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41. Some Papers Some Papers Duality and Fibrations on G_2 Manifolds, written withSergei Gukov and shingtung yau. Open-String Gromov-Witten http://www.math.nwu.edu/~zaslow/papers/papers.html | |
42. Biography-center - Letter Y yau, shingtung www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/yau.html;Yeats, William Butler www.nobel.se/literature/laureates/1923/yeats-bio.html; http://www.biography-center.com/y.html | |
43. Xianfeng Gu's Homepage conformal parameterization in the graphics field, and computational conformal geometryin the mathematics field with collaboration with Professor shingtung yau http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~gu/ | |
44. Matches For: Editorin-Chief for the series is Harvard University Professor of Mathematics,shing-tung yau. (ISSN 1089-3288) Hardcover and softcover. http://www.ams.org/bookstore/amsipseries | |
45. The Scientist - Former Los Alamos Lab Chief Scientist Named Gordon Conferences' News. Former Los Alamos Lab Chief Scientist Named Gordon Conferences' New Director,AAAS Honors Public health advocate, shingtung yau, Carold Hall, Jan Visser http://www.the-scientist.com/yr1994/mar/people_940307.html | |
46. USTC Alumni Association At Boston 2 Divinity Ave, Cambridge. Free admission. Everyone is welcome. KeynoteSpeaker Professor shingtung yau, Harvard University. Fields http://web.mit.edu/chenj/www/ustc/symposium.html | |
47. Re: Who Is Calabi-Yau (originator Of Calabi-Yau Manifolds)? What Ishis/h myname appeared. The answer to the question in the subject line is Eugenio Calabi and shingtung yau , two mathematicians. See for http://www.lns.cornell.edu/spr/2002-08/msg0043644.html | |
48. International Conference On Control And Information 1995 includes John Baillieul, Toshio Fukuda, Floyd B. Hanson, KungFu Ng, CP Kwong,Allen R. Tannenbaum, Stephen ST yau, shing-tung yau and Wing-Shing Wong. http://www.csc.fi/math_topics/Mail/NANET94/msg00576.html | |
49. Preprint Archiv Loose, Frank Polden, Alexander Selivanova, Elena Simon, Leon Sinestrari, Carlo (withHuisken, Gerhard) Stahl, Axel yau, shingtung (with Huisken, Gerhard). http://www.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de/ab/analysis/pub/publications.g.html | |
50. SFB 382 Teilprojekt B2 Translate this page Huisken, Gerhard und yau, shing-tung Definiton of the Center of Mass for IsolatedPhysical Systems and Unique Foliations by Stable Spheres of Constant Mean http://www.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de/sfb/B2/B2.html | |
51. World-renowned Scientists Made Constructive Comments On S&T Development In China shingtung yau, were invited to the Symposium. Prof. shing-tung yau from HarvardUniversity lectured on The Mathematics in the 21 st Century. http://www.bulletin.ac.cn/Topic/KIP/KIP005.htm | |
52. IPAM G2M2003 - Geometry And Physics Of G2 Manifold Organizing Committee. HuaiDong Cao (IPAM) Naichung Conan Leung (University of Minnesota)Cumrun Vafa (Harvard University) shing-tung yau (Harvard University). http://www.ipam.ucla.edu/programs/g2m2003/ | |
53. Matemáticos De Nuestro Tiempo (2) Translate this page Medalla Fields de 1982, junto con Alain Connes y shing-tung yau. Obtuvo laMedalla Fields en 1982, junto con William Thurston y shing-tung yau. http://personales.ya.com/casanchi/ref/matematicos02.htm | |
54. ICCM2001 Committee Lo Yang (The Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Stephen yau (Universityof Illinois at Chicago, USA) ? shingtung yau (Chairman, Harvard http://math.cts.nthu.edu.tw/Mathematics/iccm2001/Committee.htm | |
55. Scientific Advisory Committee Chinese, Professor shingtung yau Department of Mathematics Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA 02108 USA E-mail yau@math.harvard.edu. Professor Tai-Ping Liu http://math.cts.nthu.edu.tw/Mathematics/english/advisory_c/advi_c-eng.html | |
56. Algebraic Geometry Authors/titles Feb 2002 Title Counting FourierMukai partners and applications Authors Shinobu Hosono,Bong H. Lian, Keiji Oguiso, shing-tung yau Comments AMS LaTeX, 22 pages http://arxiv.org/list/math.AG/0202 | |
57. Mirror Symmetry I Mirror Symmetry I. Edited by shingtung yau, Harvard University, Cambridge,MA. This volume is an updated edition of Essays on Mirror http://www.intlpress.com/books/math/mirsymI.html | |
58. AMS/IP Studies The first series, Studies in Advanced Mathematics , is edited by shingtung yau.The second series, Collected Works , features several prominent editors. http://www.intlpress.com/orders/AMS-IP.html | |
59. Special Geometries, Special Lagrangian, HyperKahler Manifolds, Etc. Mukai Transform and Mirror Symmetry for DBranes on Elliptic Calabi-yau AuthorsBjorn Andreas, Gottfried Curio, Daniel Hernandez Ruiperez, shing-tung yau. http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~hyeon/rap/8special.htm | |
60. MPI MIS Leipzig - List Of Preprints 2000 Preprint Nr. 8/2000. Felix Finster, Joel Smoller, and shingtung yau (Pleasedirect correspondence to Felix.Finster@mathematik.uni-regensburg.de). http://www.mis.mpg.de/preprints/2000/ | |
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