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1. Archaeology Magazine This popular magazine also provides the latest news in archaeology from around the world.Category Science Social Sciences archaeology News...... Secrets of the Maya, Secrets of the Maya A new book from the editors ofarchaeology. Exclusive Online Features. EUpdate, archaeology's E-Update! http://www.archaeology.org/ | |
2. Internet Archaeology - Electronic Journal - Home Page Scholarly ezine on the state of today's archaeology includes numerous features and articles. Advertisement. Advertise in Internet archaeology. See our guidelines for more details. http://intarch.ac.uk/ | |
3. Classics And Mediterranean Archaeology List other indexes for Classics and Mediterranean archaeology; C MA sortedalphabetically (725 items); Bookstores; OWAN); On Line archaeology. http://rome.classics.lsa.umich.edu/welcome.html | |
4. SAAweb - Society For American Archaeology Dedicated to the research, interpretation and protection of the archaeological heritage of the Americas. The mission of the Society for American archaeology is to expand understanding and appreciation of humanity's past as http://www.saa.org/ | |
5. Council For British Archaeology Internet Information Service Protecting and promoting Britain's historic environment. Info on the CBA, ongoing projects, online publications and archaeology news. Council for British archaeology. The gateway to British archaeology online http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ | |
6. The Society For Historical Archaeology Apply for or renew a membership, peruse journals and newsletters, explore the bibliography, and check news and event announcements. Awards of the Society for Historical archaeology. * Links in Historical archaeology http://www.sha.org/ | |
7. Archaeology : An Introduction - An Online Companion © Kevin Greene 2002 Kevin Greene's selection of Internet links to supplement the 4th edition of his book, by chapter and section, with alphabetical index. http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/kevin.greene/wintro/ |
8. Perseus Art & Archaeology Massive library of art objects and museums. With descriptions of objects, their contexts, and images. Art and archaeology. email us problems and comments copyright statement http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/art&arch.html | |
9. Kelsey Has Moved! University of Michigan facility offers virtual tours of its past and present exhibits, with images and descriptions of featured artifacts. http://www.umich.edu/~kelseydb | |
10. Archaeology And The Bible - Christian Answers News and articles from an apologetical position, hosted by Associates for Biblical Research, which organizes excavations and publishes the quarterly Bible and Spade . http://www.christiananswers.net/archaeology/home.html | |
11. SFU Museum Of Archaeology And Ethnology At Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, gives a taste of archaeology in Canada. Includes photographs and descriptions of prehistoric sites at Charlie Lake Cave, Namu and Keatley Creek. http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/museum/ |
12. The Institute Of Egyptian Art And Archaeology Library from the University of Connecticut provides access to archaeological resources available on the Internet. serves as the World Wide Web Virtual Library for archaeology. This server provides access to archaeological resources http://www.memphis.edu/egypt/main.html | |
13. The WWWorld Of Archaeology THE WWWORLD OF archaeology General archaeology, Search tools, journals, and instituteswhose coverage stretches across more than one of the following categories. http://www.archaeology.org/wwwarky/wwwarky.html | |
14. Welcome To The London Museum Of Archaeology Museum devoted to the study, display, and interpretation of the human occupation of Southwestern Ontario over the past 11,000 years. http://www.uwo.ca/museum/index.html | |
15. ArchNet - WWW Virtual Library - Archaeology The WWW Virtual Library for archaeology. Contains links to many internet sites relating to archaeology Category Regional North America Connecticut Society and Culture...... ArchNet serves as the World Wide Web Virtual Library for archaeology. Pleaseexcuse the delay. archaeology Conference Announcements! http://archnet.uconn.edu/ | |
16. About Archaeology Explains what archaeologists do and definitely don't do. From the Museum of archaeology and Ethnology. http://www.sfu.ca/archaeology/museum/ask/ | |
17. Odyssey, Adventures In Archaeology Offers archaeological tours of Europe and the Near East from Canada. http://www.odysseyadventures.ca | |
18. Near Eastern Archaeology Large collection of links with descriptions. http://www.serve.com/archaeology/neast.html | |
19. Archaeology On The Net Searchable index of archaeology resources on the web categorized under35 subject headings. AON Web Ring. REGIONAL Africa America http://www.serve.com/archaeology/ | |
20. About - Institute Of Archaeology Hebrew University Jerusalem Israel Describes academic programs, staff, excavation, research projects, library and collections. http://www.hum.huji.ac.il/Archaeology/index.htm | |
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