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61. Felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-Groups-and-semigroups/b-Group-theory-in-crys Translate this page H. Brown/R. Buelow/J. Neubueser/H. Wondratschek/hans zassenhaus Crystallographicgroups of four-dimensional space. hans zassenhaus What is an angle? Am. http://felix.unife.it/Root/d-Mathematics/d-Groups-and-semigroups/b-Group-theory- | |
62. New And Used Math And Physics Textbooks For Sale.html Zariski,Oscar Samuel, Pierre, Commutative Algebra, Vol 1,2, VN, 1958,zassenhaus, hans J, The Theory of Groups 2e 1958, Chelsea, 1949,58,2, http://www.geocities.com/Eureka/Park/1637/p-z.html | |
63. Teubner Online Translate this page Jacobs, K., Burmann, HW, Günzler, H., Holdgrün, HS Wilhelm Maak 1912-1992,96, 76-84 (1994). Plesken, W. hans zassenhaus 1912-1991, 96, 1-20 (1994). http://www.teubner.de/teubner/service/b93-96_dmv.htm | |
64. Www.math.wisc.edu/~hans/olga There was a session of the Mathematical Association of America in memoryof Emil Artin whose speakers were hans zassenhaus and Helmut Hasse. http://www.math.wisc.edu/~hans/olga |
65. Publication List 38. (with Surinder Sehgal and hans zassenhaus). Isomorphism of integralgroup rings of abeian by nilpotent class two groups. Comm. http://www.math.ualberta.ca/Sehgal_publications.html | |
66. Dover Books: Algebra Wilkinson, James H. Link to Wilkinson, James H. Rounding Errors In AlgebraicProcesses to Book, zassenhaus, hans J. The Theory Of Groups. http://www.fldstone.com/DVMAT_AL.HTM | |
67. SUB Göttingen - Projektbeschreibung Katalogisierung Von Mathematikernachlässen Translate this page Wilhelm Maier, Carl Ludwig Siegel und Ludwig Kiepert erworben werden und mit Unterstützungder DFG aus den USA der umfangreiche Nachlaß hans zassenhaus. http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/projekte/katalogis_mathnachlaesse.html | |
68. Veröffentlichungen Von Universitätsangehörigen Science SpringerVerlag, Berlin und Heidelberg 1996 ; 1122) - Group Theory, Algebra,and Number Theory Colloquium in Memory of hans zassenhaus held in http://www.uni-saarland.de/z-einr/ub/uni-veroeff/B96/f9.htm | |
69. Lineage Translate this page hans zassenhaus, PhD, Universität Hamburg (1934) Dissertation KennzeichnungEndlicher Linearer Gruppen als Permutations-Gruppen. http://www.math.uwo.ca/~driley/riley-lineage.html | |
70. - Rec.food.equipment Arturo. 08.02. Re zassenhaus pepper mills. Village Idiot. 07.02. Recent Lunch (0/4). VoxHumana. 05.02. Re Cookie press for flat noodles? HW hans Kuntze. 05.02. http://www.kuchnia.serwisy.net/news/thread.php/rec.food.equipment/1_50.html |
71. Mathem_abbrev of Chalcedon Yates Frank Yau, ShingTung Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe Yunus, Abu'l-Hasanibn Yushkevich, Adolph, Zariski, Oscar zassenhaus, hans Zeeman, Erik Zelmanov http://www.pbcc.cc.fl.us/faculty/domnitcj/mgf1107/mathrep1.htm | |
72. New College Of Florida The conference continues a series of meetings launched in the 1960sat Ohio State/Denison University by hans zassenhaus. The two http://www.ncf.edu/PublicAffairs/Documents/archives/Zassenhaus Math Conference.h | |
73. NorgesLexi - Norsk Politisk Dokumentasjon På Internett! Han og hans folk fortsatte arbeidet, men det utviklet seg snart til en BN zassenhaus,Hiltgunt (1916), født i Hamburg, tolk for de norske sjømannsprestene http://www.norgeslexi.com/krigslex/x-y-z/x-z.html | |
74. Menschen Und Orden - Personenindex Translate this page N. Nadler, hans, Sächsischer Verdienstorden. Nagel-Hustede, Heike, Sportplakettedes Landes Hessen. Z. zassenhaus, Hiltgunt, Ehrendenkmünze, Hamburg. http://www.hdg.de/Final/deu/page3175.htm | |
75. History Of The Northeastern Section Of The MAA and mathematics teachers as Dirk Struik of MIT;David Widder,Garrett Birchoff,RalphBeatley,Richard Brauer,and Howard Raiffa of Harvard;hans zassenhaus at that http://www.southernct.edu/organizations/nesmaa/history.html | |
76. Laudatio Translate this page hans Wondratschek ist ein echter Rheinländer. Buch, das von den Autoren H. Brown,R. Bülow, J. Neubüser, H. Wondratschek und H. zassenhaus verfasst worden http://www.kristall.ethz.ch/DGK/mitteilungen/mit-22/Laudatio_Wondratschek.htm | |
77. Construction Of Commutative Diagrams grid. For example, the proof of zassenhaus's Butterfly Lemma can beillustrated by the diagram (appearing in Lang's book Algebra ). http://sunland.gsfc.nasa.gov/info/eplain/Construction_of_commutative_diagrams.ht | |
78. Research That autumn, at McGill University, I met a very different kind of mathematical animalHans zassenhaus, who could talk rings around any ring theorist, and in http://www.math.ubc.ca/~hoek/Research/research.html | |
79. Department Of Molecular Microbiology And Immunology ::H. Peter Zassenhaus, Ph.D. H. Peter zassenhaus, Ph.D Professor Ph.D., Ohio State University Columbus, 1979zassenp@slu.edu, Margossian, SP, Li, HL, zassenhaus, HP, and Butow, RA (1996). http://medschool.slu.edu/mmi/new/fac/zassenhaus.phtml | |
80. H. Cohen A Course In Computational Algebraic Number Theory Translate this page Die Pioniere der ''Computational Algebraic Number Theory'' wie hans Zassenhaushaben schon immer verlangt, die theoretischen Resultate der Algebraischen http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~CAIS/CAR/CAR14/node21.html | |
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