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81. THE ADVENTURE RACING WORLD CUP Circuit international en cinq épreuves servant de qualification pour le Raid Gauloises, actualité, Category World Français Sports Raid...... http://www.raidseries.com/ |
82. Adventure Travel - International Adventure Travel And Outdoor Show Four Winds adventure racing Access Fund adventure racing Magazine America OutdoorsAssociation for the Promotion of Tourism to Africa Away.com United States http://www.adventuretravelshow.com/ | |
83. Checkpoint Zero Adventure Racing - The Race Starts Here adventure racing news, events, forums, a growing comprehensive directory. http://www.checkpointzero.com | |
84. Adventure Racing | News, Reviews, Calendar, Photos, Diaries, Training And More News and reviews of endurance, ultra and adventure races with product reviews, discussion forums, Category Sports adventure racing...... You can register for free by clicking here. More adventure racing Books. Welcometo EventRate.com adventure racing News. EventRate Registration is Free! http://www.eventrate.com/ | |
85. Adventure Racing Shirts Review: Lava Gear Clothing Parallel 9 Adventure Shirt, G Tops for adventure racing By John Walter. Equipment for adventure racing has tobe able to accommodate those extremes, especially when it comes to clothing. http://www.gearreview.com/ar_shirts_902.php | |
86. GearReview.com - Reviews On Stoves, Tents, Packs, Sleeping Bags, GPS, And More! adventure racing, Hydration Packs for Sprint24 Hour Races Race Directorsplot and scheme the most insidious places for checkpoints. http://www.gearreview.com/ | |
87. Hairy Scary Evolutions Offers information, tips, links, event calendar, and training for individuals and team building oriented to the sport of adventure racing. http://www.hairyscaryevolutions.com/ | |
88. National Adventure Racing Training School And Certification GAAdventures has developed comprehensive two and three day training and development programs for Category Sports adventure racing Schools......National adventure racing Training School and Certification, climbing, classes,river, schools, clinics, adventure race. adventure racing School and Training. http://www.ga-adventures.com/racing.html | |
89. FMGI Dragon Boats - The Dragon Boat Specialists Specializing in dragon boat festivals and adventure racing events with offices across Canada. Includes updates on the FMGI events, rates and overview of services available. http://www.facilitymarketing.com | |
90. CROATIA NET: Croatian Adventure Racing Team adventure racing is a relatively new sport to most of the world. Now, youare starting to get the idea of what adventure racing is all about. http://www.croatia.net/teamcroatia/ | |
91. ::WELCOME TO GRAVITY CHECK:: Florida's extreme sport community. For all the latest new and events in adventure racing, mountain biking, rock climbing, and triathlon. http://www.gravitycheck.com |
92. Caged Tigers Adventure Racing Texas adventure racing club and Team formed in 2001. Site includes reports and pictures of past races Category Sports adventure racing Teams...... Caged Tigers adventure racing Team. Becky Drost, Stephen Mooney, Jim Sampson,and Shane Bordeau. Powered by. The Caged Tigers were founded in January 2001. http://www.caged-tigers.com/ | |
93. ARGEAR.com - Adventure Racing And Ultra Lite Gear At Its Best! adventure racing and Ultra Lite GearCategory Sports adventure racing Equipment Suppliers...... At ARGEAR.com adventure racing is all we do! Buy Now! Write Gear Reviews oradventure racing Tips for additional chances to win a Suunto X6 Watch! http://www.argear.com/ | |
94. ARGEAR.com - Tips On Adventure Racing, Training, Gear And Nutrition. ARgear.com Tips on adventure racing, training, gear and nutrition. The CompleteGuide to adventure racing. The Complete Guide to adventure racing. http://www.argear.com/tips.html | |
95. CommunityZero - "Adventure Racing In Ottawa" Online community for local people interested in adventure racing. Requires a CommunityZero account, which is available free of charge. http://www.communityzero.com/ario | |
96. ODA 5XX, Adventure Racing Team A group from the US Army's 5th Special Forces Group in Ft. Campbell. Site includes biographies, reports Category Sports adventure racing Teams...... What's in a Name ODA 5XX (Pronounced five ex ex, not five two times or five doubleex) is an adventure racing team made up of members from the US Army's Fifth http://www.oda5xx.com/ | |
97. Frontier Adventure Racing Inc. Community site that provides information about this nonstop, multi-day, multi-sport, mixed team event. Includes resources, calendar of events, volunteer opportunities, sponsor information, media centre, and contact details. http://far.on.ca/ | |
98. Subaru Primal Quest | Earth's Richest Adventure adventure racing 101 Learn the history of the sport. adventure racingtraces it roots to the great maritime trade expeditions of http://www.ecoprimalquest.com/race2002/race/racing101.cfm | |
99. Bluedome Covering many outdoor activities, from mountain rescue, to adventure racing. Also serves as host for many outdoor organizations, and personalities. http://www.bluedome.co.uk/ | |
100. APC & Adventure Racing The American Plastics Council sponsers this adventure racing website. http://www.americanplasticscouncil.org/adventure_racing/ |
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