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1. W3C/ANU - Demography & Population Studies WWW VL Organized collection of Internet links.Category Science Social Sciences demography and population studies......Demography Population Studies. The Internet Guide to Demography andPopulation Studies. Est. 7 Mar 1994. Last revised 4th Jan 2002. http://demography.anu.edu.au/VirtualLibrary/ | |
2. W3C/ANU - Demography & Population Studies WWW VL Demography Population Studies The Internet Guide to demography and population studies Other Demography Population Studies WWW Servers http://demography.anu.edu.au/VirtualLibrary/DemPopServers.html | |
3. University Of Michigan - Population Studies CenterCenter Hosts Two-year Postdoct This category in other languages CIESIN Dataset Guide Georeferenced Population Data Sets for various countries City Population - Principal cities and agglomerations of the world and of many countries (tables and maps). worldwide - in animated charts and maps. demography and population studies WWW Virtual Library - Organized collection http://www.psc.lsa.umich.edu/ |
4. Dynamic Directory - Science - Social Sciences - Demography And Population Studie Top ScienceSocial Sciencesdemography and population studiesResearch Institutes (16) http://www.maximumedge.com/cgi/dir/index.cgi/Science/Social_Sciences/Demography_ | |
5. SocioSite DEMOGRAPHY - POPULATION STUDIES Sociological resources on demography and population studies. Editor AlbertBenschop (University of Amsterdam). Demography Population Studies. http://www.pscw.uva.nl/sociosite/TOPICS/population.html |
6. Demography And Population Studies: The University Of Waikato Library demography and population studies. THE QUICK REFERENCE COLLECTION. This way ofsearching is especially important for demography and population studies. http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/learning/s_demography.shtml | |
7. Demography And Population Studies demography and population studies. http://calendar.waikato.ac.nz/prescriptions/papers/demography.html | |
8. British Academy PORTAL - WWW-VL Demography & Population Studies (Sociology, Demo The WWW Virtual Library for demography and population studies provides links toonline resources for demographers including datasets and census information. http://www.britac.ac.uk/portal/s4/wwwvldps.html | |
9. Electronic Journals: Demography And Population Studies Catalog Search Home Tell Us Help, Electronic Journals Demographyand Population Studies. Note Stanford's new ejournal http://www-sul.stanford.edu/collect/oldejourn/demoa.html | |
10. HCPDS : The Mortimer Spiegelman Fellowships In Demography And Population Studies The Mortimer Spiegelman Fellowships in demography and population studies.The Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/hcpds/spiegelman.html | |
11. Science: Social Sciences: Demography And Population Studies - WorldSearch.com Home » Science » Social Sciences » demography and population studies. http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Science/Social_Sciences/Demography_and_Pop | |
12. DINO - Language: Englisch - Science - Social Sciences - Demography And Populatio You are here DINO Language Englisch Science Social Sciences demography and population studies demography and population studies, http://www.dino-online.de/wissen/dino_page_1e90dbde343ca0d004dbb4c1e5af6f09.html | |
13. DINO - Language: Englisch - Science - Social Sciences - Demography And Populatio Hilfe zu diesem Thema aufrufen. You are here DINO Language Englisch Science Social Sciences demography and population studies Research Institutes http://www.dino-online.de/wissen/dino_page_0a250ddb7e3e28f779dc09f7e1882039.html | |
14. Research and maps. demography and population studies WWW Virtual Library Organized collection of Internet links. Development Education http://www.anthro.net/Demography/ | |
15. Searchalot Directory For Demography And Population Studies Sponsored Links. Top Science Social Sciences Demography and PopulationStudies (120). http://www.searchalot.com/Top/Science/SocialSciences/DemographyandPopulationStud | |
16. Penn Library-Population Studies topical list. Comprehensive Web Sites. CIESIN's Demography Homepage;demography and population studies WWW Virtual Library; Migration http://oldsite.library.upenn.edu/resources/subject/social/population/population. | |
17. Demography And Population Studies demography and population studies. Demographic WWW Servers. This document(http//coombs.anu.edu.au/ResFacilities/DemographyPage.html http://www.ibiblio.org/ucis/Demography.html | |
18. Start - Language: Englisch - Science - Social Sciences - Demography And Populati You are here home search directory Language Englisch Science Social Sciences demography and population studies. demography and population studies, http://webkatalog.freenet.de/wissen/freenet_page_1e90dbde343ca0d004dbb4c1e5af6f0 | |
19. Browsing Science Social Sciences Demography And Population Browse Science Social Sciences demography and population studies EuropeZzspirit Travel. (Commercial Site) cheap UK bargain offer http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Science/Social_Sciences/Demography_and_Pop |
20. Browsing Science Social Sciences Demography And Population Browse Science Social Sciences demography and population studies Top Science Social Sciences demography and population studies. Categories http://www.uksprite.com/search/search/Science/Social_Sciences/Demography_and_Pop |
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