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Yunus Abu'l-hasan Ibn: more detail |
21. What Is Shi ibn yunus alNabati al-'Amili (d. 1473). *Kitab al-sirat al-mustaqim. ibnAbi Jumhur al-Ahsa'i (d. 1502). Sayyid abu'l-hasan Jilwah (d. 1896). http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/THRS/Rizvi.htm&e=42 |
22. History Of Mathematics Chronology Of Mathematicians A list of all of the important mathematicians working in a given century.Category Science Math Mathematicians Directories...... SB; Abd alJalil al-Sijzi (c. 970); abu'l-hasan ibn yunus (950-1009)*MT; Abu Mahmud Hamid ibn al-Knidr al-Khujandi (dc 1000) *SB; Abu http://aleph0.clarku.edu/~djoyce/mathhist/chronology.html&e=42 |
23. Muwatta Of Muhammad Ibn Al-Hasan Ash-Shaybani Malik informed us, yunus ibn Yusuf informed us from Sa'id ibn al Abi Dhu'ayb informedus from Yazid ibn 'Abdullah ibn Qusayt from abu'lhasan al-Bazzar http://www.bogvaerker.dk/Bookwright/muwatta.html&e=42 |
24. Ibn Khaldun On The Mahdi once said, A shi'ah trustworthy. Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn yunus said, We narratedto us from Mutarfif ibn Tarif from abu'lhasan from Hilal ibn 'Umar, 'I http://www.bogvaerker.dk/Bookwright/Mahdi.html&e=42 |
25. Full Alphabetical Index 780) ibn Qurra, Thabit (1507*) ibn Sina (Avicenna) (1965*) ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688)ibn Tahir (947) ibn Tibbon, Jacob (198) ibn yunus, abu'lhasan (1312) ibn http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm&e=42 |
26. Mathematicians Abd alJalil al-Sijzi (c. 970). abu'l-hasan ibn yunus (950-1009)*mt. Abu Mahmud Hamid ibn al-Knidr al-Khujandi (dc 1000) *SB. Abu http://www.chill.org/csss/mathcsss/mathematicians.html&e=42 |
27. IJ Index ibn Sina (Avicenna) (1965*), ibn Sinan, Ibrahim (688) ibn Tahir (947) ibn Tibbon,Jacob (198) ibn yunus, abu'lhasan (1312) ibn Yusuf Ahmed (660), Ibrahim, ibn http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/IJ.html&e=42 |
28. XYZ Index 800) Young, Grace Chisholm (583*) Young, William (112*) Yule, George (209*), yunus,abu'lhasan ibn (1312) Yushkevich, Adolph P (579) Yusuf Ahmed ibn(660). http://www.math.hcmuns.edu.vn/~algebra/history/history/Indexes/XYZ.html&e=42 |
29. Full Alphabetical Index Translate this page XYZ. Yang Hui (190) Yates Frank (439*) Youden, William (54) Young, William (112*)Young, Grace Chisholm (112*) Yule, George (209*) yunus, abu'l-hasan ibn (182). http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/4142/matematici.html&e=42 |
30. Answering Bahaullah / Baha'u'llah And The Bahai / Baha'i Faith - 3. ibn 'Asakir quoted yunus ibn Maysara ibn Halbas as saying that the Prophet hadstated This matter (namely the Khilafa 29. abu'lhasan 'Ali ibn Habib Al http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/3016/jerusalem.htm&e=42 |
31. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern Translate this page William Henry (20.10.1863 - 7.7.1942) Young, Grace Chisholm (15.3.1868 - 1944) Yule,George Udny (18.2.1871 - 26.6.1951) yunus, abu'l-hasan ibn (950 - 1009). http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html&e=42 |
32. Islam Perusteet (13); ibn Asakir kirjoitti kuulleensa yunus ibn Maysara ibn Halbasin kertoneen,että profeetta oli 29. abu'lhasan 'Ali ibn Habib Al-Mawardi, Al-Ahkam Al http://www.islamopas.com/jerusalem.html&e=42 |
33. Muhammadanism - Resources Compiled by asSayyid abu'l-hasan Muhammad ibn al 386. Malik, ibn Anas (Imam), Al-MuwattaThe First of a manuscript which contains yunus ibn Bukayr's report http://muhammadanism.org/Resources/default.htm&e=42 |
34. Prediction Of Own Death Islam 2. abu'lhasan Ali ibn Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus. http//www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/yunus.html.Born http://auriol.free.fr/parapsychologie/saints_autres.htm&e=42 |
35. Chapter One Commentary By Ibn 'Ajiba Shaykh abu'lhasan ash-Shadhili said, The adab of the Whoever abandons managementhas rest. Sahl ibn 'Abdullah said Reflect on the case of yunus when he http://www.wponline.org/vil/Books/IA_Hikmah/hikamcom1.html&e=42 |
36. Titres Par Discipline Translate this page 201, Quelques détails sur la vie privée du sultan mérinide abu'l-hasan, BLACHERE. 2600,La fondation de Badajoz par Abd al-Rahman ibn yunus Al-Jilliki (fin http://www.geuthner.com/discipline_livres.asp?iRef=3&e=42 |
37. Bukhari42 yunus and anNu'man related from az-Zuhri, And his blessings. . ibn Ka'b relatedthat ibn 'Abbas told him that 'Ali ibn Abi Talib People asked, O abu'l-hasan! http://bewley.virtualave.net/bukhari42.html&e=42 |
38. Islamic Community Of Greater Cincinnati -Articles- Taraweeh The yunus ibn 'Abdu'lA'la said, He is the master of In it, 'Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al'Asreportedthat he abu'l-hasan al-Qabisi related that he said, A man came http://www.cincimasjid.com/tadhkir/tabi_sahnun.html&e=42 |
39. Selected Listing Of Persian/Arabic Bahá'í Books In The Library based on Bombay 1894 ed) Shaykhu'rRa'is, abu'l-hasan Mirza, Hirat Taban printing),1351 Sh, 259 pages Tabari, Muhammad-ibn Jarir, Tarikh Afrukhtih, yunus Khan. http://bahai-library.org/archives/ahang.rabbani.html&e=42 |
40. The Origins And Early Development Of Shi`a Islam In this group, mention should first be made of abu'lhasan b. A 66 ibn Abi `Umayr67 said that he and his are recorded by Kashshi from Dawud b. yunus and Khalid http://www.karbala-najaf.org/shiaism/289-316.htm&e=42 |
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