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21. Page D'accueil De L'Institut D'architecture IAUG offers master and postgraduate courses in architecture and applied arts, urban and regional planning, restoration of heritage buildings and landscape. http://www.archi.unige.ch/ |
22. UW Library - Planning Electronic Library Margaret AquanYuen, Liaison Librarian for urban and regional planning maquanyu@library.uwaterloo.caMay 1999 http//www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/discipline/urban/index http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/discipline/urban/ | |
23. Urban And Regional Planning Emphasis Information for those with a declared emphasis in urban and regional planning. http://weber.edu:80/catalog9899/pages/urbanem.htm |
24. UW Library - Library Guide - Urban And Regional Planning urban and regional planning. This guide selectively covers some of the importantreference sources in urban and regional planning in the Dana Porter Library. http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/libguides/5-7.html | |
25. DURP Home Page Welcome to the Department of urban and regional planning at the Universityof Hawai`i at Manoa. urban and regional planning is an http://www.durp.hawaii.edu/ | |
26. Department Of Urban And Regional Planning - General Information DEPARTMENT OF urban and regional planning GENERAL INFORMATION. DURP 20002001Department Bulletin, PDF, Text, MSWord. The Field of urban and regional planning. http://www.durp.hawaii.edu/durp/html/info.html | |
27. Urban And Regional Planners Urban and regional planner job information from the US Department of Labor.Category Science Social Sciences urban and regional planning...... Most entrylevel jobs in Federal, State, and local government agencies require amaster's degree in urban or regional planning, urban design, geography, or a http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos057.htm | |
28. GIS/Computer Cartography Laboratory CCSU Supports the education efforts in Geographic Information Systems and cartography using computers.Also offers training services and courses for University credit, as well as GIS and mapping services to muncipalities, nonprofit groups and urban and regional planning consulting firms. http://www.geography.ccsu.edu/GIS_Comp_Cart/GISLab.htm | |
29. RYERSON UNIVERSITY: Urban And Regional Planning urban and regional planning Bachelor of urban and regional planning AT A GLANCEBachelor of urban and regional planning awarded. Fouryear program. http://www.ryerson.ca/programs/urban.html | |
30. URBAN PLANNING TOPICS Dedicated to providing information and resources on urban and regional planning and environmental issues. http://www3.sympatico.ca/david.macleod/UTOPS.HTM | |
31. Intro To SURP Click here to explore the School of Urban RegionalPlanning. THE SCHOOL OF urban and regional planning. http://www.ryerson.ca/~surp/ | |
32. Urban And Regional Planning Links http://www.ar.utexas.edu/Planning/links.html | |
33. Welcome To The UTK Dept. Of Urban And Regional Planning academic program . faculty staff . students alumni urban studies . partners. online resources . UTK homepage . news . email Planning Information. http://planning.cap.utk.edu/ | |
34. University Of Colorado - College Of Architecture And Planning GRADUATE STUDY IN PLANNING. The Master of urban and regional planningProgram ( MURP ) is a twoyear graduate professional program. http://www.cudenver.edu/Aandp/degree_programs/murp.html | |
35. ÅÌÐ - Åêðáßäåõóç & ¸ñåõíá - Ó÷ïëÝò Architectural Design, urban and regional planning,Interior Design and Landscaping, Building TechnologyStructural Design and Mechanical Equipment. Greece. http://www.ntua.gr/gr_academics/index.htm | |
36. UIUC Career Services Office: Urban And Regional Planning CSO urban and regional planning Career Services Council Services for Students atthe University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign urban and regional planning http://www.careerservices.uiuc.edu/AboutUs/CSOinfo.asp?csoid=16 |
37. ÅñåõíçôéêÞ ÌïíÜäá ×ùñéêÞò ÁíÜðôõîçò, ÁÐÈ - Sp A research based unit working within the Department of urban and regional planning, Aristotle University of Thessalonika. Research, Geographical Information Systems Unit. Greece. http://estia.arch.auth.gr/ | |
38. UIUC Career Services Office: Urban And Regional Planning CSO urban and regional planning Career Services Council Services for Students atthe University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign urban and regional planning http://www.careerservices.uiuc.edu/ForStudents/CSOinfo.asp?csoid=16 |
39. FGA Consultants Ltd. Consultants in transportation, economics, market research, and urban and regional planning. Features firm history, staff, facilities, services, projects and contact details. http://www.fga.nb.ca/ |
40. FAU Department Of Urban & Regional Planning Welcome to the Department of urban and regional planning at Florida AtlanticUniversity. Here you will other student information. http://www.fau.edu/divdept/caupa/durp/ | |
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