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         Memetics:     more books (58)
  1. The Art of Memetics by Wes Unruh, Edward Wilson, 2008-01-01
  2. Darwinizing Culture: The Status of Memetics as a Science
  3. Multi-Objective Memetic Algorithms (Studies in Computational Intelligence) by Chi-Keong Goh, 2009-03-13
  4. The Memetics of Music by Steven Jan, 2007-08
  5. Operational Freight Carrier Planning: Basic Concepts, Optimization Models and Advanced Memetic Algorithms (GOR-Publications) by Jörn Schönberger, 2010-11-30
  6. Distributed Memetic Algorithms for Graph-Theoretical Combinatorial Optimization Problems by Thomas Fischer, 2009-04-29
  7. Recent Advances in Memetic Algorithms (Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing)
  8. Disinfect Your Mind: Defend Yourself with Memetics Against Mass Media, Politicians, Corporate Management, Your Aunt's Advice, and Other Mind Viruses by Ely Asher, 2006-02-25
  9. Meme: Axiom, Culture, Selection, Memetics, Theory of Forms, Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene, Natural selection, Sociocultural evolution, Social evolution
  10. Memetic Magic by Kirk Packwood, 2004-04
  11. Insufficiencies of Language: A memetic approach to language?speaker conflicts by Edith Simmel, 2009-05-20

1. Memetics
A meme is a cognitive or behavioral pattern that can be transmitted from one individual to another Category Science Biology Sociobiology memetics...... memory. memetics the theoretical and empirical science that studiesthe replication, spread and evolution of memes. memetics. Meme
Meme: an information pattern, held in an individual's memory, which is capable of being copied to another individual's memory.
Memetics: the theoretical and empirical science that studies the replication, spread and evolution of memes Cultural evolution, including the evolution of knowledge , can be modelled through the same basic principles of variation and selection that underly biological evolution . This implies a shift from genes as units of biological information to a new type of units of cultural information: memes A meme is a cognitive or behavioral pattern that can be transmitted from one individual to another one. Since the individual who transmitted the meme will continue to carry it, the transmission can be interpreted as a replication : a copy of the meme is made in the memory of another individual, making him or her into a carrier of the meme. This process of self-reproduction (the memetic life-cycle ), leading to spreading over a growing group of individuals, defines the meme as a replicator, similar in that respect to the gene (Dawkins, 1976; Moritz, 1991). Dawkins listed the following three characteristics for any successful replicator:
the more faithful the copy, the more will remain of the initial pattern after several rounds of copying. If a painting is reproduced by making photocopies from photocopies, the underlying pattern will quickly become unrecognizable.

2. Memetics
Read introductions to memetic theory and find scholarly research papers, journals and investigations of current memes. memetics. memetics is the study of ideas and concepts viewed as "living" organisms, capable of reproduction and
Transhuman Page
Cultural Sphere
Memetics is the study of ideas and concepts viewed as "living" organisms, capable of reproduction and evolution in an " Ideosphere " (similar to the Biosphere) consisting of the collective of human minds. Memes reproduce by spreading to new hosts, who will spread them further (typical examples are jokes, catchphrases or politicial ideas). At present memetics is somewhat controversial. Partly this is due to misunderstandings about what it means, leading to claims that it excludes human free will, creativity and progress, and that it is bad science. This will likely change in time, as the field matures.
Memetic Theory
Examples of memetics


Individual Memes
See Also
Memetic Theory
Viruses of the Mind by Richard Dawkins Journal of Memetics: Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission . A peer-reviewed academic net-journal of memetics. Memetics: On a conceptual framework for cultural evolution by Hans-Cees Speel. How memetics as a topic can help to integrate ideas from different disciplines

3. Hans-Cees' Homepage
Welcome to HansCees' Homepage do you know what memetics is? to see my C.V., research, publication, my pets (frogs and snakes), my tutorials on linux and of course my memetics pages.
Greetings Browserly Challenged. The page you are attempting to enter has frames and if you're reading this message, you don't have the ability to see it. I suggest you go and upgrade.

4. Journal Of Memetics - Evolutionary Models Of Information Transmission
Announcements mailing list; memetics discussion list. Other Links tosites related to memetics; Other online publications on memetics.
Latest Complete Issue
Emerging Issue

Index of all full papers

Index of all Issues
... EMIT

Ancilliary Information:
Sponsored by the Centre for Policy Modelling , and the Prinicipia Cybernetica Project ISSN 1366-4786

5. Journal Of Memetics - Evolutionary Models Of Information Transmission
Peerreviewed academic journal probes and discusses the memetic perspective of evolution. Features a history of memetics and related links. A brief overview and history of memetics. A bibliography of memetics
Latest Complete Issue
Emerging Issue

Index of all full papers

Index of all Issues
... EMIT

Ancilliary Information:
Sponsored by the Centre for Policy Modelling , and the Prinicipia Cybernetica Project ISSN 1366-4786

6. A Bibliography Of Memetics
JOMEMITJournal of memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmissionhttp// A Bibliography of memetics.
Journal of Memetics
Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
A Bibliography of Memetics
Compiled by Liane Gabora, May 1997. Work is in progress to transform this into a more accessible form.
  • Ackley, D. 1994. A Case for Distributed Lamarkian Evolution. In Artificial Life III. Addison-Wesley. Alexander, R.D. 1987. The Biology of Moral Systems. Aldine de Gruyter. Alexander, R.D. 1980. Darwinism and Human Affairs. Pitman. Altenberg, L. 1984. A Generalization of Theory on the Evolution of Modifier Genes. PhD Thesis, Stanford University (available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI.) Arnopoulos, P. 1993. Sociophysics: A General Theory of Natural and Cultural Systems. Nova Science Publishers. Axelrod, R. 1984. The Evolution of Cooperation. Basic Books. Axelrod, R. 1986. An evolutionary approach to norms. American Political Science Review, Vol. 80, pp 1095-1111. Ball, J. 1984. Memes as replicators. In: Ethology and Sociobiology, Vol. 5(3) 145-161. Bateson, G. 1972. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Ballantine Books. Benedict, R. 1934. Patterns of Culture. Houghton-Mifflin.
  • 7. Alt.memetics Resources
    last updated May 5, 1997 memetics is the theory of cultural replicators, based on Daniel Dennett's philosophyof-mind and the sociobiology of Richard Dawkins.

    8. Links On Evolutionary Theory And Memetics
    Links on Evolutionary Theory and memetics. Evolutionary Philosophy andTheory. Without MiraclesUniversal memetics. Journal of memetics
    Links on Evolutionary Theory and Memetics
    Evolutionary Philosophy and Theory
    Biological Evolution and History of Evolution

    9. Memetics Papers On The Web
    memetics publications on the web Bilk, Mark S. Dominator Culture alt.memeticsresources (1995) The model for modern civilization is a mindvirus
    Memetics publications on the web:
    This site uses QBullets to mark links: This is an "http" link to an external web site This is a "mailto" link that will pop up an email form This links to a plain text file This links to a file hosted at this site Also, names in green mark frequently-cited authors,
    and green asterisks ( ) mark frequently-cited works

    10. Meme Central - Memes, Memetics, And Mind Virus Resource
    An index of hundreds of free, online papers and articles about meme theory
    Search this site!
    Match ALL words Match ANY word by FreeFind Meme Central Welcome to Meme Central, the center of the world of memetics. Memes are contagious ideas, all competing for a share of our mind in a kind of Darwinian selection. As memes evolve, they become better and better at distracting and diverting us from whatever we'd really like to be doing with our lives. They are a kind of Drug of the Mind. Confused? Blame it on memes. Quick Tour: Memetics FAQ
    (Frequently Asked Questions)
    • How do you pronounce "meme"? "Meem" (rhymes with "dream") What is a meme? Memes are the basic building blocks of our minds and culture, in the same way that genes are the basic building blocks of biological life. The breakthrough in memetics is in extending Darwinian evolution to culture. There are several exciting conclusions from doing that, one of which is the ability to predict that ideas will spread not because they are "good ideas", but because they contain "good memes" such as danger, food and sex that push our evolutionary buttons and force us to pay attention to them. Who invented memes?

    11. The Selfish Text: The Bible And Memetics
    THE SELFISH TEXT THE BIBLE AND memetics. Indeed, the practitioners of memeticshave erected some pretty formidable filters to debar any such questions.
    The Bible into Culture Colloquium, Sheffield 9-12 April 1997
    Hugh S. Pyper
    Dept of Theology and Religious Studies University of Leeds
    Simply in terms of the number of copies currently in existence, the Bible represents one of the most successful texts ever produced. Whereas other great texts of the ancient world have either been lost or else exist only in a relatively small number of copies, the Bible is ubiquitous. It exists in over two thousand different languages and in many of those languages it exists in multiple translations. Something identifiable with the Bible in its present form has existed for nearly two millennia. If 'survival of the fittest' has any validity as a slogan, then the Bible seems a fair candidate for the accolade of the fittest of texts. According to the collective authors of The Postmodern Bible , it is a 'truism' that the bible has exerted more influence on Western culture than any other book (The Bible and Culture Collective 1995: 1). In art, literature, politics and religion, biblical thought-forms, narratives and quotations are all-pervasive. As Western culture becomes globalised, so too does the bible. It is said that between a quarter and a third of all Japanese households possess a bible, in a country where only one or two percent of the population have any Christian adherence. This is because it is regarded as essential background for a proper understanding of Western culture. One effect of the spread of western culture through trade, conquest as well as missionary activity has been the spread of a collection of ancient Hebrew and Greek texts to every corner of the globe. Where Western culture goes, the bible goes too.

    12. Memetics Discussion List
    Forum explores issues related to memes and the theory of memetics. Find out how to subscribe to the list. Journal of memetics . Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
    Journal of Memetics
    Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
    memetics discussion list
    Purposes of the list
  • To discuss issues raised in articles published in JoM- EMIT To discuss related topics concerning memetics, and other evolutionary approaches to modelling information transmission. To request information about such topics. To make announcements abour conferences, books, journals, papers etc. that are relevant to the participants. This list will also carry the announcements from the JoM- EMIT announcements list , so you do not have to join both.
  • Sending to the list
    To post to the list, so that your contribution is automatically distributed to all list members e-mail it to (assuming you have already subscribed).
    Subscribing and unsubscribing
    To subscribe to the list send the command subscribe memetics to the list managing address:

    13. The Memetics Of Transhumanism
    The memetics of Transhumanism. Or How is the Memetic Health of Transhumanism?This is based upon a posting to the Extropians list Nov 24 1994.
    The Memetics of Transhumanism
    Or: How is the Memetic Health of Transhumanism?
    This is based upon a posting to the Extropians list Nov 24 1994. What memes are compatible with transhumanism and which are not? From a memetic standpoint, one should expect memes which occupy the same or a very similar "ecological niche" to feel threatened, and try to repulse transhumanist memes. On the other hand, memes whose niches are not threatened, or even helped, by the tranhshumanist memes to support them.
    Transhumanism as a Religion
    The transhumanist memes often bind to memetic receptors normally linked to religious memes, at least the typical western monotheistic religions. Both types of memes have similar baits : the promise of a brighter future, health, prosperity, freedom, happiness, immortality and eventual transcendence. The difference is mainly how these changes should be achieved and what implications they have. Both memes protect the host from many negative emotions by providing an explanation for things and most importantly a future goal. Like all good memes they protect themselves against competitors by denouncing foreign memes as "heretic" or "entropic", or by building a world-view where competing memes are obviously wrong. One of the more unique defenses of the transhumanist meme is its emphasis on openness and tolerance for all other memes as long as they are also tolerant; memes which reject this (like most religious memes) are themselves rejected (this is very similar to Axelrod's Tit-for-Tat strategy in the

    14. Frequently Asked Question
    is Cool" meme, which does very well for itself while killing off its hosts at a great rate. alt.memetics resources page

    15. Alt.memetics Resources
    crealm alt.memetics. last updated May 5, 1997 memetics archives. Selectedthreads July 1994 - June 1995. memetics on the Internet. Introductions.
    Virus! FAQ
    last updated: May 5, 1997 Memetics is the theory of cultural replicators, based on Daniel Dennett 's philosophy-of-mind and the sociobiology of Richard Dawkins . Memetics postulates the meme as the fundamental replicating unit in social evolution , a process which is treated as technically equivalent to biological (genetic) evolution.
    This concept is discussed in the alt.memetics newsgroup.
    Memetics on the Internet
    On-line texts

    16. Alt.memetics Bibliography
    A comprehensive bibliography of memetics and related topics.Category Science Biology Sociobiology memetics......alt.memetics bibliography. Latest update March 19, 2002 Dawkins, R. (1989) The Selfish Gene (2nd edition) Two additional chapters on memetics.
    alt.memetics bibliography
    Latest update: March 19, 2002 Additions are still welcome. Also, there is lots of room in this directory for valuable information (excerpts, abstracts, annotations, etc.) to be hyperlinked to the bibliography.
    Mail to David McFadzean These fine persons helped compose the list so far.
    Alexander, R.D. (1979) "Darwinism and Human Affairs" (Seattle, University of Washington Press)
    Alexander, R.D. (1987) "The Biology of Moral Systems" (New York, Aldine de Gruyter)
    Altenberg, L. (1984) "A Generalization of Theory on the Evolution of Modifier Genes" (PhD thesis Stanford University, available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI)
    A model of the cultural evolution of memes that control the transmission of other memes, with the result that in a population near equilibrium for cultural traits that affect individual survival, memes for traditionalism (i.e. faithful transmission of other memes) will prevail.
    "The Origins of Knowledge" (expected later this year)


    18. Memetics: A Systems Metabiology
    memetics A Systems Metabiology. Key Resource Links 2 Go Key Resource memeticsTopic. memetics A Systems Metabiology. Version 950220. Ron HaleEvans.
    Memetics: A Systems Metabiology
    Links Go Key Resource
    Memetics Topic Memetics: A Systems Metabiology Version 950220 Ron Hale-Evans Note: This paper is close to completion, but there are still rough spots where elaboration is needed; in some places you will see notes from and to myself on what needs to be changed. I was asked by a friend to put a "pre-release" version online. Comments are very welcome and may shape the final version of this paper. In this paper, I will present an application of general systems theory to memetics, the study of memes. Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins coined the word "meme" to describe the similarity of ideas to genes. Dawkins says of memes in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperm or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation. Researchers have also likened memes to viruses or germs in that they often seem to come and go in waves, much as epidemics of biological organisms do. One can take Nazism as perhaps the most familiar example of what can happen when a fanatic ideology spreads and gathers many followers. The memetic plague at Jonestown proved just as fatal for the followers of Jim Jones as any biological plague would have, possibly more so. (Henson 1987)

    19. Memetic Scienc: General Introduction
    Discussions of the quantitative analysis of cultural transfer, with focus on creativity, memes, replicato Category Science Biology Sociobiology memetics...... Journal of memetics (Online) This is important to memetics in that words and wordconstructsare the principal entities we can deal with in a robust way.
    Page Sponsors
    Useful Links
    Related Books
    (in alphabetical order) Great Minds a reason for inquiry ...
    The Meme Machine
    by Susan J. Blackmore, Richard Dawkins.
    Thought Contagion : How Belief Spreads Through Society
    by Aaron Lynch.
    Virus of the Mind : The New Science of the Meme
    by Richard Brodie.
    Additional Readings Journal of Ideas (description)
    Databank Informatorium

    Resource Links
    Principia Cybernetica Journal of Memetics (Online)
    Cited Authors: K. Eric Drexler Engines of Creation Nanosystems : Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene The Extended Phenotype : The Long Reach of the Gene (Popular Science) The Meme Machine Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion, and the Appetite for Wonder ... Climbing Mount Improbable E. O. Wilson and C. Lumsden Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, Twenty-fifth Anniversary Edition (this book, despite all the hoopla - really moved the debate forward) Promethean Fire: Reflections on the Origin of Mind Sociobiology: The Abridged Edition Consilience : The Unity of Knowledge On Human Nature ... There's a Hair in My Dirt! : A Worm's Story Douglas Hofstatder Godel, Escher, Bach : An Eternal Golden Braid

    20. This Page Is Gone
    This Page Is Gone! Sorry, but I no longer maintain this page. I have a set ofnew web pages devoted to Old Time Radio at the URL http//
    This Page Is Gone!
    Sorry, but I no longer maintain this page. I have a set of new web pages devoted to "Old Time Radio" at the URL: - Ken Kitowski

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