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1. Remy Presas' Modern Arnis: Filipino Martial Arts Devoted to Grandmaster Remy A. Presas. Background, curriculum, and seminar photos. http://www.kungfu.cc/arnis/ | |
2. Arnis Balite Filipino art of hand, foot and stick fighting. Features events, links, philosophies and techniques .Category Sports Martial Arts Filipino Schools and Instruction......Home, Pundador, Philosophies, Basic Techniques, Huli Lusob, Punong Guro, Events,Links, Contact Us, Webmaster, Kuntaw ng Pilipinas, Main Headquarters Fallon,Nevada. http://www.arnisbalite.com/ | |
3. The Poulsen Syndicate In arnis there are techniques without weapons (kick, punch, boxing, wrestling), and with (one or two) sticks, knifes and/or machetes/swords and more. http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~jpsdiry/arnis | |
4. Arnis Eskrima Kali - Philippinische Kampfkünste - Arnis An Der FH Und RWTH-Aach Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den folgenden Themen arnisKali-Eskrima, philippinische Kampfkunst. http://www-users.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/~arnis |
5. Modern Arnis New Zealand Background, general information and links. http://nzinternet.com/arnis/ | |
6. World Modern Arnis Alliance Credited with reviving arnis from obscurity, "the professor" leads seminars around the world. Learn about upcoming events and news. http://www.wmarnis.com/ | |
7. Topica Email List Directory Adam Toussaint's email discussion list. http://www.topica.com/lists/escrima_arnis/ | |
8. Welcome To Official Website Of MARPPIO Prof. Remy Presas' official website. Site has seminar information, FAQs, equipment, and links.Category Sports Martial Arts Filipino Modern arnis...... http://www.modernarnis.com/ | |
9. TAMU Modern Arnis Club Club focuses on Grandmaster Remy Amador Presas' style and offers small, intense classes. Contact Category Reference Education Texas A M University Organizations......The TAMU Modern arnis Club. We currently have the following class schedule Weteach Grandmaster Remy Amador Presas' style of Modern arnis. http://www.kungfu.cc/maclub/ | |
10. Herzlich Willkommen In Arnis, Der Kleinsten Stadt Deutschlands! arnis ist mit ca. 380 Einwohnern die kleinste Stadt der Bundesrepublik und seit jeher ein Paradies für Wassersportler http://www.arnis.de/ | |
11. Deutscher Arnis Verband E.V. - Testhomepage Sven Barchfeld Herzlich willkommen in der kleinsten Stadt Deutschlands, herzlich willkommen in arnis an der Schlei! Stadt arnis, die kleinste Stadt Deutschlands erwartet Sie! http://www.modern-arnis.de/ | |
12. Arnis Filipino Las distintas diciplinas de artes guerras en M©xico. http://www.geocities.com/arnis85/febrero2002.html | |
13. Triangle Kung Fu Arnis Academy Teaching Kung Fu and modern arnis in Raleigh, North Carolina. Technique guide, seminars, schedules, pricing and supplies. http://www.kungfuarnis.com | |
14. Profesor Remy Presas's International Modern Arnis Federation Official site of Grand Master Remy Presas International Modern arnis Federation. List of IMAF seminars, Category Sports Martial Arts Filipino Modern arnis......Official site of Grand Master Remy Presas International Modern arnis Federation. IMAFNews, Seminars Events, arnis Pictures, Videos, Affiliated Schools, http://www.professorpresas.com/ | |
15. Arnis-Kali-Eskrima Armory: Filipino Martial Arts/Stick Fight Equipment And Suppl Equipment and supplies for Filipino Martial Arts practitioners and enthusiasts. Handmade fire-hardened rattan and hardwood (domestic and exotic wood)sticks, practice knives and other Filipino Martial Arts equipment and supplies. http://www.akearmory.com | |
16. Balintawak Arnis By Bob Silver C. Tabimina Information on style, profile of master, stories and general information.Category Sports Martial Arts Filipino Schools and Instruction...... Look around the site and learn more about Balintawak arnis, as compared with otherstyles of arnis, Kali, Escrima, and what makes learning from Bobby such a http://balintawak.s5.com/home.html | |
17. International Modern Arnis Ju-Jitsu Karate Association Style background, country representatives, schools, ranks, camps and seminars. English, Polish and German http://modernarnis.republika.pl | |
18. International Modern Arnis Federation - Professor Remy Amador Presas Includes memorial to Professor Remy Amador Presas, news, events, techniques, members area, and contact Category Sports Martial Arts Filipino Modern arnis......The International Modern arnis Federation (IMAF) was created by its Founder GrandmasterRemy Amador Presas in order to provide the teaching, sharing, and http://www.modernarnis.net/ | |
19. Untitled Document Teaching Isshin Ryu with arnis. School information, class schedule, calendar, arnis details and general interest articles. Orland Park, Illinois http://www.islanderskarate.com |
20. Strandhalle Arnis Die gastronomische Einrichtung stellt die Unterk¼nfte vor, bietet einen Auszug aus der Speisekarte und beschreibt die Ortslage mit einer Straenkarte. http://www.watenphul.de/ |
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