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         Women's Studies:     more books (100)
  1. Being Yourself: How do I take off this mask? (Women of Faith Study Guide Series) by Women of Faith, 2008-04-08
  2. Experiencing Spiritual Intimacy: Women of Faith Study Guide Series (Women of Faith Study Guides (Thomas Nelson)) by Christa Kinde, Women of Faith, 2006-03-07
  3. Discovering God's Will for Your Life (Women of Faith Study Guide Series) by Sheila Walsh, 2003-04-17
  4. Cultivating Contentment (Women of Faith Study Guide Series) by Thomas Nelson, 2004-04-08
  5. The Woman's Study Bible: Second Edition by Thomas Nelson, 2008-09-30
  6. Bible study for busy women by Ethel L Herr, 1983
  7. The Woman's Study Bible by Thomas Nelson, 1995-09-15
  8. Friendships of Women Bible Study (Dee Brestin's Series) by Dee Brestin, 2006-06-20
  9. Imagine: God Can Do More Than You Ever Dreamed (Women of Faith Study Guide Series) by Women of Faith, 2010-02-09
  10. New Women's Devotional Bible by Zondervan, 2006-09-17
  11. The Remarkable Women of the Bible: And Their Message for Your Life Today by Elizabeth George, 2003-08-15
  12. Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Woman-SG by MUNROE MYLES, 2002-12-01
  13. Another Study of Woman by Honoré De Balzac, 2010-07-24
  14. The Power of a Praying® Woman Prayer and Study Guide (Power of Praying) by Stormie Omartian, 2007-01-01

21. International Institute Of Social History - Women's History
A bibliography of women's history in historical and women's studies journals
International Institute of Social History
Women's History Last updated: March 10, 2003 Go To

Women's History

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Jenneke Quast:
Also on this server IALHI Sources for Women's History A Global History of Textile Workers, 1650-2000 La Novela Ideal and La Novela Libre Sources for Women's History at the IISH: Introduction ... ViVa: A Bibliography of Women's History
Homepage of the online bibliography of women's history in historical and women's studies journals. ViVa Database Nearly seven thousand bibliographic records describing articles published between 1975 and 2002. ViVa Women's History - List of Indexed Journals ViVa Women's History - List of Indexed Journals - Details About ViVa Women's History The World Wide Web Virtual Library: Women's History Homepage of the World Wide Web Virtual Library: Women's History. A guide to women's history on the Internet. New Links Reference Conferences Institutions ... Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis De inhoudsopgaven van alle verschenen delen, een oproep voor bijdragen, informatie over bestellen en abonneren en over de Vriendinnen van het Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis. Socialism and Sexuality A series of workshops organized by AMSAB (Ghent), IISH (Amsterdam), IHC-UMR 5605 (Dijon), Center for Millennial Studies (Boston), University of Amsterdam (Amsterdam).

22. Sallie Bingham Center For Women's History And Culture At Duke University
Woman's studies collection provides a collection overview, a searchable database, reference help, and some online texts in full. Includes links. In 1988, the women's studies Archivist position was created by external donor funding in order to coordinate the

On-line Collections
Reference Help Women's Collections Research Grants ... Duke Women's Center
This page was created by
Ginny Daley
Last Updated 9/27/2001
by Amy Leigh
Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture
in the Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
at Duke University
Overview . The Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture is an integral part of Duke's Special Collections Library which houses a broad range of rare and unique primary source material. In 1988, the Women's Studies Archivist position was created by external donor funding in order to coordinate the acquisition, cataloguing, reference, and outreach activities related to the Special Collections Library's holdings on women and gender. This position was permanently endowed in 1993. In 1996, the Women's Studies Reference Archivist position was created to support increasing reference and outreach demands of the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture. Holdings.

23. Eserver - Feminism And Women's Studies
Categorized links to women's studies and feminist works.Category Society People Women Women s Studies Directories......Fireworks Splice HTML

24. Women's Studies Programs Worldwide
Frequently-updated listing of women's studies programs, departments, and research centers around the Category Society People Directories......Frequentlyupdated listing of nearly 700 women's studies programs, departments,and research centers around the world, including both graduate and
Here are links to nearly 700 women's studies (including "gender studies") programs, departments, and research centers around the world that have web sites. Programs and departments offering graduate degrees or concentrations have this fact noted in an annotation below the link. For a larger list of women's studies programs, including those without web sites, see the journal Women's Studies Quarterly , the September issue of PMLA , or Gerri Gribi's listing of Women's Studies programs in the U.S. NOTE: After I had started putting this listing together, Kate Robinson told me about an annotated collection of links she has compiled of Women's Studies programs in the United States . I've decided to leave my links up as well, especially since they include programs outside the US , and since I keep learning about new sites. (My listing now includes approximately 700 links; I last updated it on March 17, 2003 ) Also of interest may be Smith College's Links to Graduate Programs in Women's Studies , the U. of Illinois' Searchable Database of Women's Studies Programs , and John Younger's Programs in Gender and Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Studies at Universities in the USA and Canada

25. The United Library
Over 300,000 volumes and 1,800 periodicals is rich in biblical studies, patristics, Christian art, ancient Near Eastern studies, archaeology, church history, American denominationalism, pietism, Christian education, AfricanAmerican theological studies, women's studies, Anglicana and Methodistica.
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary Seabury-Western Theological Seminary
NUCAT (Library Online Catalog)
Religion Index and other Electronic Resources
Other Libraries
Library Information
The United Library NUCAT Religion Index Other Libraries ... gifts The United Library
2121 Sheridan Rd.
Evanston, IL 60201

Date Last Modified: 2/15/02

26. Information About WMST-L - Women's Studies Email List
WMSTL. What is WMST-L? A description of WMST-L, an international e-mail forum fordiscussion of women's studies teaching, research, and program administration.
What is WMST-L?
A description of WMST-L, an international e-mail forum for discussion of Women's Studies teaching, research, and program administration. Includes instructions for subscribing.
WMST-L User's Guide
Everything you never realized you wanted to know about WMST-L: how to subscribe, unsubscribe, stop mail, get an edited daily digest, find past messages, access WMST-L's collection of files, syllabi, and film reviews, and more. See also Using WMST-L's Web Interface
Instructions for searching the WMST-L logfiles
Illustrated instructions for finding past messages or topics that have appeared on WMST-L.
Women's Studies Syllabi
The WMST-L syllabus collection has now been supplanted by this collection from the Center for Women and Information Technology ; it contains more than 600 web-based syllabi for women- and gender-related courses.
WMST-L File Collection
More than 160 files from the WMST-L file collection, arranged into categories such as "Books and Films," "Feminisms," "Language," "Pedagogical Issues and Strategies," "Societal Issues in the Classroom," etc.
How to Find Email Addresses
Suggestions for finding people's e-mail addresses; especially useful for those unlikely to be included in techie directories.

27. JRULM: Sources For Women's Studies In The Methodist Archives
Materials relating to Methodism and women's studies, with some useful info that is not well known.
Sources for Women's Studies in the Methodist Archives
Text by Gareth Lloyd, Methodist Archives Research Assistant To Methodist Archives Main Page
`The Mother of Methodism', Susanna Wesley (1670-1742) John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 1996
The Methodist Archives and Research Centre (MARC) is the official archive repository of the British Methodist Church. It contains the largest collection of Methodist printed books and manuscripts in Europe, and is regarded as one of the world's most important collections of source material relating to evangelical studies. The books and records contained in the Archives document the activities of the Church on a national level from the early eighteenth century to the present. Local records, such as circuit minutes and accounts, are not held at the MARC but are kept locally. Similarly, records of Methodist overseas missions are not kept here, but are on deposit at the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. This guide, while it is not comprehensive, aims to introduce researchers to selected material deposited in the MARC which is relevant to the study of women and the Methodist Church. It is aimed specifically at postgraduate students but will also be of value to the more general user of the collections.

28. Reading Room, Women's Studies Database - University Of Maryland
Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese.
Sonnets from the Portuguese
and-therefore-if-to-love ... Reference Room This page is maintained by MITH Staff.
Questions, comments, and/or suggestions should be directed to
Last modified Monday, March 3, 2003

29. Women's Studies
Compiled and edited by Karla Tonella, University of Iowa.Category Society People Women Women s Studies Directories......women's studies Resources at the University of Iowa features several pages Generalor Mixed, Activism, Art, Communication and Media, Development WID
Mainstream News concerning women
Corrections, suggestions, feedback to:

30. NAU Women's Studies Program
Annotated, alphabetical collection of links, maintained by the women's studies Department at Northern Arizona University.
Program Information



REEL Women

Special Events
Library Resources


Internet Resources

Film and Video
Classes Course Descriptions Sample Syllabi Minor and Major Descriptions Online Application Major Flow Sheet Minor Flow Sheet ... Gallery of Faculty Publications Additional Information Affiliated Organizations Awards Program Review External Reviewer Search Entire Site Film and Video Internet Resources NAU ... WST Home: Internet Resources Northern Arizona University This page's content is shared with the Bryn Mawr Center for Visual Culture. In this section we provide an extensive list of internet resources relating to film, women, ethnicity, and culture. Though links specifically relating to women film will be highlighted first in each category, this list will also seek to include a variety of topics relating to feminist/visual/culture. Jump to Journals Bibliographies Collections and Filmographies Syllabi ... Search Engines Film and Visual Culture: Journals and Periodicals General Listings Women's Studies, Gender, and Feminist Periodicals

31. Women's Studies - Academic Info
Extensive reviews and links directory of Internet resources on women's studies.Category Society People Women Women s Studies Directories...... Academic Info women's studies. Social Sciences women's studies .We 98037. The women's studies Gateway is sponsored by.
Home Keyword Search Index Reference Desk ... Student Center Academic Info
Women's Studies
Social Sciences Women's Studies We Need Your Help
Please take a minute to make a $10 tax-deductible donation. Academic Info is made possible by the generous financial support of users like you.
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The Women's Studies Gateway is sponsored by How would you like to sponsor this page?
For a $250 tax-deductible donation you, your organization, department, or company will be acknowledged here as a sponsor of the Women's Studies Gateway.
Email us at for details. Table of Contents General Links Women in Afghanistan Reference Desk Women in Science ... Women in Medieval Europe Women's Studies was last modified March 2003
E-mail: Home Keyword Search Index ... Student Center

32. Women's EuroMap
For more info on this site and on browsers, please click here. Women'sStudies EuroMap. This European women's studies Information. WISE
With the browser you are using now you may not view these documents correctly.
For more info on this site and on browsers, please click here
startDoc("english", "root");
Women's Studies
This site offers detailed information about Women's Studies and Equal Opportunities, and we guide you through the interesting Women's Studies sites on the Internet.
We concentrate on Europe , without totally neglecting the other continents. We offer addresses, links, calls and announcements, information about European Women's Studies and Research Programmes.
European Women's Studies Information updgifexp (15,6,1999) WISE , the European professional association for women's studies. Members of the association are teachers, researchers, students, and others involved in women's studies, including women's studies institutions and networks Information about Erasmus exchanges in Women's Studies and links to other universities with Women's Studies education SIGMA , a State of the Women's Studies Programmes at the European Universities: a complete overview of the programmes in most European countries AOIFE , the formal European Association of Women's Studies Institutions, pronounced EVE.

33. NAU Women's Studies Program
An annotated list of art resources on the web, maintained by the women's studies Department of Northern Arizona University.
Program Information



REEL Women

Special Events
Library Resources


Internet Resources

Film and Video
Classes Course Descriptions Sample Syllabi Minor and Major Descriptions Online Application Major Flow Sheet Minor Flow Sheet ... Gallery of Faculty Publications Additional Information Affiliated Organizations Awards Program Review External Reviewer Search Entire Site Film and Video Internet Resources NAU ... WST Home: Internet Resources Northern Arizona University
  • The Australian Women's Art Register "is a resource of national significance. It is an archive and repository of slides, published material and other written sources, both old and new, documenting Australian women artists, their art practice, their images and their writings."
  • The Confessional Interactive art
  • Conjure Women is a performance based feature film documentary that explores the artistry and philosophy of a specific group of African American female artists.
  • Cressida's Transformations When Kathleen Notman set out to create this collection of portraits that combine photography and painting, she needed a model to represent the physical aspects of her subjects. Unable to find anyone suitable, she used herself. Notman became her own model - the model called Cressida.

34. NAU Women's Studies Program
Annotated list of internet resources for women's literature, maintained by the women's studies Department at Northern Arizona University. Subcategories include African, AsianPacific, Australian-New Zealand, Literary Biography and Literary History, Comparative Literature, Creative Writing, European, General, Genre Fiction,Latin American-Caribbean, Middle Eastern, NarrativeTheories and Studies of, North American, Poetry and Poetics, Literary Theory and Criticism
Program Information



REEL Women

Special Events
Library Resources


Internet Resources

Film and Video
Classes Course Descriptions Sample Syllabi Minor and Major Descriptions Online Application Major Flow Sheet Minor Flow Sheet ... Gallery of Faculty Publications Additional Information Affiliated Organizations Awards Program Review External Reviewer Search Entire Site Film and Video Internet Resources NAU ... WST Home: Internet Resources Northern Arizona University Literature ...a few featured sites.

35. Canadian Women's Studies On-Line - Index Of Canadian Women's Studies Programmes
Canadian women's studies OnLine University of Toronto, Graduate CollaborativeProgram in women's studies. Canadian women's studies Programmes.
University of Toronto, Graduate Collaborative Program in Women's Studies
Canadian Women's Studies Programmes
Women's Studies in the United States Back to Main Index
Contact us:

36. Queer Studies
Program description and philosophy, information on courses, requirements.
Concentration in the Women's Studies Major Queer Studies Go to Women of Color Concentration Requirements in the Major Main Course Page
  • Queer Studies is an emerging interdisciplinary field whose goal is to analyze antinormative sexual identities, performances, discourses and representations in order ultimately to destabilize the notion of normative sexuality and gender. Queer studies comes out of a critique of identity politics. It rejects essentialized conceptualization[s] of sexuality, gender, and sexual identity as innate or fixed. It represents a deconstruction of hegemonic conceptions of sexual and gender categories within straight, gay and lesbian communities. In queer studies, the interpretation, enactment, and destabilizing of sexual identities is linked to that of gender categories. The queer studies concentration's home in women's studies makes explicit these links between theories of gender and sexuality. In the queer studies concentration students are encouraged to consider the historical and theoretical foundations of queer studies as well as the potential consequences (epistemological and political) of a queer studies critique. This might include attention to the connections between gay and lesbian studies and queer studies, feminist studies and queer studies and the implications of a queer studies critique for other disciplines. Possible areas of focus include: the history of sexuality, social movements, politics, anthropology, literature, theater, art, film, science and sexology, public policy, law, ethnic studies, music, demography, geography, media analysis, philosophy, etc.

37. Women's Studies: Feminist Theory
film criticism. Voices of the Shuttle Gender Studies Page women's studies andfeminist theory links with an emphasis on theory and multicultural sources.
General Art Communication/Media Feminist Theory ...
French Feminists
Suggestions and submissions for publication on this page are welcome, see our Call for Contributions.
Reviews of Feminist Theory Books
Reviews published in online journals (mostly PostModern Culture).
Women in Philosophy Gallery
Images of women philosophers and theorists - slow loading, be patient.
The Agony of Feminism: Why Feminist Theory Is Necessary After All Anne Balsamo - An Interview
on the occasion of her presentation, "Cyberflesh: World Wide White Wash" on 28 April 1997. " My project, whether it has been body building or cosmetic surgery or the Web itself, has been trying to investigate how these technologies have been taken up and the way in which they work and the way they function institutionally."
Bat Kol: A Feminist House of Study
"...we use the methodologies of feminist criticism to examine the integration of women into the many aspects of Jewish life."
Bodies and Technologies: Dora Neuromancer , and Strategies of Resistance" [U Iowa only]
Wendy Wahl writes in PostModern Culture , January, 1993 about the failure of resistance to technologies of the early twentieth century
Chandra Mohanty and the Technology of Gender
By Ingrid Hoofd, Utrecht University, 1997. "The general aim of this paper will be to explain the idea of the technology of gender and especially as how it is appropiated by Teresa De Lauretis and Chandra Talpade Mohanty in respectively 'The Technology of Gender' and 'Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses'."

38. Women's Studies And Women's Issues Internet Resources
women's studies and women's issues Internet resources email lists, web sites,files, financial aid, and more. women's studies Online Resources.
Women's Studies Online Resources
Women's Studies Online Resources will help you find information-rich, high-quality web sites focusing on women's studies or women's issues; women- or gender-related e-mail lists; women's studies files from the WMST-L File Collection; links to women's studies programs around the world and to the Center for Women and Information Technology; financial aid for women; updates to Internet Resources on Women and more. For information about Women's Studies at UMBC (Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County), see the new UMBC Women's Studies home page
Women's Studies / Women's Issues Resource Sites
A frequently-updated, annotated, selective set of more than 600 links to sites offering resources and information about women's studies and/or women's issues. Includes 16 topical subsections, such as Activism, Arts and Humanities, Health, Cyberculture and Internet Information, Science and Technology, Sexuality and Sexual Orientation, Women of Color, and more.
Women- and Gender-Related E-mail Lists
A frequently-updated listing and description of more than 600 e-mail lists that focus on women- or gender-related issues. Includes 16 topical subsections, such as Activism, Arts and Humanities, Business, Health, Motherhood, Religion and Spirituality, Science and Technology, Sports and Recreation, Sexuality and Sexual Orientation, Women of Color, and more.
Women's Studies Programs, Departments, and Research Centers

39. Women's Studies Center
An alternative, interdisciplinary, educational and research project at the university level.
Kralja Milana 34/1
11000 Belgrade
Phone/fax (381) (11) 657 808
Phone (381) (11) 361 3916
E-mail: zenskestudie@sezampro.yu
URL: Contacts

From oral traditions to I.C.T
Second International Women's Conference at the American University in Bulgaria
Eastern Europe in Transition:
The Role of Working FEMINIST CRITICSAL ANALYSIS: Issues of/for Ethics Academic year ANNUAL report Program Take a look at some of the titles in the library of the Center Srpski

40. Welcome To
Sponsors international travelstudy programs, including two trips to Greece scheduled for 2000.

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