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81. Peace Studies Online Events peace studies. Films. Department of peace studies University of BradfordBradford West Yorkshire BD7 1DP T +44 (0)1274 235235 F +44 (0)1274 235240. http://www.peacestudiesonline.org/noticeboard.asp?cid=65 |
82. The Martin Institute The Martin Archives are the data system retrieval system for the MartinInstitute for peace studies and Conflict Resolution. Portions http://peace.martin.uidaho.edu/ | |
83. Peace Studies Resources for peace studies peace studies Programs, Organizations, Offices,Centers, and Projects, Bibliographical Resources. Associated http://www.ambs.edu/LJohns/PeaceStudies.htm | |
84. Peace Studies peace studies. Cooperation and Conflict; Development; European Journalof International Relations; International Relations; International http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journals/details/c140.html | |
85. International Peace Studies: MPhil Degree And Diploma Programme Trinity College Dublin. Irelands Centre for Ecumenical Studies, Internationalpeace studies and Reconciliation Studies. International peace studies M.Phil. http://www.tcd.ie/ise/degree_diploma/ipsp/ | |
86. Peace Studies Page PEACE. Peace, if it ever exists, will not be based on the fear of war, but on thelove of peace. IPB was founded in 1892 and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1910. http://www.cusd.claremont.edu/~dconow/peace/peace.html | |
87. Resource Center Studies » Development and Economics » Peace Education » Human Security » Lawand Human Rights » Natural Resources » peace studies and Conflict Resolution. http://www.upeace.org/resources/index.cfm?id_category=8 |
88. Center For Security And Peace Studies, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indon NEW EMAIL ADDRESS Center for Security and peace studies Gadjah MadaUnivesity email address has changed to csps-ugm@jmn.net.id (new). http://www.csps-ugm.or.id/ | |
89. Program On Peace Studies And Conflict Resolution @ KU-IRD Welcome to the web site of the Program on peace studies and Conflict Resolution. Address.Program on peace studies Conflict Resolution Dept. http://www.ppscr.org/ | |
90. Rogers: The Evolution Of An Interdisciplinary Peace Studies Centre The Evolution of An Interdisciplinary peace studies Centre The Bradford Experience.Paul Rogers. Even so, all the usual problems of peace studies remain. http://www.tcnj.edu/~psm/pcs/manuscripts/pcs0011m.html | |
91. PosU Peace Education Peace Studies This page contains numerous free resources pertaining to peace studies andPeace Education. peace studies. Welcome to our peace studies web page. http://www.positiveuniverse.org/PeaceEducation/PeaceStudies.html |
92. CIAO Institute Of War And Peace Studies IWPS. Columbia University Institute of War and peace studies. Additional Instituteof War and peace studies Material Working Papers. Conferences. http://www.ciaonet.org/conf/sites/iwps.html |
93. CIAO The Joan B. Kroc Institute For International Peace Studies The Joan B. Kroc Institute for International peace studies. The Joan B. KrocInstitute for International peace studies at the University of Notre Dame. http://www.ciaonet.org/wps/sites/kroc.html |
94. Loyola University Chicago Libraries Specialist Michael Napora Phone (773) 5082620 Email mnapora@luc.edu URL http//homepages.luc.edu/~mnapora/Dept peace studies Program, Terrorist Attack http://libraries.luc.edu/cfpages/subjectpg.cfm?sid=35 |
95. Peace Studies - The University Of New England PDaL logo The Centre for peace studies at the University of New England. andgenerosity. Return to peace studies Home UNE home page. http://fehps.une.edu.au/PDal/Courses/ProfessionalStudies/Peace/ | |
96. Center For Peace Studies CENTER FOR peace studies. CENTER FOR peace studies International Programs Center TheUniversity of Oklahoma 339 West Boyd, Room 400 Norman, Oklahoma 730195144. http://www.ou.edu/ipc/cps/ | |
97. Justice & Peace Studies Program @ Creighton University http://puffin.creighton.edu/ccas/JPSFolder/jps.htm |
98. War And Peace Studies - Allyn & Bacon / Longman Catalog Ziegler © 2000 / 0321-04837-7 / Longman. War and peace studies. COLLEGECatalog Faculty Center Student Center Author Center http://www.ablongman.com/catalog/academic/course/1,4095,97587,00.html | |
99. Basic Information - Major : Peace Studies financial aid tips. Subscribe now! Join the discussion now! More than200 Princeton Review titles on sale! Major peace studies. http://www.princetonreview.com/college/research/majors/majorBasics.asp?majorID=2 |
100. Peace Studies Gustavus Adolphus College Logo, You Are Here OnCampus Academics peace studies. peace studies is an interdisciplinary field of http://www.gac.edu/oncampus/academics/peacestudies/ | |
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