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         Peace Studies:     more books (99)
  1. Peace: A History of Movements and Ideas by David Cortright, 2008-06-02
  2. Governing Ethnic Conflict: Consociation, Identity and the Price of Peace (Routledge Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution) by Andrew Finlay, 2010-08-27
  3. Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Context: Colombia, Sierre Leone, and Northern Ireland (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution)
  4. Ending Civil Wars: The Implementation of Peace Agreements
  5. Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: Moving From Violence to Sustainable Peace (Routledge Studies in Security and Conflict Management)
  6. Building Cultures of Peace: Transdisciplinary Voices of Hope and Action by Elavie Ndura-Ouedraogo, 2010-04-01
  7. Challenge of Peace: God's Promise and Our Response a Pastoral Letter on War and Peace (Publication / Office of Publishing and Promotion Services, U) by National Conference Of Catholic Bishops, 1984-02
  8. Peace/Mir: An Anthology of Historic Alternatives to War (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution)
  9. Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies by John Paul Lederach, 1998-02
  10. Post-Cold War Conflicts in Africa: Case Studies of Liberia and Somalia (PB) by Augustine C Ohanwe, 2009-07-31
  11. Whose Peace? Critical Perspectives on the Political Economy of Peacebuilding (New Security Challenges)
  12. The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution) by Harry Anastasiou, 2008-12-30
  13. Contemporary Peacemaking: Conflict, Peace Processes and Post-war Reconstruction
  14. Peace Education by Ian M. Harris, Mary Lee Morrison, 2002-12-13

81. Peace Studies Online
Events peace studies. Films. Department of peace studies University of BradfordBradford West Yorkshire BD7 1DP T +44 (0)1274 235235 F +44 (0)1274 235240.

82. The Martin Institute
The Martin Archives are the data system retrieval system for the MartinInstitute for peace studies and Conflict Resolution. Portions
The Martin Institute web site has moved to: If you are not sent there automatically within 5 seconds, please click here

83. Peace Studies
Resources for peace studies peace studies Programs, Organizations, Offices,Centers, and Projects, Bibliographical Resources. Associated
Resources for Peace Studies Peace Studies Programs Organizations, Offices, Centers, and Projects Bibliographical Resources Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary
Master of Arts in Peace Studies
Peace and Justice Committee of the Mennonite Church Mennonite Central Committee ...

(a MennoLink email interest group providing
news and discussion related to CPT) Gerald Biesecker-Mast,
Writings on Christian Nonresistance and Pacifism from Anabaptist-Mennonite Sources
Bethany Theological Seminary
Peace Studies Program
Dallas Peace Center ...
Mediation Associates
(Fresno, Cal.) (an AskERIC InfoGuide) Eastern Mennonite University
Conflict Transformation Program
Peace Factory MennoLink books on Peace ...
Peace and Conflict Studies Program

(see also its Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies (a MennoLink email interest group providing news and discussion related to peace) Indiana School Counselor Association Listing of Conflict Resolution Resources University of Bradford West Yorkshire, UK ... Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program (VORP) in Camas, Wash.

84. Peace Studies
peace studies. Cooperation and Conflict; Development; European Journalof International Relations; International Relations; International
Peace Studies
  • Cooperation and Conflict
  • Development
  • European Journal of International Relations
  • International Relations ...
  • Security Dialogue
  • 85. International Peace Studies: MPhil Degree And Diploma Programme
    Trinity College Dublin. Ireland’s Centre for Ecumenical Studies, Internationalpeace studies and Reconciliation Studies. International peace studies M.Phil.
    var contents = true; ISE Floreat
    ut Pereat

    Trinity College Dublin Ireland’s Centre for Ecumenical Studies, International Peace Studies and Reconciliation Studies
    Upcoming Events
    Some Recent Theses Publications Alumni ... TCD Home International Peace Studies M.Phil. Degree and Diploma Programme
    Programme Content
    Academic Staff Contact Us Frequently Asked Questions
    The Irish School of Ecumenics is a postgraduate academic institute within Trinity College Dublin. ISE is located on two campuses, one in Dublin at Milltown Park - three miles from the main TCD campus - and the other in Belfast. The International Peace Studies programme is based in Dublin. ISE students, as Trinity College students, have access to the full range of facilities available on the main TCD campus.
    Iain Atack (left) leading a seminar with
    International Peace Studies students
    This programme is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding of the problems of conflict and its resolution from an interdisciplinary perspective. It offers to students from different primary disciplines the opportunity for mature reflection on the wide range of issues of peace and development, while at the same time affording the opportunity for specialised study through a research dissertation.

    86. Peace Studies Page
    PEACE. Peace, if it ever exists, will not be based on the fear of war, but on thelove of peace. IPB was founded in 1892 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1910.
    "Peace, if it ever exists, will not be based on the fear of war, but on the love of peace.
    It will not be the abstaining from an act, but the coming of a state of mind." - Julian Banda
    The following links will take you to sites that address issues of peace on the local, national, and international levels. Most of these sites have many links to other sites. It is best to quickly scroll through all the choices to find the most promising sounding site - do not just click on the first site just because it is first! International Peace Bureau
    The IPB is the world's oldest peace federation. IPB was founded in 1892 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1910. IPB's role is to support peace and disarmament initiatives taken by the United Nations, governments, and citizens. A large site with excellent pages and links. Hague Appeal for Peace
    "The Hague Appeal for Peace campaign seeks to abolish war and create a culture of peace. ... The Hague Appeal for Peace is a major coalition of civil society organizations with an 80-member international organizing committee and a network of over 1000 organizations and citizens." This is a large and wonderful site, with pages and links for every topic of this Moral Courage site. Of particular interest to high school students is the youth network section:

    87. Resource Center
    Studies » Development and Economics » Peace Education » Human Security » Lawand Human Rights » Natural Resources » peace studies and Conflict Resolution.

    88. Center For Security And Peace Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indon
    NEW EMAIL ADDRESS Center for Security and peace studies Gadjah MadaUnivesity email address has changed to (new).
    CSPS Yogyakarta, February 2003 -
    - Pusat Studi Keamanan dan Perdamaian Universitas Gadjah Mada mulai terhitung 5 Februari 2003 melakukan perubahan dan pemindahan alamat email dari menjadi (alamat baru) Demikian harap maklum. Pusat Studi Keamanan dan Perdamaian (PSKP), Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerjasama dengan SEACSN INDONESIA telah menerbitkan Pela Newsletter Volume I. No. 2. Desember 2002. Versi onlinenya dapat dilihat di SEACSN INDONESIA website. NEW EMAIL ADDRESS - Center for Security and Peace Studies Gadjah Mada Univesity email address has changed to (new) Center for Security and Peace Studies, Gadjah Mada University (CSPS - UGM) in cooperation with SEACSN INDONESIA published the PELA Newsletter Volume I. No 2. December 2002. Online version has available at SEACSN INDONESIA website. MPRK Yogyakarta, Februari 2003 -
    Magister Perdamaian dan Resolusi Konflik Universitas Gadjah Mada tahun ajaran 2003/2004 telah memberikan tiga buah beasiswa studi yang didanai oleh Herbert Feith Scholarship, Harada Scholarship dan The British Council Scholarship. Proses perkuliahan Magister Perdamaian dan Resolusi Konflik Universitas Gadjah Mada tahun ajaran 2003/2004 telah dimulai sejak 17 Februari 2003. Angkatan II ini diikuti oleh 19 orang mahasiswa dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia.

    89. Program On Peace Studies And Conflict Resolution @ KU-IRD
    Welcome to the web site of the Program on peace studies and Conflict Resolution. Address.Program on peace studies Conflict Resolution Dept.
    PPSCR Search this web site
    Welcome to the web site of the Program on Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. You can find everything about PPSCR. The latest events and news can be found in the events section. For any further enquiry please contact us Address
    Dept. Of International Relations,
    University of Karachi,
    University Road,
    Karachi, 75270
    Pakistan. Email Telephone:
    92 (021) 9243131-7 Ext. 2274
    Chronology of Conflict and Cooperation in South Asia 1947-2001 click here to find out whats new at click here to subscribe to PPSCR mailing list Since July 25th, 2001 Last updated: 17th, December 2002 Home About Us Workshops Student Research ... Webmaster

    90. Rogers: The Evolution Of An Interdisciplinary Peace Studies Centre
    The Evolution of An Interdisciplinary peace studies Centre The Bradford Experience.Paul Rogers. Even so, all the usual problems of peace studies remain.
    Page 43 follows... Peace and Conflict Studies Volume 2 Number 1 June 1995
    The Evolution of An Interdisciplinary Peace Studies Centre: The Bradford Experience
    Paul Rogers
    Over the past thirty years, peace studies centres have tended to develop according to four possible models. A common experience has been a small group of academics, often in a single traditional department, getting together to develop courses and bringing in other interested staff in the process. There may only be two or three core staff holding the centre together, with them depending heavily on the goodwill of many others. Teaching will be mainly at undergraduate level and a combination of student enthusiasm and staff commitment may produce a very successful centre. A second approach involves the establishment of a small free-standing centre dedicated specifically to peace studies, often as a result of an endowment, but again relying heavily on other faculty. This may be primarily a teaching centre or else concentrate on research with some graduate work. A third approach, perhaps more common in Europe, is the setting up of a dedicated research unit or centre, often independent of universities. While able to engage in substantial research activities, such a centre can be vulnerable to funding crises. Finally, there is the relatively rare development of an integrated university department of peace studies with a substantial number of staff drawn from numerous disciplines but operating largely as a free-standing centre, broadly similar in organisation to a traditional department but focussed on the study of peace.

    91. PosU Peace Education Peace Studies
    This page contains numerous free resources pertaining to peace studies andPeace Education. peace studies. Welcome to our peace studies web page.

    92. CIAO Institute Of War And Peace Studies
    IWPS. Columbia University Institute of War and peace studies. Additional Instituteof War and peace studies Material Working Papers. Conferences.

    93. CIAO The Joan B. Kroc Institute For International Peace Studies
    The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International peace studies. The Joan B. KrocInstitute for International peace studies at the University of Notre Dame.

    94. Loyola University Chicago Libraries
    Specialist Michael Napora Phone (773) 5082620 Email URL http// peace studies Program, Terrorist Attack

    95. Peace Studies - The University Of New England
    PDaL logo The Centre for peace studies at the University of New England. andgenerosity. Return to peace studies Home UNE home page.
    The Centre for Peace Studies at the University of New England
    PDaL Home School Introduction Courses Research ... The United Nations Institute for Training and Research Programme of Correspondence Instruction in Peacekeeping Operation (Website of interest) The University of New England is one of only three universities worldwide where a traditional doctorate can be undertaken in Peace Studies
    For further information about Peace Studies contact Dr Rebecca Spence: Phone: 02 6773 5095
    Email: This website is designed and maintained by Morna Winter Irving. The staff at the Centre for Peace studies are indebted to her for her expertise and generosity.
    Return to Peace Studies Home
    University of New England
    Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia
    Telephone: +61 (0)2 67732581
    Fax: +61 (0)2 67733363
    Page address:
    Last modified: Monday, March 17, 2003

    96. Center For Peace Studies
    CENTER FOR peace studies. CENTER FOR peace studies International Programs Center TheUniversity of Oklahoma 339 West Boyd, Room 400 Norman, Oklahoma 730195144.
    by drawing on analytic tools from the social sciences, humanities, sciences and technology, and business administration. The Center for Peace Studies, under the overall administration of Ambassador Edward J. Perkins and the International Programs Center, will foster a multidisciplinary discussion of contemporary conflicts among societies, cultures, and political entities. Professors F. Jamil Ragep and Joseph Ginat serve as the Center's Co-Directors. Studies and conferences sponsored by the Center will initially concentrate on the pressing issues of the Arab-Israeli peace process. The Center is envisioned to be an international community of scholars and advisors. Symposia held under the leadership of the Center will focus on identifying solutions to the critical disputes that stand in the way of a lasting peace in the Middle East. As governments around the world struggle to find the bases for building peace, the peoples must develop mechanisms that support those efforts. The Center will serve this process by contributing to and influencing new policies as they are conceived and implemented.
    Contact Information Telephone:
    Postal address:
    International Programs Center
    The University of Oklahoma
    339 West Boyd, Room 400

    97. Justice & Peace Studies Program @ Creighton University

    98. War And Peace Studies - Allyn & Bacon / Longman Catalog
    Ziegler © 2000 / 0321-04837-7 / Longman. War and peace studies. COLLEGECatalog Faculty Center Student Center Author Center,4095,97587,00.html
    Select a discipline Anthropology Communication Counseling Criminal Justice Developmental English Early Childhood Education Educational Leadership Ed Psych / School Psych ELT / ESL English Composition English Literature Foundations of Education History Humanities Interdisciplinary Studies Literacy Education Philosophy Political Science Psychology Religious Studies Social Work/Family Therapy Sociology Special Education Technical Communication Theatre Sort by: Author Title War and Peace Studies COLLEGE: Catalog Faculty Center Student Center Author Center ... Professional Catalog 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116

    99. Basic Information - Major : Peace Studies
    financial aid tips. Subscribe now! Join the discussion now! More than200 Princeton Review titles on sale! Major peace studies.

    100. Peace Studies
    Gustavus Adolphus College Logo, You Are Here OnCampus Academics peace studies. peace studies is an interdisciplinary field of
    Academics Arts Athletics Calendar ... Search You Are Here: On-Campus Academics Peace Studies Peace Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study which addresses the problems of war, social oppression and violence, and the challenges of implementing nonviolent conflict resolution and social justice. Peace Studies serves to focus knowledge from diverse disciplines to converge on the problems of violence and the challenges of finding peaceful solutions. The Peace Studies program strongly recommends study or work abroad for its students to gain international awareness and experience. Many institutions with which Gustavus has an official affiliation offer courses in the areas of peace and conflict resolution studies which could be substituted for Gustavus courses (up to two) and applied toward the Peace Studies minor.
    Students are encouraged to consult with the following faculty who serve as resource persons and advisors in the various disciplines that contribute to the minor in Peace Studies: Gregory Mason (English), Karen Larson (Interdisciplinary Studies), Mimi Gerstbauer and Richard Leitch (Political Science), Suzanne Wilson (Sociology/Anthropology).
    Program Information Personnel

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