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61. Www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/extras/conferences/ICCI95 includes John Baillieul, Toshio Fukuda, Floyd B. Hanson, KungFu Ng , CP Kwong,Allen R. Tannenbaum, Stephen ST yau, shing-tung yau and Wing-Shing Wong. http://www-control.eng.cam.ac.uk/extras/conferences/ICCI95 | |
62. Chinese Academic Link in Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of The University of Science and Technologyof China (USTC) Special guest Professor shing-tung yau (Cheng-Tong Qiu http://www.calink.org/nr/English/1998/7006.html | |
63. USTC Alumni Foundation Celebration of the 40th Anniversary of The University of Science and Technology ofChina (USTC) Special guest Professor shing-tung yau, Harvard University http://af.ustc.edu/fund/Reu/980812124402.html | |
64. The International Press Co., Ltd. Presents The Journal White, The space of minimal annuli bounded by an external pair of planar curves; LangFang Wu, The Ricci flow on complete R2 ; shing-tung yau, A splitting http://www.math.uci.edu/commin.html | |
65. Superstrings Translate this page shing-tung yau As dimensões extras não estão enroladas de maneira aleatória,mas em formas de Calabi-yau, de Eugenio Calabi, da Universidade da Pennsylvania http://astro.if.ufrgs.br/univ/string/string.htm | |
66. Sci.math FAQ: Fields' Medals 1978 Quillen, Daniel Orange, NJ USA 38 1982 Connes, Alain Draguignan France 35 1982Thurston, William Washington DC USA 35 1982 yau, shingtung Kwuntung China http://www.faqs.org/faqs/sci-math-faq/fields/ | |
67. Mathematical Research Letters Institute of Technology dws@math.mit.edu Hugh Woodin, University of California,Berkeley woodin@math.berkeley.edu shingtung yau, Harvard University yau@math http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/m/msg00363.html | |
68. Yau, S., Ed.: Seminar On Differential Geometry. (AM-102). Seminar on Differential Geometry. (AM102). Edited by shing-tung yau.Paper 1982 $77.50 / £54.00 ISBN 0-691-08296-0. Shopping Cart. http://pup.princeton.edu/titles/2265.html | |
69. Academy Members (Y) Yao, Andrew, ChiChih, I, 1, FELLOW. Yariv, Amnon, Zalman, I, 5, FELLOW.yau, shing-tung, I, 1, FELLOW. yau, King-Wai, II, 3, FELLOW. yau, Horng-Tzer,I, 1, FELLOW. http://www.amacad.org/members/y.htm | |
70. Dan Burghelea Home Page 430 530, shingtung yau (Harvard) Construction of some symplecticmanifolds. 600 900, Dinner at the Holiday Inn on Lane Avenue. http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/conferences/gd34/ | |
71. XVIIth Annual Geometry Festival: Previous Speakers buildings ; shingtung yau, Some theorems in Kähler geometry . 1991 atDuke Jeff lagrangian submanifolds ; shing-tung yau, Mirror symmetry . http://www.cims.nyu.edu/short_courses/events/previous.html | |
72. Members Of The School Of Mathematics YATES, Charles EM, 196465. yau, Horng-Tzer, 1987-88, 1991-92. yau, shing-tung,1971-72, 1979-80. yau, Stephen Shing-Toung, 1976-77, 1981-82. YE, Yangbo, 1986-87. http://www.math.ias.edu/ynames.html | |
73. Gokova '94 Rationally blowing down 4manifolds. shing-tung yau, Counting rational curveson algebraic manifolds. Spectrum of Laplacian on manifolds and graphs. http://www.math.metu.edu.tr/~gokova/1994/ | |
74. Editorial Board Of The New York Journal Of Mathematics shingtung yau Harvard University yau@math.harvard.edu. Consulting EditorJohn Randall Rutgers University randall@andromeda.rutgers.edu, http://nyjm.albany.edu:8000/Edboard.html | |
75. XVIIIth Annual Geometry Festival: Previous Speakers shingtung yau, Some theorems in Kähler geometry . 1991 at Duke shing-tung yau, Mirror symmetry . 2002 at the Courant Institute of the Mathematical Sciences http://www.math.duke.edu/conferences/geomfest03/previousspeakers.html | |
76. Zhejiang University CMS DIRECTOR shingtung yau. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR shing-tung yau (Chair) (HarvardUniversity). Shuping Chen (Zhejiang University and Guizhou University),. http://cms.zju.edu.cn/listcontent.php?urldirect=Organization&language=en |
77. Adjunct Professor Shing-Tung Yau ¥C ¦¨ ®ä ±Ð ±Â The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. | |
78. English Books > Mathematics > Geometry - Differential Seminaire De Probabilites XXIX ; Paperback ISBN 3540602194 Seminar on DifferentialGeometry yau, shingtung; Hardback; Book ISBN 0691082685 Seminar On http://book.netstoreusa.com/index/bkbmb203O.shtml | |
79. Table Of Contents Weight. 145. . . ARTICLE, Siu, YumTong; yau, shing-tung Compact KählerManifolds of Positive Bisectional Curvature. 189. . . ARTICLE, | |
80. Paths To Erdos William P. 3 Tits, Jacques 4 Uhlenbeck, Karen K. 3 Varadhan, Srinivasa SR 2 Whitehead,George W. 4 Wiles, Andrew J. 3 yau, shingtung 2 Zelmanov, Efim I. 3 http://www.oakland.edu/~grossman/erdpaths.html | |
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