arnis.html |
112. Philippinische Kampfkunst Pekiti-Tirsia Kali Antworten auf die h¤ufigsten Fragen zum Thema philippinische Kampfkunst (arnis, Kali, Eskrima) und speziell zum PekitiTirsia System des Gromeisters Leo T. Gaje werden gegeben. Dazu Info zum Verband und Seminartermine. http://www.pekiti-tirsia.de |
113. IKAEF - International Kali Arnis Eskrima Federation Choose your Language to Enter. English, Deutsch. Optimized for MicrosoftIE 5.x and 1024x768 Screensolution JavaScript has to be activated http://www.ikaef.com/ |
114. Village Martial Arts Modern arnis and Tai Chi taught by Punong Guro Doug Pierre. Class schedule, instructor profiles, school history, fees, news and links. New York, NY http://members.tripod.com/VillageMartialArts/home.html |
115. Sport-Club Eilbek Von 1913 EV [Arnis] Translate this page Sportverein in Hamburg mit den Sparten Fußball (mit Juniorinnen + Frauen-Team),Herzsport, der phillipinischen Selbstverteidigung arnis, Gymnastik, Handball. http://www.sceilbek.de/arnis.htm |
116. Matt Stokes' Martial Arts Center Learn the art of arnis de Leon, a Filipino martial art combining stick fighting, knife fighting and Ju Jitsu. http://www.stickfighting.net |
117. Arnis' Homepage arnis Kletnieks. Tufts University Physics Department Medford, MA 02155 Emailakletnie@emerald.tufts.edu. Official Places to Go. Tufts University Homepage. http://www.tufts.edu/~akletnie/ |
118. Amerasian Defensive Arts An eclectic martial arts discipline balancing daily life with self defense training utilizing Aikido, arnis and firearms. Features testimonials, seminars, products, location and links. http://aikidoarnis.com |
119. Introduction Page Welcome to the Only Web Site Authorized by Grand Master Leo Giron. TheGiron System of arnis Escrima Teaching Arins Escrima since 1968. http://www.gironarnisescrima.com/ |
120. KJAN Nelson - Dortmund Akademie f¼r Ganzheitssysteme. Kali Escrima arnis, Wing Dchun, C.D. Boxen, Chen T'ai-Chi, Quigong, Yoga. http://kjan-nelson-online.de |
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