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Aiki Jutsu And Aiki Jujutsu: more detail |
41. AIKI-JUTSU Fuji that specialized in the teaching of aikijutsu. had originated from kenjutsu,and is said to have gradually become a method of combat superior to jujutsu. http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Sideline/5762/aikijujutsu.html | |
42. Solkan Europe Translate this page aiki is the essence of Daito Ryu aiki Jujutsu. The Daito Ryu is a traditionnaljapanese system specialised in Ken jutsu and aiki jutsu. http://www.budomart.com/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Aikijutsu___Jujutsu___Bujutsu_ | |
43. York Aiki Jujutsu Information is the Senior Instructor for aiki Jujutsu in the Society, and holds the grades of6th Dan aiki Jujutsu, 6th Dan Budo, 4th Dan Jujutsu, 3rd Dan Bo jutsu and 2nd http://www.yorkaiki.btinternet.co.uk/york2.htm | |
44. Tanemura, Katsumi: Soke Of Hokushin Aiki-Bujutsu Yo Kai is a division of the Kokusai Jujutsu Kai and is open to teachers and studentsof Jujutsu, aikiJujutsu,Hapkido,Classical Judo, aikido, and Kempo jutsu. http://tanemura.freeyellow.com/ | |
45. Differences Between Jujutsu Aiki-jujutsu - Www.ezboard.com changes as they train to the extent that in Daitoryu the evolution is Daito-ryuJujutsu, then Daito-ryu aiki-Jujutsu, and ultimately Daito-ryu aiki-no-jutsu. http://pub82.ezboard.com/fmartialarts82280frm0.showMessage?topicID=10.topic |
46. Training aiki Jujutsu and Atemi jutsu are taught together as they complement each other butcan also be studied individually as they are full arts in their own right. http://expert.ics.purdue.edu/~jujutsu/training.html | |
47. Aiki Jujutsu Our meeting times are Empty hand fighting classes (aiki Jujutsu and Atemi jutsu)Tuesdays 530 700 PM in squash court 8 (mat room) of the Purdue RSC. http://expert.ics.purdue.edu/~jujutsu/ | |
48. THE MARTIAL ARTS MENU PAGE PART 2 aiki Budo; SosuishiRyu Jujutsu Kai International Headquarters; TakedaRyu aiki no jutsu and Takeda Ryu Nakamura-ha Sobudo; Tenchijin http://www.angelfire.com/nh/jessicakarate/new1.html | |
49. LINKS - Www.mauythaibrno.cz Colorado aiki Jujutsu (14) zatím nikdo nehlasoval koryu bujutsu dojo and practicingatemi jutsu, ken jutsu, and jo jutsu. http//www.aikijujutsu.com/. http://www.muaythaibrno.cz/links/index.php?category=46&lang=czech |
50. LINKS - Www.mauythaibrno.cz Colorado aiki Jujutsu (14) unrated koryu bujutsu dojo and practicing atemi jutsu,ken jutsu, and jo jutsu. http//www.aikijujutsu.com/. Add Link. advertisement http://www.muaythaibrno.cz/links/index.php?category=46&lang=english |
51. Daito-ryu Aiki Jujutsu Home Page Tokyo, Japan. Organization lead by Kondo Katsuyuki, sutdent of Takeda Tokimune.Category Sports Martial Arts Jujutsu aiki jutsu Daito Ryu......Kondo Katsuyuki. The Essence of Daitoryu aiki Jujutsu. Arts suchas sumo, judo, karate, and wrestling, are often called fighting http://www.daito-ryu.org/ | |
52. Home Page aikijutsu is not known. The fluid beauty and efficiency of this system, however,are still evident in modern interpretations of technique. A form of jujutsu http://www.lboro-jiujitsu.co.uk/history.htm | |
53. The History Of JuJutsu From The Quantico Dojo And Fredericksburg Martial Arts An ju jitsu jujutsu Daito Ryu aiki Ju jutsu Kodo KaiQuantico Dojo, Fredericksburg Martial Arts. http://www.qdojo.com/history.html | |
54. Aiki Related Books And Videos everyone in the aiki arts, and for anyone who practices jujutsu as well Waza SosakuHo By Hiro Mizukoshi From the author of aiki TESSEN jutsu, this book http://budogu.com/shopsite_sc/store/html/page47.html | |
55. AIKIDO HEIWA - Martial Arts For Peace. Aikido, Aiki Jujutsu, Nihon Goshin Aikido This page is regularly updated as new links are found or sites are revised.Please check back often for new Aikido / Ju jutsu and Martial Arts links. http://www.aikidoschool.net/links.html | |
56. Kukai Aiki Jutsu In English Kukai aiki jutsu is a jujutsu style founded 1995 by Sven Salumets on the basisof the Daito Ryu aikijujutsu,Japan's most ancient and efficient martial art http://members.rotfl.com/hira/ | |
57. Links Daito Ryu aikijujutsu Roppokai. The Official Daito Ryu aiki Bujutsu Homepage. PO'sJujutsu page. Danzan Ryu Ju-jutsu Homepage. Budenkan Judo and Jujutsu. http://www.fut.es/~dat/budoshin/links/welcome.html | |
58. Aiki Jujutsu Karate and United States Judo Association, Soke Dai Seibert studied aiki Jujutsudirectly from Kyoto Durant (10 th Degree Black Belt in Goshin jutsu Kyu Juju http://www.emperorslongfist.com/aikijutsu.htm | |
59. This Page Was Designed And Built By Tom Godwin. Of ForeSite Dojo aiki Jujitsu (Stanford University) aikijutsu Academy aiki Federation AmericanKokoro Ryu aiki-Jujitsu Akademia Jitsu Club(2) Finnish Jujutsu Federation Go http://www.wellwin.u-net.com/mad/juj.htm | |
60. Dojo Of The Four Winds | Tanto Jutsu As in kenjutsu, tanto jutsu and aiki jujutsu are two sides of the same coin.The tanto, whether used for cut or trap, controls the opponent. http://www.dojoofthefourwinds.com/tanto.html | |
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