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21. Welcome History and information style, techniques, gallery, classes and events and links.Category Sports Martial Arts Filipino Schools and Instruction......Free Web site hosting Freeservers.com, http://lastra-arnis.8m.com/ | |
22. The Pinoy Eskrima Arnis Kali (PEAK-L) Mailing List List containing informative articles for practitioners of Filipino martial arts. Includes FAQs, instructors, mirrors and links. http://www2.mozcom.com/~deadlock/peak-l/index.html | |
23. Index Of /aek Informiert ¼ber die philippinische Sportart des Stockkampf, Schwertkampf und Messerkampf. http://www.wws.de/aek/ | |
24. University Of Santo Tomas Martial Arts Club Teaching Karate, Taekwondo, Judo, kickboxing, Jujitsu and other Filipino Martial Arts like arnis, Sikaran, Dumog and Dulac. FAQs, history, events, merchandise and gallery. http://www.geocities.com/ustmac |
25. TSV-ISERNHAGEN_BUDO Der Verein lehrt WadoRyu Karate und andere Kampfk¼nste, die unter Circle of Martial Arts (C.O.M.A.) zusammengefasst sind. Dazu geh¶ren Aikido, Warrior Escrima, Jun Fan, Kickboxen, arnis und Kali. F¼r beide Bereiche gibt es aktuelle Nachrichten, Infos zum Trainer und einen Trainingsplan. http://www.tsv-isernhagen-budo.de | |
26. DangeRuss Sam Pai Kenpo, Gun Fu, Arnis, Escrima, Kali, Self Defense, Iron Crane, Russ Kauffroath school in Bremerton, Washington USA teaching a self styled Sam Pai system based on Kenpo, Iron Crane Gung Fu and Phillipino arnis. Includes contact details, history of the styles, techniques and kata information for students. http://www.angelfire.com/wa/dangerusskenpo | |
27. Stadt Arnis Translate this page Herzlich willkommen in der kleinsten Stadt Deutschlands, herzlich willkommenin arnis an der Schlei! Stadt arnis http//stadt-arnis.de/. http://www.stadt-arnis.de/ | |
28. Balintawak Arnis By Bob Silver C. Tabimina What is Balintawak arnis? Balintawak arnis is a combat system developedby Anciong Bacon in the 1940s. Believed to be named after http://balintawak.s5.com/balintawak.html | |
29. The Filipino Martial Arts/Kenpo Karate Connection Specializing in Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate books, videos, video testing and certification.Category Shopping Sports Martial Arts Kenpo...... Copyright ©1997 by Lamkin Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion maybe reproduced without permission. Send your comments to kevin@arnis.org. http://www.arnis.org/ | |
30. Arnis Balcus Photography arnis Balcus Photography. Information and work by arnis Balcus, one ofthe most progressive and known contemporary Latvian photographer. http://re-lab.net/arnis/ |
31. Index Classes in JKD, Escrima/Kali/arnis, kickboxing and grappling for adults and children. Cincinnati, Ohio http://www.cincinnatimartialarts.com |
32. Vee Arnis Jitsu Vee arnis Jitsu is a self defense system based in New York City. It VeearnisJitsuGroup. Some of Vee arnis Jitsu's Black Belts Vee http://www.veearnisjitsu.com/ | |
33. Velkommen http://www.arnis.dk/ |
34. The Alchymy Located in Richmond (Vancouver), B.C., Canada. Teaching Eskrima, Kali, arnis, Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do, and submission grappling. http://www.sirotasalchymy.com |
35. Combat Silat, Pencak Silat Pertempuran, Silat Pertempuran The school comprises teachings of Pentjak Silat, Hok Kuntao, arnis, Kali, Escrima, and Garrote Larense. Site provides info on movement repertoire, training methods, photos, a dictionary, a forum, and contact facility. JavaScript http://www.combat-silat.net/ | |
36. Beck Martial Arts:Self-Defense And Self-Improvement School in DallasFt. Worth Area under the direction of Master David Beck offering instruction in Hapkido, Taekwondo, arnis with stress on Self-defense and self-improvement.This site has an interesting FAQ on Hapkido. http://www.beckmartialarts.com | |
37. TKFAA MODERN ARNIS For more information please go to www.modernarnis.net. At Triangle KungFu arnis Academy, we teach Modern arnis. What is Modern arnis? http://www.kungfuarnis.com/modernarnis.html | |
38. Martial Arts Training International M.A.T.I. teaches Shorinji Kempo Karate, Rickson Gracie Jujitsu, Modern arnis balintwak. http://www.mati.com |
39. Modern Kempo Dojo Home Page Provides instruction in Ryukyu Kempo, adds aspects of Modern arnis, Small Circle Jujitsu and Tang Soo Do. Site includes class schedule, directions, photos, and contact information. Located in Drexil Hill, Pennsylvania. http://www.mkakarate.com/mkdojo/ | |
40. Montoya's American Shorin Kempo Instruction in shorin kempo karate, okinawan kobudo, and modern arnis. http://www.kungfu.cc/mask/ | |
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