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         Zuse Konrad:     more books (75)
  1. The Computer - My Life by Konrad Zuse, 2010-11-02
  2. Konrad Zuse by Jürgen Alex, Hermann Flessner, et all 2003-10-01
  3. Der Computer - Mein Lebenswerk (German Edition) by Konrad Zuse, 2010-05-17
  4. Assembler. Ein Lernprogramm: 2 (Heidelberger Taschenbücher) (German Edition) by Rainer Alletsee, Horst Jung, et all 1988-01-27
  5. Was ist und wie verwirklicht sich Computer- Sozialismus by Arno Peters, Konrad Zuse, 2000-06-01
  6. Assembler. Ein Lernprogramm: 3 (Heidelberger Taschenbücher) (German Edition) by Rainer Alletsee, Horst Jung, et all 1988-01-27
  7. Assembler. Ein Lernprogramm: 1 (Heidelberger Taschenbücher) (German Edition) by Rainer Alletsee, Horst Jung, et all 1988-01-27
  8. Technical University of Berlin Alumni: Wernher Von Braun, Albert Speer, Eugene Wigner, Konrad Zuse, Fritz Haber, Alfred Stieglitz
  9. German Computer Scientists: Konrad Zuse, Wau Holland, Matthias Ettrich, Gernot Heiser, Andy Bechtolsheim, Ernst Dickmanns, Kurt Mehlhorn
  10. Computer Hardware Engineers: Douglas Engelbart, Konrad Zuse, J. Presper Eckert, Martin Brennan, Chuck Peddle, Lynn Conway, Voja Antonic
  11. Digital Philosophy: Philosophy, Physical cosmology, Mathematician, Theoretical physics, Gregory Chaitin, Stephen Wolfram, Konrad Zuse, Digital physics, ... Turing completeness, Gottfried Leibniz
  12. Unternehmer (It): Konrad Zuse, Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Herman Hollerith, Bill Gates, Gordon Moore, Dave Winer, Marc Andreessen, Jack Tramiel (German Edition)
  13. Träger Der Wilhelm-Leuschner-Medaille: Jürgen Habermas, Konrad Zuse, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Alfred Grosser, Oswald von Nell-Breuning (German Edition)
  14. Träger Des Bayerischen Maximiliansordens Für Wissenschaft Und Kunst: Loriot, Carl Friedrich Gauß, Konrad Zuse, Gerhart Hauptmann, Jacob Grimm (German Edition)

1. Konrad Zuse
Biography and history of his life.Category Computers History Pioneers Zuse, Konrad......Konrad Zuse. Born June 1991. During 1936 to 1938 Konrad Zuse developedand built the first binary digital computer in the world (Zl). A
Konrad Zuse
Born June 22, 1910, Berlin-Wilmersdorf; German inventor of pre-war electromechanical binary computer designated Z1 which was destroyed without trace by wartime bombing; developed two more machines before the end of the war but was unable to convince the Nazi government to support his work; fled with the remains of Z3 to Zurich where he developed the Z4 which was successfully used at ETH. Developer of a basic programming system known as "Plankalkül" with which he designed a chess playing program. Education and Experience: By 1927 Konrad Zuse had enrolled at the Technical University in Berlin-Charlottenburg and began his working career as a design engineer (Statiker) in the aircraft industry (Henschel Flugzeugwerke) and by 1935 he had completed a degree in civil engineering. He remained in Berlin from the time he finished his degree until the end of the war in 1945, and it was during this time that he constructed his first digital computers. He later formed his own company for the construction and marketing of his designs. Honors and Awards: Honorary Degrees;

2. Konrad Zuse Internet Archiv
Konrad Zuse (19101995) hat den ersten programmgesteuerten Rechner der Welt gebaut.

3. Zuse
Konrad Zuse. Born 22 Konrad Zuse was brought up in Braunsberg, East Prussiawhere he attended the Humanistisches Gymnasium. He entered
Konrad Zuse
Born: 22 June 1910 in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany
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Konrad Zuse was brought up in Braunsberg, East Prussia where he attended the Humanistisches Gymnasium . He entered the Technisches Hochschule of Berlin- Charlottenburg in 1927 where he took courses in civil engineering. It was these studies in engineering which led Zuse to become interested in developing a mechanical device for calculating around 1934. He found that he had to spend many hours [4]:- ... working through the long statics calculations which are so important in the training of civil engineers... After graduating Zuse joined the Henschel Aircraft Company where he worked on stress analysis. In particular he studied the stresses caused by vibrations of an aircraft's wing. His work again involved a great deal of calculation and so, to help him perform these calculations, Zuse built his Z1 computer in his parents living room. He wrote:- I started in working independently and without knowledge of other developments going on around me. In fact, I hadn't even heard of Charles

4. Zuse Konrad
Translate this page zuse konrad. np. m. PERS (1910-1995). Ingénieur allemand membredu groupe des inventeurs de l'ordinateur. Il mit sa troisième
Zuse Konrad np. m. PERS ] (1910-1995). Ingénieur allemand membre du groupe des inventeurs de l'ordinateur. Il mit sa troisième machine au point en 1941, c'était le . Heureusement, les nazis n'y ont pas cru. Ouf ! Il a aussi conçu le premier langage de programmation, le Plankalkül Articles liés à celui-ci : Plankalkül Articles voisins : zone number zone tampon ZOO Zope ... Courrier

5. Konrad Zuse From FOLDOC
Register a Domain. Konrad Zuse. Biography. Konrad Zuse Mein Leben (My Life),published 1956. Konrad Zuse The Computer my Life, Springer, 1993. Zuse

Translate this page SCHEDA PERSONAGGI. KONRAD ZUSE. Lo Z3 Konrad Zuse nel 1942. L'ingegnerKonrad Zuse cominciò i suoi studi a Berlino nel 1935. E conseguì
Lo Z3 che si trova al museo di Monaco di Baviera
Konrad Zuse nel 1942 L'ingegner Konrad Zuse cominciò i suoi studi a Berlino nel 1935. E conseguì brillanti risultati, anticipando di alcuni anni le macchine costruite dai colleghi statunitensi
di MATTEO SOMMARUGA Gli studi sulla possibilità di risolvere con l'ausilio delle macchine i pesanti calcoli necessari all'ingegneria risalgono al periodo compreso fra le due guerre mondiali. I risultati si concretizzarono nella realizzazione dei calcolatori elettromeccanici, considerati i progenitori degli attuali computer. Contrariamente a quanto si crede, il primo di questi progetti in grado di soddisfare le caratteristiche di un moderno elaboratore non vide la luce nel campus di un'università americana, ma nel più modesto soggiorno di una famiglia berlinese.
Konrad Zuse, il suo inventore, dovette aspettare ancora molti anni prima che la comunità scientifica internazionale gli riconoscesse il merito di molte intuizioni, alcune delle quali vennero del tutto ignorate per dover poi essere riscoperte a distanza di decenni. Una sorte non migliore toccò del resto a Charles Babbage, il matematico inglese che a metà del XIX secolo avviò i primi tentativi in questa direzione. I suoi progetti non trovarono un'applicazione pratica dovendosi scontrare con problemi tecnici agli inizi dell'800 irrisolvibili, e il suo nome cadde nell'oblio.
Quando nel 1935 Zuse intraprese i primi esperimenti, non aveva nemmeno la vaga idea di ripercorrere una strada già battuta. Ne sarebbe venuto a conoscenza solo successivamente, quando un impiegato del Patent Office britannico gli mostrò alcuni disegni. In maniera analoga il giovane scienziato tedesco si trovava all'oscuro del lavoro che veniva compiuto quasi parallelamente in Germania e negli Stati Uniti. Egli stesso, mentre fra le mura di casa si dedicava allo Z1, la prima delle sue macchine, aveva deciso di mantenere segreto il progetto.

7. Zuse Konrad
Translate this page zuse konrad, 21-01-2001. np. m. PERS (1910-1995). Ingénieur allemandmembre du groupe des inventeurs de l'ordinateur. Il mit sa

8. Lexika Computer Z Zuse Konrad
Translate this page zuse konrad. Erfinder des ersten vollautomatischen, frei programmierbarenComputers der Welt. Der 1941 fertiggestellte Z3 hatte eine

9. Konrad Zuse
zuse konrad. Germany 1935 Corso,P. The Day After Roswell. 1997 (164).pages cited this search 1 Order hard copy of these pages Show
Germany 1935
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10. Konrad Zuse
Konrad Zuse Click for full size. Konrad Zuse (1910 1995) BeforeGeorge Stibitz began fiddling with old tin cans and batteries in
People ASCII-HTML Binary Boolean ... Home
Konrad Zuse (1910 - 1995)
Before George Stibitz began fiddling with old tin cans and batteries in 1938, or Claude Shannon wrote his masters thesis, Konrad Zuse was already labouring away in the cramped living room of his parent's Berlin apartment. Zuse knew little of Bush 's Differential Analyser, was almost completely unaware of Babbage 's Analytical Engine theories, and had never heard of George Boole , and yet he set out to develop a general-purpose computer, designed to operate on Boolean principles It seems the time had simply come. A civil engineering student at Technische Hochschule in 1934, Zuse - much like Shannon and Stibitz - soon became weary of the long hours of boring linear calculations that went with the job - there had to be a better way, he decided. This was the 20th century, there ought to be a machine that could take over the tedious calculations, a machine that could perform any mathematical computation he needed, no matter how complex or convoluted. There wasn't, so Zuse set out to build one.

11. Konrad Zuse - Wikipedia
Other languages Deutsch Svenska. Konrad Zuse. From Wikipedia, the freeencyclopedia. Konrad Zuse was a German engineer and computer pioneer.

12. Konrad Zuse - Wikipedia
Translate this page Andere Sprachen English. Konrad Zuse. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie.Konrad Zuse (geb. am 22. Juni 1910 in Berlin, gest. am 18.

13. Konrad Zuse
Konrad Zuse. Hij is gestorven op 18 december 1995. Terugkijkend kun jeje alleen maar verwonderen over de soepele geest van Konrad Zuse.
Konrad Zuse
Konrad Zuse werd in 1910 in Duitsland geboren en werkte in zijn jonge jaren als ingenieur bij de Henschel vliegtuigfabrieken in de buurt van Berlijn. Omdat hij de eindeloze en dagelijks terugkerende berekeningen die hij daar moest maken 'beledigend voor het menselijk intellect' vond, besloot hij een machine te ontwerpen die dat klusje kon uitvoeren. "I started in 1934, working independently and without knowledge of other developments going on around me. In fact, I hadn't even heard of Charles Babbage when I embarked on my work," schreef hij later. Binnen vier jaar zag Zuses 'Z1' het levenslicht. Dit prototype van de moderne computer nam bijna de hele woonkamer van Zuses ouderlijk huis in beslag, en stond oorverdovend te ratelen als hij bezig was. De machine was volledig mechanisch en werd met behulp van een ponsband geprogrammeerd. De Z1 in de huiskamer van Zuses ouders in Berlijn De Z1 loste weliswaar wiskundige sommen op, maar was verre van volmaakt. Zuse had handgemaakte mechanische schakelaars gebruikt, in plaats van elektromagnetische, waardoor de berekeningen onnauwkeurig waren. Maar het volgende model, de Z2, gebruikte elektromagnetische onderdelen uit telefoons en zijn opvolger, de Z3, was in feite de eerste, functionerende elektronische rekenmachine. Hij verscheen in 1941. De Z3 werd geprogrammeerd met behulp van ponskaarten en had een opslagcapaciteit van 64 getallen van elk 22 binaire cijfers. De getallen werden op een toetsenbord ingevoerd en men las de uitkomst van een paneel af, dat getallen met vier decimalen kon weergeven. Behalve standaard-operaties als optellen, aftrekken, vermenigvuldigen en delen, kon de machine ook worden geprogrammeerd. De snelheid van de Z3 lag rond de vijftien tot twintig operaties per seconde... Wow!

14. Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Für Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB)
Information and test models relating to network optimization problems and other related combinatorial Category Science Math Operations Research Academic Departments......
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15. Konrad Zuse - Konrad Zuse Multimedia Show - Konrad Zuses Computer

16. ZIB - Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum Für Informationstechnik Berlin
The Electronic Library for Mathematical Software at konradzuse-Zentrum f¼r Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB).
Department Scientific Information Systems
Please note: Information about ZIB is in the ZIB WWW Server The Department "Scientific Information Systems" provides: Math-Net , an Information System for Mathematicians SIGMA S earchable I ndex for G lobal Ma thematical resources; Fulltext, keyword and metadata based search; hierarchical MSC index Navigator find out more about MathNet members - by name categories or regions Netlib Search Searchable Index of the Netlib, a repository of mathematical software, data and documents Math-Net Links to the Mathematical World , a collection of mathematical resources and related links into the internet KOBV , Online Computer Access to the Library Collections in the Region Berlin-Brandenburg IMU , the International Mathematical Union (Mirror) ICM 1998 , the International Congress of Mathematicians Berlin 1998 eLib - the Electronic Library for Mathematical Software , containing CodeLib of ZIB by Prof. P. Deuflhard and his colleagues Mirror of the well known network library NetLib Mirror of the famous REDUCE network library RedLib of A. C. Hearn at Rand Corp.

17. Biographie: Konrad Zuse, 1910-1995
1910. 22. Juni konrad zuse wird in Berlin geboren.
Konrad Zuse
22. Juni: Konrad Zuse wird in Berlin geboren.
In der Z2 arbeitet ein elektronisches Rechenwerk aus Telefonrelais.
Zweiten Weltkrieg verhindert die Zusammenarbeit Zuses mit amerikanischen Computerkonstrukteuren.
Die von Zuse 1940 gegründete Firma "Zuse Apparatebau" und die Z3 werden bei einem Bombenangriff zerstört. Die bereits begonnene Z4 wurde rechtzeitig ins Allgäu ausgelagert.
Zuse entwickelt "Plankalkül", eine der ersten höheren Programmiersprachen. Langfristiges Ziel seiner Bemühungen ist die Konstruktion von Maschinen, die nicht nur Rechenaufgaben, sondern Probleme aus der Kombinatorik lösen sollen.
Die Z22 ist der erste Rechner mit einem magnetischen Speicher.
bis 1967
Die Zuse KG stellt insgesamt 251 Computer her. Dann wird die Firma aufgrund wirtschaftlicher Schwierigkeiten an Siemens verkauft. Der Name Zuse verschwindet.


18. Konrad Zuse
biography of konrad zuse the Z1 one of the first computers with a stored program mechanism. Biography. konrad zuse was born in Berlin in 1910.

Konrad Zuse
1910, Berlin, Germany
Konrad Zuse
principal papers hardware software
Z1, Plankalkul see also
related subjects Achievement One of the originals during World War II. Developed the Z1 one of the first computers with a stored program mechanism. Biography Chronology Honors and awards Last Updated on July 2, 2001 For suggestions please mail the editors

19. Konrad Zuse: Preface
EPE Online article by konrad zuse's son, Prof. Horst zuse. Well written biography, many historical pictures.Category Computers History Pioneers zuse, konrad......The Life and Work of konrad zuse by Prof. EPE Online is therefore honored to presentthe following world exclusive article on the life and work of konrad zuse.
World Exclusive!
The Life and Work of Konrad Zuse
by Prof. Horst Zuse Many encyclopedias and other reference works state that the first large-scale automatic digital computer was the Harvard Mark 1, which was developed by Howard H. Aiken (and team) in America between 1939 and 1944. However, in the aftermath of World War II it was discovered that a program controlled computer called the Z3 had been completed in Germany in 1941, which means that the Z3 pre-dated the Harvard Mark I. The Z3's architect was a German engineer called Konrad Zuse, who developed his first machine, the Z1, in his parents' living room in Berlin in 1938. Although based on relays, the Z3 was very sophisticated for its time; for example, it utilized the binary number system and could perform floating-point arithmetic. Zuse was an amazing man who was years ahead of his time. To fully appreciate his achievements, it is necessary to understand that his background was in construction and civil engineering (not electronics).
The Z1 computer. In the foreground is the manual crank for driving the clock frequency by hand.

20. Konrad-Zuse-Homepage Auf Der GI Web-Site

auf der GI Web-Site
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Ziele und Aufgaben der Konrad-Zuse-Gesellschaft


Weitere Kenndaten zur Konrad-Zuse-Gesellschaft
Zur Person Konrad Zuse ist der Schöpfer der ersten vollautomatischen, programmgesteuerten und frei programmierbaren, in binärer Gleitpunktrechnung arbeitenden Rechenanlage. Die Rechenanlage Z3 war 1941 betriebsfähig. Nur die wenigsten wissen: Noch vor dem amerikanischen Harvard-Professor Howard H. Aiken hat ein Deutscher den Computer erfunden. Der Bundespräsident Prof. Roman Herzog hat Zuse in seiner Laudatio anläßlich der Verleihung des Bundesverdienstkreuzes des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als "einen der größten deutschen Erfinder" bezeichnet. Besonders beeindruckt zeigte sich Herzog darüber, daß Zuse in einer Zeit, als Rationalisierung noch als etwas Riskantes betrachtet wurde, darauf hingewiesen hat, daß "lebendige, schöpferische Menschen ihr Leben nicht mit nüchternen Rechnungen verschwenden sollten". Damit habe er den technischen Fortschritt des 20. Jahrhunderts so vorangetrieben, wie Aristoteles dies schon vor 2500 Jahren vorausgesehen habe: "Daß der Mensch sich von fremdbestimmten Tätigkeiten befreit und sie Maschinen überläßt, um sich selbst stärker zu entfalten." Zuses Sohn, Dr. habil. Horst Zuse, ist Privatdozent an der Technischen Universität Berlin und lehrt dort das Fach "Praktische Informatik".

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